Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 1892: 8000 thieves into sea salt

Lu Xun's voice suddenly sounded in Sun En's ear: "Brother, although Liu Yu has left, there may still be some ambush in the city, such as the husbands and fathers of those women, they even got up with Liu Yu in revenge. Conflict, I ’m afraid to hide in the city at this time, so I ’ll send people into the city first, treat these people, confirm the safety of Haiyan, and then enter the city. ”

Sun En raised his mouth and said: "Is this necessary? In the past, this was not always the case. Let the male and female believers perform these celestial-human interaction ceremonies at the same time. After the ceremony, there is no family husband and wife, and they are all disciples. There are separate camps for men and women to facilitate management, and no one has any opinions. "

Lu Xun shook his head: "Those who are originally believers in the religion, or have a good impression, and the husband and wife are performing this ceremony at the same time, the man is also in other women, and will no longer feel the loss, the most important Yes, before these ceremonies, we will teach and teach these people, and take care of them in life, just like many people in our camp are about to starve to death. It is natural to trust us as a benefactor. "

"But these people in the city now are totally unbelieving. They gathered together to fight against us the last time they started their troops. This time, they would rather throw their wives and children into the city to defend. Now these men will only hate us. It will not change, so after entering the city, it is necessary to prevent these people from desperately wanting to attack us. At this time, brother, you must not enter the city, wait for these people to be handled and controlled, and do not enter late. "

Sun En frowned: "Then let the people in the city kill them first, or hand them over, and we will enter the city again."

Lu Xun sighed: "We can't stay in Haiyan for too long, not to mention that these people have a close relationship with other people in Haiyan City. I really want to let the people in the city deal with it. I'm afraid I will hide it, even for a day or two. No one will be handed over in time. It is better for us to enter the city to search and kill. On the one hand, we must control the arsenal and granaries in the city. On the other hand, we must give others power to let them know that they ca n’t obey. Only in this way can the people in the city be driven to Hudu. After all, starting from Hudu Base, they have to go through a series of siege battles, and they must be played according to the plan we have planned before. "

Sun En nodded: "Then do what you say, where is Sun Xing!"

A 30-year-old man with a full face, eight feet in length, and a black-faced bearded man, wearing a blue robe. The appearance of a thief and the Taoist disciples who are supposed to be immortal. They look extremely nondescript. , Came out, Shen said: "The disciple is here."

Sun En looked at Sun Xing and said, "Brother Sun, we are brother-in-law in the religion, and we are uncles and nephews in the world. In the past few years since you joined the army, you have also fought against the North and made countless achievements. How to deal with it. "

Sun Xing Shen said: "The disciples obeyed their orders, and the disciples entered the city, drove the people out of the city, and then killed the women's families to deter everyone."

Sun En nodded with satisfaction: "Remember, as before, the godfather will bless everyone outside the city to celebrate their new religion. Those who want to teach can join us, and those who do n’t want to teach You also need to get the Fu Water to prevent the evil spirits from entering the body, and let everyone go home at night, do n’t worry. As for those who refuse to follow their orders, they are said to be possessed by evil spirits, beheaded on the spot! "

Sun Xing made a salute and waved his hand: "Forward camp, follow me into the city!"

There are more than eight thousand sergeants who are wearing leather armor, covered with sky blue, sky blue, light blue and other robes representing different ranks, or holding swords or spears, fish penetrate the city, hundreds of archers , Quickly ran over the city wall, and Sun Xing rode a tall horse, caught in the Chinese army, and swaggered into the city. The Ding Song, who was still at the head of the city, and more than a dozen old men, had already left the city. , Kneeling down on the ground at the gate of the city, the seal of the Haiyan County magistrate was placed in front of Ding Song.

Sun Xing's horse passed Ding Song's side, and Dala Ladi said, "This is the master of the Xingyue altar of the gods, and Sun Xing, the former general. Are you old, now you are the main person in the city?"

Ding Song nodded: "Little old man is Fang Zheng of Xingshan Square in the city, named Ding Song, ignorant of Bao Bao, attempting to fight against the sect, not being able to control himself, he was killed by the people in the city, and Liu Yu also led the crowd to escape from the city , The people in the city publicly promoted the little old man to greet the **** religion, and the existing Haiyan County official printed it here, with both hands!

Sun Xing held out the big knife he held, picked up the official seal, looked at it in his hand, and said with a smile: "It is really the official seal of Haiyan, Ding Song, you have contributed to the city, according to the rules of the gods, in the future If you are the county magistrate of Haiyan, you should work hard not to disappoint the leader. "

Ding Song quickly said: "This is nature, this is nature. Little Laoer is willing to serve the gods in his life. However, this time the **** church is the same as last time. When we finally moved in, no matter whether we are new disciples? ? "

Sun Xing laughed: "So you are worried about this. Rest assured, this time the gods will come and you won't go away anymore. The master will want to clean up the king, enter Jiankang, and seize the world! You will have the glory and wealth of the world in the future. Now, let the people of the whole city come out to greet the gods, and then come to pray for the blessing of the master. Hey, how come there are tens of thousands of people in the city, you old people? Where did you go? "

Ding Song hooked his mouth: "People in the whole city, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com. After Liu Yu entered the city, they all concentrated to the granary and arsenal management, including the collection of the grain, and said that it was distributed centrally. Everyone in the city must listen to his instructions. Although Liu Yu is gone, the people in the city are still a little scared and do n’t know what will happen next, so they are still in the arsenal and granary at this time, no Dare to come out. "

Sun Xing hooked his mouth: "That is to say, food and ordnance are also by their side, right?"

Ding Song nodded and said, "Yeah, everybody guards together, or dedicate it to the gods."

Sun Xing laughed: "Well, lead the way, let's go to the granary!"

Ding Song stood up, stood on crutches, and walked trembling forward: "Little Laoer will lead the Lord Sun Tan."

Next to Sun Xing, a lieutenant general approached and whispered: "Brother Sun, the leader said just now, beware of ambush in the city."

Sun Xing waved his hand in disapproval: "It's okay, the spies have checked before, these people's houses are empty, and there are no fires. Besides, the city is controlled by our 800 archers, everything is there. Master, there is a large army outside the city. Liu Yu has already run away. Who can be an enemy with us? You go to the city and watch, I go to the granary and drive! "

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