Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 1919: Poisonous smoke

More than 10,000 people, still stagnated, even backed slightly, gave such a roar, plus seeing the more than 100 corpses full of arrows in the back, they were suddenly scared to turn and rush forward, originally from the city wall four Five hundred steps of them, like a turbulent crowd, rushed towards the root of the wall. The hundreds of people in the front rushed to the moat ditch about thirty steps away from the city wall, only to find that something was wrong and wanted to keep their footsteps. But the people who were running behind didn't even see the situation ahead. They were still rushing forward, and in just a moment, four or five hundred people in front were squeezed out of the moat. ditch.

Yuan Song looked at her eyes completely and shouted: "What are you waiting for, send me a crossbow, shoot arrows, and kill these inhuman beasts!"

As Yuan Song ’s order was issued, the crossbow machine in the city head started to fire, and the sound of the crossbow gun was endless, and when the catapult under the city was thrown, the sound of the falling arm and the cry of the sergeants operating in unison rang out. Regiment, this is the roar of Hudu City, with the anger of Yuan Song and the city's military and civilians, turned into flying stones and crossbow guns, two hundred steps away, followed by the Tianshi Road siege army behind the people During the battle, vent to the fullest.

The three or four-foot-long crossbow gun, hit the siege disciple of the siege fiercely, among the dense crowd, shot out in one blow, often can penetrate two or three people, and the flying stones, although only the size of a watermelon , But after hitting a person, not only can the unlucky ghost be smashed into flesh and blood, but it can even be carried along, beating a few people around him, but also falling down in a stone, falling all over the ground, blood splattered, and broken limbs flying , Suddenly in the dense siege team, causing hundreds of casualties.

But these disciples of Heavenly Master, all fearless to death, even if the companions in close proximity turned into blood mud, they could not shake their footsteps at all. After the sergeants who carried the ladder were killed, the nearest side His walking companions will immediately come forward and continue to fill up the vacancies. The followers on the back step on the corpses in front. Many people ’s feet are covered with fragments of blood mud and internal organs, but they are chanting those days. The slogan of Shidao, move on.

Archers at the head of the city also started to shoot arrows and shoot at the Tianshi Dao siege formations a hundred steps away. Outside the wall, the moat ditch at a distance of about thirty steps had already been given to thousands of people. The corpse was filled and almost flattened. Some poor guys still fell in the ditch and waved their hands to ask for help, but they immediately stepped on countless feet on their hands and head, and gradually disappeared without movement. Someone tripped, fell into the pit, and then quickly trampled on the people behind, even if the voice could not be heard.

In the formation of Tianshi Dao, at a distance of about 70 steps from the city, they stopped, and in the formation, more than a thousand sergeants with shields ran out, blocking the front two thousand archers In front of them, they waved shields in their hands against the arrows that were flying like locusts, and these archers bent their bows and set arrows, standing on the spot and shooting arrows against the city head, they were all muscular The upper limbs are sturdy, and the bow and arrow fired are far stronger than the defenders in Hudu City. Even if shooting under the city, the height is unfavorable, and it can form a hold with the arrow attack of the city head. Favorably.

"Shoot" "Shoot", two long arrows flew over Yuan Song's head, less than a foot away, scaring him to shrink his head, only to listen to "ding" and "ding", these two arrows shot Hitting the tower behind him, staring at the column, still shaking slightly.

With a shield in his hand, Wei Shunzhi came to Yuan Song's side and said with a deep voice: "Yuan Gong, these thieves are exceptionally elite, and the archers are well-trained. It is difficult for our city head to suppress them. Now we need to move closer to the crossbow gun and throwing stones The distance the car hits is the archer who attacks them in the front row. "

Yuan Song's mouth widened: "This, this is not okay, close the distance, I'm afraid, I'm afraid it will hurt the people under the city!"

Wei Shun stomped anxiously: "Yuan Gong, what time is it! Do you still care about these people? They ..."

His words did not fall. Suddenly, he flew from the bottom of the city to the top of the city. More than one hundred yellow and yellow **** smoked and gave out a pungent choking smell. Wei Shunzhi changed his face and cried, "No Okay, it ’s sulfur poisonous smoke, cover your nose quickly, "he said, tearing off an angle and covering his nose and mouth, but for this moment, the city had already filled with poisonous smoke everywhere. At least hundreds of archers fell down softly, and most of the remaining people were stooping and coughing violently, and still able to continue shooting arrows, less than a third of the original.

The guards around Yuan Song quickly pulled off his shirt and covered his nose. Yuan Song shouted: "These, these poisonous smoke, cough cough cough, where did they come from?"

Chen Yi came out and looked out of the city, shouting: "It's a thief, a thief mixed with the people, throwing poisonous smoke to the city head!"

Yuan Song looked at the situation and saw that among the crowd of people under the city, some people kept throwing these yellow poisonous smoke on the head of the city, but the height of the city, as long as it stood within ten steps of the wall , Almost by raising your hand, some people began to throw the rope hook into the city, hooked the battlement, and began to climb up the city!

Wei Shunzhi flew a kick, kicked the burning sulfur poisonous smoke in front of Yuan Song two steps, shouted: "Throw the sulfur all over the city ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ tumbling Shi greets down the city and no one is allowed to approach the wall! "

Yuan Song finally woke up and shouted, "Let the arrow, let the arrow go quickly, those who are close to the city walls and gates, don't talk about killing!"

But at this moment of time, suddenly, when a heat wave hit the face, Wei Shunzhi quickly waved his shield again and blocked it in front of Yuan Song, and more than ten guards also pulled out their waist swords and blocked them, which turned out to be this wave. The siege arrows rain, replaced by rockets, like hundreds of firebirds, rushed to the yellow smoke-filled city, many rockets hit those sulfur blocks that were still on the ground, and did not have time to throw them under the city. A huge fire broke out and ignited everything within a foot of the surrounding area. The firing crossbow machine, the archery sergeant, the arrow tower at the head of the city, and the sculls, including those behind the towers, all fell into pieces. Among the sea of ​​fire.

Thousands of archers and sergeants at the head of the city were also ignited by these flames. Some people just picked up the sulfur on the ground and wanted to throw it down the city, but they were ignited by these rockets. The whole person turned into a burning fireball, struggling, twisting, or igniting the people around him, or simply jumping down the city wall and falling into the crowd outside the city.

One of Wei Yong shook Yuan Song, who had seized the dumb chicken, and shouted loudly: "Yuan Gong, withdraw to the inner city, you can't hold it here!"

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