Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 1881: There are worries about the chasing

Meng Longfu said that the halberd stepped forward, together with more than a dozen companions around him, spurting together, Yao Sheng tried in vain to wave his curved blade to resist, but he could not stop the concentration of more than ten branches The thorn, suddenly gave a deep heart, and in the moment before he closed his eyes, it seemed to hear Liu Yu's mocking voice: "Heart is longevity ?!"

The battle roar of "the dead Yao Yao" was heard everywhere on the battlefield, and Yao Sheng's head was also hung in the city's head, because this head was too big and special, and everyone in a circle could see it Clearly, not only the demon troops outside the city retreated like a tide, but even the "eternal people" who climbed the city were trembling, raining down from the city or jumping off themselves. At the height, most of the fallen people were either dead or disabled. A few people had good luck. Those who jumped on some corpse pads could continue to move and limped and fled towards the distance.

Hundreds of firework colors, greased Beifu warriors, swiftly flying, chasing down the fleeing enemy troops, those heavy armored Tianshidao fighters, this time fell out of the mold, and they all caught up. The iron armor and leather armor are like paper paste in front of the steel weapons of the gods of the Beifu Army. The sharp swords in everyone's hands are stained with red blood, and within ten miles, the corpse is sleeping, There are countless demon thieves, please kneel down, with the women and children of the back army, screaming and running around on the battlefield, everything is so chaotic.

Liu Yu walked back to Chengtou, Muronglan was smiling, holding his arms, standing there, laughing, "I originally wanted to shoot Yao Sheng at Chengtou, then I came to see you went directly to him, just Closed your hands, you have n’t done this for a long time. Why did you give the Raptors their credit this time? ”She said while picking up a leather bag and handing it to Liu Yu, "Thirst, drink some water, and the wine will not be given to you. Drinking too much wine after the war will hurt your body."

Liu Yu walked to Murong Lan's side, took the leather sac, and lifted it for a while, and almost half of the water in the leather sac entered his stomach. After drinking, he raised the leather sac over his head, facing his head. A violent drizzle, all of the body's grease, was flushed out, and he shook his head while showering like this: "It's really a **** bird, it's not delicious!"

Murong Lan said angrily: "Then next time I will find water to drink myself, and I have no good intentions. You have not thanked me for giving you these fire retardant oil formulas. This is our Murong's secret. It is cheaper for you. . "

Liu Yu smiled: "Yeah yeah, this is a good thing. With this thing, even the black demon water is ignited, you don't have to be afraid. However, even without this, we can break Yao Sheng, his The fighting strength of those men is still incomparable with our Beifu soldiers. "

Muronglan's eyebrows flickered slightly, pointing at about five miles outside the city. The running dragon, the halberd still waving like a windmill, and the Menglong rune like the **** of killing, every time he stabbed, there will be a screamer He fell down, and he was too lazy to be like other fighters. After killing the enemy and cutting off the first level, he ran directly to the next target.

"Did you see that, Brother Wolf, this Raptor is really too much like you, except that his murderousness is too heavy and unrestrained, I am worried that I will suffer a big loss in the future."

Liu Yu shook his head disapprovingly: "The brothers of the Beifu Army are all such warriors. There is nothing. On the battlefield, they will all listen to the generals. Now my order is to chase freely, but only kill the enemy. Jiashi, don't hurt the civilians, and those who drop down on their knees are not allowed to kill. You see, the Raptors have not violated this military order now. "

Murong Lan shook his head: "That's your problem. There is no prescribed range and distance for chasing and killing. In addition, chasing and fleeing enemies is usually done with cavalry. You let the infantry chase and cut people like this. It ’s not good. The brothers in Beifu, do n’t care about killing Xingtou. As the general, you should restrain them more than show up here. In case other troops of Heavenly Master will come here, I ’m afraid you A big loss. "

Liu Yu smiled and held Muronglan's prime hand: "It's not reluctant to let you down, you can't rest assured that you, the other units of Heavenly Master Dao, the nearest one is now hundreds of miles away, and it's impossible to reach the battlefield, They are not rushing here. "

Murong Lan froze for a moment before drawing his hand: "How do you know, do you still have eyeliners outside?"

Liu Yu smiled and pointed at the city wall in the distance, clearing the dead bodies on the wall, reorganizing the militia troops of the Shen family, saying, "I am in Wudi, and now I am not without eyes and ears. These are my tyrants. Men, not only brought the tribes of the tribes to help me defend the city, their tribes, neighbors, but also watched every move of Wu Di, the trend of the army of the thieves, I was in this chapter city, but Clearly. "

Murong Lan shook his head: "How can these villagers pass the intelligence to you without spy training?"

Liu Yu smiled slightly, pointing to the west direction, a swollen gray smoke column, said: "In the two years when you were away, the fat man and Xian Zhi were not idle. They trained their eyeliners in every village in Wudi. To find one or two smart people, teach these beacons, the method of bird communication, within five hundred miles, I know the movements of a large number of enemy forces. If not, how can we formulate this defense strategy? If it is an enemy There are ambushes outside the military city, swindling and tempting me, then would n’t I risk the lives of the soldiers for it? "

Murong Lan sighed: "I know that you are military ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ has always been very cautious, plan and move, not just a brave man who is brave enough, but brother Wolf, you know, not everyone It ’s just like you, the Raptors are brave generals, but they are too easy to break, they will kill them, and they will lose money sooner or later. If you want him to be alone in the future, instead of listening to your orders, it ’s better to do it now. It must be restrained and controlled. "

Liu Yu nodded: "What you said makes sense. I heard it. I will pay more attention to it in the future. But then, I am afraid that the whole army will start soon. Then there will be fierce battles in a row, so, When you come back this time, if you have anything to discuss with me, let ’s talk now. "

Muronglan's eyebrows frowned: "My things will be put aside first, and business affairs will be discussed first. You said that the other main forces of Tianshi Taoism do not come to a sentence at all. What does this mean?"

Liu Yu's eyes flashed coldly: "Because this time Master Tian went ashore, the goal was not Wu Di. They didn't want to fight the Beifu Army head-on to waste their troops and waste time. This time Sun En's landing has more ambitions than ever before. , So I forced to retreat Liu Shuai first, and then trapped me in the sentence with Yao Sheng, and their main force was to go north, break the sea salt first, then go to Wuxing, take the Hudu barrier, and then go along the river and take the Dajin Capital, Jiankang! "

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