Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 1846: Chief Cui Lu voted for the Northern Wei Dynasty

The latest website: Murong Lin's face changed: "Aunt Lan, you don't really want to destroy Wei in a fight. It's okay to play as a slogan, something that the father and emperor can't do, we How can it be done now that there are internal and external difficulties? Now most of the counties and counties in Hebei have turned to Wei, and even Lu Pu and Cui Yun, the leaders of the Han family, have accepted Wei's official position. Are you too confident?

Murong Lan smiled slightly: "If I tell you that letting Lu Pu defraud Wei Jun is a key part of this plan, would you still think so?"

Murong Lin looked at Murong Lan, his eyes widened, and he couldn't say a word.

Outside the Zhongshan city, Wei Jun ’s main camp, Tuobagui looked at the two Eguan Bo belts standing in the tent with broad breeze and big sleeves, and a Chinese dressed as a Confucian, smiled and said: "Mr. Cui, Mr. Lu, you Both of them are leaders of the Han family in Hebei. At this time, it is a blessing for me to be able to join my great Wei and share my great cause with me. Many of my brothers are foreigners and have a simple personality. Family etiquette, in the future, we still need to ask two gentlemen for advice. "

A 50-year-old, chubby old man standing on the left, is the leader of the Cui clan of Qinghe. He paid a salute to Tuoba Han: "Since Yongjia's riot, the Hebei people have been affected by this military disaster. After a long battle of war, the great Wei Tianzi was destined to heaven, but within a few years, he would be able to unify the desert. It was in response to the prophecy of the destiny's son to save the people. We Hans, knowing that the people who know the current affairs are Junjie, for the people of the world to be able to solve the overhang as soon as possible. It is my misfortune that I should have voted for the Lord as early as possible. It is my Cui Yun ’s luck to be able to serve His Majesty. "

On the side, Lu Pu laughed and said, "Fan Yang Lu, I have long admired the name of the tiger of the great Wei Tianzi. This time Wang Shi came to Dingbei, I waited for him. I used to suffer from Murong's obstruction, and I can't let go, now finally It is an honor for me to be able to work. "

A heavy "hum" appeared in the crowd on one side, the smile on Tuobagui's face was sluggish, and he looked at the source of the voice with everyone, only to see He Lanlu's arms folded, covering his face Is disdainful.

Tuobagui hooked the corner of his mouth and turned to a smiley face: "Mr. Lu, Mr. Cui, this is He Lanlu, an adult from the Helan Department. My brother, who is honest and not very ceremonial, This is how their Helan Department welcomes friends, please do n’t be surprised. "

Lu Pu was about to respond with a smile, only to hear He Lanlu suddenly said in Chinese: "Your Majesty is right, we are barbarous, we do n’t understand the etiquette of your Han people, just what you think in your heart, just say what you say, press us He Lan ’s rules are that the people who want to drink and work together are all brothers. Even if they are brothers, then you have to talk about something, and you have to ask one or two for some things, right. "

Tuobagui's complexion dimmed, and said coldly, "Master Helan, you have been struggling to siege these days, and you are a little tired. Today, there are VIPs coming to vote. For the defense work outside, please ask you to inspect. Go first. . "

He Lanlu gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, before I leave the account, I have a few questions to ask these two Han family leaders. I don't know if it is possible?"

Tuobagui's face became more and more ugly, without saying a word, Cui Yun smiled and said: "It turns out to be Master He Lan who is outside the tiger's name. I don't dare to ask for the word, but you have some doubts, you can ask on the spot, I know it all answer."

He Lanlu haha ​​smiled: "Very well, then I would like to ask you, Mr. Cui has successively worked in the post Zhao, Ran Wei, Qian Yan, Qian Qin, Dong Jin, Zhai Wei, Hou Yan, now come to our big Wei, even if we are slaves on the grassland, we will be ashamed of being cast in the three tribes, and no longer will anyone trust you. You can survive without so many princes. High officials are very good. How can this be done? "

As soon as this remark came out, everyone's face changed, and all smiles on the face had become terrified. Everyone's eyes were all turned on Tuobagui, and he saw him expressionless, so he sat there, but Everyone can see that his hand holding the scepter has been tightly grouped together, it seems that he is not holding the scepter, but pinching He Lanlu's neck!

Cui Yun's complexion became ugly, and he turned to haha: "I just said that the person who knows the current affairs is Junjie, the world is in chaos, the countries are fighting each other, and each has occupied the world for several years. Treating the people, having the world to serve the people, and being able to sit in the world are at least favored by the world within the few years of sitting in the world, and we should do our best to assist, go up to the king, and go down to the people, this is our Han doctor Ideas. You said that the former monarchs I had worked for, I have done my best to be a minister, and they are worthy of the beneficiaries they gave me. Even if they died, I have not betrayed them and betrayed them. Why not? What a shame? "

He Lanlu didn't expect Cui Yun to answer in this way, but he was at a loss for a while and was speechless.

Lu Pu on the side said coldly, "Master Helan, we are here in the Central Plains, not the grasslands. Your tribes in the grasslands live by water and grass, and they have no fixed place. The tribes attack, and they do n’t even know who the enemy is. I ca n’t find the Chou family, but we are different, our grandparents are here ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The fields are here, the family business is here, and the run ca n’t be run away, so as long as it ’s not the prince who deceives too much, let us not We can only be loyal to our life, and pay taxes to anyone who is in the country. As long as he does not harm Li Min and paint charities, we have no reason to resist. As for whether this world can sit and sit firmly, then Depends on his own ability, he will help when he has the way, and he will abandon it when there is no way. What is incomprehensible? "

He said here, he paused: "At least, in my impression, He Lanbu first voted for Qianyan, and then joined the Dugu Ministry, and later formed an alliance with Xiyan, even according to what Lord Helan said. Three servants, I'm not afraid, and your tribe once openly attacked your majesty. If it wasn't for your majesty's broad-mindedness, don't blame it in the past. Presumably we won't be standing here together today, so why come up aggressive? "

He Lanlu exasperatedly said, "Asshole! What are you two Han minions, who are equal to us generals who have been following His Majesty for many years? Do you have the ability to attack the city and conquer the land?"

Cui Yun said coldly: "We Han people, fighting wisdom and fighting strength, let's say, even if it is a battle, Master Helan, you are very capable? Before Ye City was defeated, the loss was more than half, and then the letter was also unstoppable for a long time, His Majesty. Once he shot, he won the Jiancheng and ran away Murongfeng in less than a day. If Dawei only had the ability to fight like you, Lord Helan, I won't be here today. "

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