Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 1883: Female Master Tenderness Maternal Stream

Muronglan looked at Liu Yu calmly: "I knew that you would think this way. Liu Yu, Liu Yu, your hero I, and even my husband and wife for so many years, but they did not stand up to this ridiculous Hanhu. Now Nan What's the situation with Yan? Or is it a big country that dominates the north with hundreds of thousands of armor and can go south to destroy Jin at any time? Even if my younger brother occupies the land of Qing Xu, even if he backs up from the founding of the People's Republic of China this time, there will be a little conflict with you in Eastern Jin. But now that he is facing great pressure from the Northern Wei Dynasty in the north, how can he become a mortal enemy with you in Eastern Jin Dynasty? As soon as this hostage is said, it is impossible to talk about it. I am Xingdi's mother and your wife. How can you ignore the child's life and death? "

Liu Yu smiled coldly: "Xing brother is now building Kangcheng, and Xian Zhi is protecting her. He also returns to Jingkou from time to time, stays with our Liu family, and lives with his grandmother, uncle does not live together, go to the state of tiger and wolf , Do you really think this is good for her? "

Muronglan said coldly: "Jingkou or Jiankang, not only your family, but also the mafia, you have no threat to Nanyan, even if there is a conflict, it will be many years later, but in Inside the Eastern Jin Dynasty, you do n’t want too many people who want to be against you! Whether it ’s the Mafia, the Taoist Tao, or even Huan Xuan, you want to control your family and threaten you. Just as you said, the devil When we travel north, we just want to take Jingkou first to control the families of the generals of the Beifu army. In the past, Jingkou was in Jiangnan, so do n’t worry too much about the problem of the northern Hu army going south, but now you are in constant civil unrest in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. With your second brother who is not so good at the brain, there is no way to protect my family's Xingdi!

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "So, I hope you can stay at home. Xingdi will be safe when you are here, but you have been walking around all these years, and your daughter doesn't even know you very much, and now you come back , I was actually going to take him to Nanyan, I really ca n’t believe it, you said it! "

With tears in Muronglan ’s eyes, Shen said, "Xing Di is not only your daughter, but also mine. Liu Yu, you can also have a lot of heirs with many women, but for me, she is mine Only, now I do n’t want her to stay here because Xingdi will be more and more unsafe. "

Liu Yu Shen said: "Why have you never said this before? You clearly know that for many years, Xingdi's foster care in Xie's house is actually under the control of the mafia, but what about it, we are not yet He killed a **** road. Those mafia once wanted to control the world, from Xi Chao to Wang Ningzhi, one by one, showing their original shape, and their reputations were broken. They can no longer be as harmful as they used to be. Why are they here? Now, you want to say that Brother Xing is not safe? Do you persuade yourself like this? "

Muronglan wiped his tears away, his expression became firm, and said loudly: "Because the Mafia may still want to cooperate with you before, but the end of those people makes them gradually give up this idea, as your status becomes more and more High, more and more important, more jealous of you, more and more jealous of you, the entire Dajin, not only the Mafia, but also Tianshi Dao, Huan Xuan, and even Huanxuan With these brothers from your Beifu Army, you really think, can you still be like Liu Yu, the former soldier, just ignore yourself and ignore your family? "

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "My status is getting higher and higher, the ability to protect them is getting stronger and stronger. When necessary, you can specifically protect my family, just like you protect Yan Guo."

Muronglan said coldly: "You also know that my surname is Murong. No matter how I change my name to Zang Aiqin, the blood of Murong's body in me will never change. If the eldest brother is alive and Yan is strong, I can naturally feel at ease You are together, but now Da Yan collapses, and I ca n’t be safe. How can I feel at ease with you? You ’re right. Xingdi can only be safe if she is with my mother. She is not a son, and she ca n’t threaten you. What, this is just a request that a mother wants to talk to the only daughter, and hope her father can agree. "

Speaking of which, Murong Lan ’s eyes were gleaming with tears, sincere and sincere, looking at Liu Yu, the true feelings revealed, this strong woman suddenly seemed so helpless, so lonely at this moment, almost anytime, anywhere, this tear To shed.

For the first time, Liu Yu saw his wife, so helpless and pitiful, and the heroic and strong woman in his impression was almost two, he quickly hugged her into his arms, this In an instant, Muronglan's two jade arms were tightly wrapped around his tiger's waist, and her head was buried deeply in Liu Yu's chest, and the thick bushes on his chest In the crystal, it is the tears of Murong Lan ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Maybe, only in the arms of her beloved husband, can she be so weirdly cry and show her weak side as a woman.

Liu Yu gently caressed her beautiful long hair. This time Muronglan did not braid her hair into a braid like a Xianbei woman, but a cloud-like waterfall hangs straight down. Do n’t have the son-in-law of a Han daughter. The smell of Malanhua, from her hair sheath, can melt away any man ’s steel ambitions directly. Liu Yu said softly: "Love, if you ca n’t let go of your clan, your little brother, wait When the matter of Jin is over, I can help him. As long as he is willing to submit to Dajin, I will do my utmost to keep him wealthy and protect your family. "

Muronglan sighed quietly without raising his head: "What you want is that Nan Yan commends you to the Eastern Jin Dynasty as the vassal state of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, right?"

Liu Yu nodded: "Probably, this is the only way to protect our two. When Murong was in Liaodong, he was a courtier of Dajin. Now he is not as powerful as he was then. I want to go to the emperor. It is probably the only choice for Dajin to be a minister and seek protection. If there is no two days in the world, there will be no two masters in the country. If your younger brother still insists on the title of emperor, he will be wiped out by Northern Wei and Dajin in the end. So far, there has been no official title of Emperor. I think it is a wise move. I am afraid that you should be advised. "

Murong Lan raised his head and looked at Liu Yu, his eyes gleaming: "My brother has no offspring, even if he is an emperor, he is also a successor. I will tell you the truth, this time back to Nanyan, I am ready to take over my child Brother, I will become the hostess of Yan Kingdom in the future. If you get to this point, Nan Yan ’s major affairs can be decided by me, then I will agree with what you said, and the whole country will be honored to the East Jin Dynasty. "

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