Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 1875: Fearless of death and fear of death

Liu Daojiu quickly waved a few flags. This flag protruding out of the city alone led to the fire attack of dozens of bows and arrows under the city. Six or seven branches finally hit the city head. Liu Daoqi dropped the flag. At the same time, these bows and arrows hit the side of him softly, and two of them touched the armor on him. They fell like dead branches, and they couldn't even be embedded in the armor. Liu Daoji ticked off with disdain. Mouth: "Weak!"

Liu Yu's eyebrows were tightly locked. He looked at Liu Daogui and said righteously: "Never underestimate your opponents. In terms of strength, maybe they are weak, but in terms of will, I believe they are not afraid to die. An army unafraid of life and death will always be terrible. "

Liu Daojiu's complexion changed, and he heard only a heavy sound of more than 100 sounds, which sounded from the moat ditch. That was the celestial masters who laid the cloud ladder directly on the three or four meters wide ditch, and then Running over these ladders one after another, someone kept stepping on the empty foot, or could not control the balance of the body, and fell into the pit on the side, and was suddenly pierced by the pointed wooden piles, even screaming. It ’s too late to send out, and it ’s so out of breath. Even if you look at the gate of the city, the **** and cruel scene will make people discolored, but the other celestial masters are blind to it, not even watching those falling The tragic companion in the pit glanced with blood in his eyes, shouting the fanatical slogan, and struck forward.

Muronglan's eyebrows were frowned. For the first time, she witnessed the performance of these brutal and fearless Taoists on the battlefield. She shook her head and said inconceivably: "These people seem to be in the magic arts. Fear of life and death, how does Heavenly Master Dao do it? "

Liu Yu said indifferently: "It's very simple. Let these people drink water before the battle, that is, burn a few sheets of yellow rune paper, turn it into ashes, sprinkle it in wine or water, and then let people drink it separately, these people I believe that if you drink it, you will become a longevity. You are not as good as a knife and a gun. It is infinitely powerful and will not die. "

Liu Daogui couldn't help but say: "But these fushui is not that kind of evil pill. After eating these, you will always be injured by swords and arrows. If you die, will others believe it?"

Speaking of which, he pointed at the moat ditch where hundreds of skewers were skewered into adult meat skewers: "Brother, like the dead ghosts in these ditch, they died directly in front of their companions, What other nonsense will others believe? "

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "Because sincerity is spiritual, drinking Fushui is the blessing of Heavenly Master, but this blessing only works if you are honest with Heavenly Master. These short-lived ghosts fall because of their hearts. Dishonest, if you run slowly, or your legs can't stand, you will fall off, of course, you will die like an ordinary person. Explain this way, do you think others will believe it? "

Muronglan's eyes flashed with anger: "This brainwashing of these innocent people into a cold-blooded demon, these people, Sun En, all of them are worth a thousand knives!"

Liu Yu shook his head, moved his neck, and a sound of joints and muscles sounded out his calm and decisive words: "First turn these long-lived people really into long-dead ghosts, and then talk about others, Let ’s also let the handsome leader Yao and his men see that more than 5,000 people are not sincere, what will happen! "

The words were not falling, Liu Yu stood up, picked up the six-stone iron tire bow, the head of the independent city, and held a bow and arrow in his right hand, facing the heavenly masters who swarmed under the city, and named each one!

The sounds of "Woo" and "Woo" are endless, and they are obviously different in color from ordinary Taoists. Most of them are eye-catching red towels or black scarf-headed little leaders. At almost the moment when the previous arrow left the string, a new arrow was put on the string. The speed was so fast that it was unremarkable, and almost at the same time as his bow string sounded, there was a muffled or screaming sound under the city. In just half a minute of kung fu, there were more than ten front-line primary school teachers who died in the sky.

A commander with a white towel wrapped around his head, holding a horn bow that is obviously one size larger than the companions around him, while taking the arrow, he shouted: "Give me all the enemy generals in that city, Heavenly Master Give us power ... "

He hadn't finished his words. A strong wind hit him, and he didn't even have time to turn his neck to see it. It was an arrow, which was inserted directly from his right cheek gang and drilled from the left cheek gang. The **** arrow was clearly embedded in the **** arrow. A blood-stained posterior molar, and from the cheek he shot completely, it can be seen that the tooth that has smashed the mouth with this arrow, accompanied by his almost surprise and pain, opened The horrible and **** expression of the eye that is about to pop out of the eye socket can make people dizzy.

But none of the archers around him were dizzy, and even few watched how he fell to the ground and died. They hurriedly pulled out their bows and bowed their strings, and directed Liu Yu, who was still shooting bows, to shoot.

Several shields were waving in front of Liu Yu. Murong Lan and several guards danced these shields like a windmill. Around one foot in front of Liu Yu, a shield wall with air waves was formed. ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Some of these bows and arrows flying up to the head of the city, even if they didn't even touch the edge of the shield, were blocked by this strong energy and fell to the head of the city. At least hundreds of bows and arrows were shot at Liu Yu. Except for more than half of the outrageous, the remaining forty arrows did not even hit Liu Yu.

With Liu Yu's actions, the originally empty city suddenly stood up with more than three hundred armed archers, each holding a strong bow of more than four stones, without a password, facing the dense crowd under the city, It was a burst of fire. Just now, the siege crowds fell down one by one. Just like the millet land blown by the wind, they fell over in pieces. On the line of the moat, hundreds of people shot arrows. After falling into the ditch, not only this, but also knocked down, driving one or two people around to fall down. Suddenly, the **** spikes with corpses disappeared, and only people were crowded. It ’s almost a kung fu of tea, nearly 1,000 people fell into the ditch, and this moat ditch is about to be filled directly.

Dozens of rope hooks hit the city head, and some of the celestial masters who rushed down the city began to want to climb the wall through the rope hook. The city head knife hooked out and cut these ropes up to half. The celestial masters of the city screamed and fell down the city, and they also smashed a bunch of people. Then, countless stones and big trees were smashed on the head of the city, smashing the crowd that gathered more and more under the city into one. Piles of vague flesh, screams and screams began to overshadow the praises of the heavenly masters, and the original red eyes, like the ant colony, flocked to the city walls, some of them began to turn around quietly, toward Then escaped.

Liu Yu continued to open bows and arrows, but said in his mouth: "The people who are not allowed to shoot back, let all the heavenly masters see that they can live only if they are not sincere!"

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