Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 1870: Father and son meet again

Murong Chao turned his head around and looked at the people in the surrounding temple.

A general with long beard and chest around the age of about fifty, is the Murong Zhong of the Beihai King. He was also one of the best fighters in Xiyan. After his death, Xiyan surrendered to his cousin Murongbeide and became his left arm and right arm. After Nan Yan was established, he was also named King of the North, and Han Fan, vaguely and chief of the civil service, became the pillar of the country. He smiled and said: "The King and the nephew finally reunite. We are happy to congratulate. Let's narrate family matters. "

Murong Fa snorted heavily in his nose, turned his head away, and Feng Fu on the side quickly followed, whispering, "Nanhai Wang, so it's a little rude."

Murong Fa didn't look back and said loudly: "When the Emperor Wu Han of the Western Han Dynasty used to say that he was the Crown Prince, he almost deceived the throne, and he said that he was the nephew of the king for many years with just a gold knife. It ’s a drama, Feng Shangshu, you ’re in charge of the prison, I think, you have to look up the origin of this person! "

Murong Beide's face was gloomy, and he looked at the officials in the first hall, following Murong Fa, and gradually left. Almost everyone was whispering. Murong Chao sneered after everyone left, "It seems The return of my nephew made many people unhappy. "

Murong Beide sighed: "Let's go back too."

The nearby attendants, including Duan Hong, the leader of the Imperial Guards, were all surprised. For a teenager who had never met, withdrawing all the guards, it made them unbelievable. Duan Hong ticked his mouth: "King, By etiquette, I should wait ... "

Murong Beide smiled slightly: "It's okay, between our uncles and nephews, it's not an outsider, some housework, or some privacy, you can leave it, don't worry."

Duan Hong waved his hand and retreated with all the guards. In the hall, only the uncle and nephew (father and son) were left.

When everyone left, Murong Chao suddenly fell to his knees and knocked on three heads: "Ah! Please give me peace!"

Murong Beide stroked the top of his head with tears in his eyes: "It turns out that you know all these things."

Murong Chao said with tears: "It was when the child was twelve years old that my grandmother was about to die. Unfortunately, my grandmother didn't live to the present and saw our father and son meet again. Although the child was young, he also knew that this matter Never be outsiders, outside, I will always be your nephew. "

Murong Beide sighed: "Your mother, how are you?"

Murong Chao shook his head: "In these years, our family has been displaced, and it turned out to be Zhou Ji from Uncle Huyan, but later Uncle Huyan enlisted in Xiqin and killed the battlefield, and our family broke the source of their lives. Grandma did some sewing work for her to work hard. Afterwards, Xi Qin was defeated by Houliang, and our family also moved to Guzang City with the refugees. I thought that the day would be settled down, but I did not expect Houliang to be in trouble again. Even I was recruited to join the army and almost killed the battlefield. If Lü Long did not know the current affairs and surrendered to Hou Qin in time, maybe our father and son would never meet again. "

Speaking of which, he couldn't bear the sadness anymore. Two lines of tears shed and soaked Murong Beide's dragon robe.

Murong Beide sighed: "In these years, you have suffered, in this troubled world, from the emperor's general to the civilians, no one knows whether it will be alive tomorrow, but fortunately, this time Our father and son are finally able to meet each other. Unfortunately, you are in a hurry to come back. If you can bring your mother and your wife, it will be even better. "

Murong Chao shook his head: "This is also a helpless move. The man in black robe said that there is no way to take our family, because Yao Xing sent a whistle to stare at our family day and night. If we go together, the goal is too big. Last year The Western Qin prince, who was hostage in Nanliang, begged for fierce fierceness, just because he wanted to take his wife and children to flee together, so he caught him back, so when he fled for the second time, he was alone, and this succeeded. Changan Everyone knows that if it wasn't for the black robe, he found someone who looked exactly like me, and replaced the bag, and my friend Gongsun Wulou had some relationship in Chang'an, and escaped from the waterway. , Still in Chang'an. "

Murong Beide nodded: "Your friend's surname is Gongsun? Is that your grandma's clan?"

Murongchao laughed: "It is precisely that the grandfather on the fifth floor of Gongsun is the grandmother's clan brother. Originally, he thought that the grandmother had two sons who were officials in the former Qin Dynasty. They came to surrender. Uncle Huyan, oh, I should call my father-in-law, taking advantage of the war in the pre-Qin period, and led our family to escape from the dead prison. The Gongsun family also walked along with me. I was born almost the same month with him, so I played since I was young. At the turn of life and death, he went to Chang'an two years earlier, and had some friends in the local area, so he could help me escape. This time, in order to join me on the road, he also left his wife and children. It is a real life. "

Murong Beide said sincerely, "Since you have come to Guanggu and Nanyan, why don't you identify yourself earlier and come to find your father? Today, you are actively showing the gold sword on your square, is it to announce everyone, you It's the Prince of the Golden Knife, so that no one can secretly strike you? "

Murong Chao nodded: "Yes ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This is the strategy I discussed with me on the fifth floor. The father and the king have no future, and everyone in the world knows that Nan Yan is thinking of taking your place. A few times, if I only report my identity to the government, or to which general, if this person fancyes your throne, they may secretly poison the child. Only by making the identity public in front of everyone, can the child be safe. "

Murong Beide said with satisfaction: "Yes, this is indeed the best way to protect you. This Gongsun fifth floor is quite tricky, but this person is very greedy, my men return, his package, there are all kinds of gold and silver soft Life is the most important thing when fleeing. Other things can be thrown away, but he does not want to give up with so many things. If such a person has power, he will be extremely greedy, so, I ca n’t give your friend too high an official position, otherwise it will harm the country. "

Murong Chao shook his head: "Father, where do you want to go? The public identity outside, I'm just your nephew. Like Murong Town, Murong Bell, Murong Fa, the princes of the clan, nothing special, your throne, me I have no interest. I can see my father and my father in this life, and I can do my filial piety as a nephew in my life. The blood and family relationship is the basis of our life! "

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