Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 1933: Re-brother opening conditions

Liu Yi's body began to shake voluntarily, his forehead began to sweat, and said sharply: "No, you don't think about it, I Liu Yi is Jingkou people, and my ancestors are all Jingkou people, don't want to drive me out of Jingkou! "

Liu Yu laughed: "Colluding with thieves and framing brothers and brothers, how do you become a Jingkou person? If you do these things, if you give them to the world, who will allow you in Jingkou? Hey, I am here to talk to you today. Rather than giving you these things, it is to give you the last chance to look back. If you continue to be obsessed, I will let you go, your new friends, and you will never give up this opportunity to break your reputation! "

Liu Yi gritted his teeth: "You said you would let me go, it wouldn't be unconditional, what do you want me to do, bow your head to Liu Yu and be soft, like Liu Jingxuan, become your answering bug? When did you think, I was You will never succumb to you if you die! "

Liu Yu smiled and waved his hand: "Here, you and I have been fighting since I was a kid. I like how you are like an enemy and a friend. This is more habitual than being my follower. To be honest, you are chasing after me With a black hand, I can also make me sleep and open my eyes. However, now that we have our own power and foundation, we will pinch at this time, it is not as simple as dying two Beifu soldiers , May destroy the Beifu Army, destroy the entire Jin Dynasty, and destroy the thousands of miles of our Han people. Look at the tragedy of the Yan Kingdom. If you break your family, do you want us to be like Murong Lin and Murong Bao, and beat themselves to the top, then let Hu Qi go south, or the thief succeeds? If so, you and I will only be eternal. Sinners will always be pinned on the column of shame in history, and will be scolded by future generations! "

Liu Yi sighed: "Okay, what do you want me to do, just say it, until now, I can only listen to you."

Liu Yu said indifferently: "First, I do n’t care what kind of cooperation you have with the thief before. From now on, everything will be interrupted immediately. The current thief, with us Jin, with the Beifu Army, is an endless enemy. In the past, I also cooperated with Lu Xun, but this cooperation has been completely terminated as they started fighting, and the last time you said to cooperate with them, one was out of jealousy for me, and the other was out of the command of Liu Dashuai. , I believe what you say, but in the future, all your thoughts will be used to counter the thief, even if it is out of this evidence for yourself, you should not leave the underground killer. "

Liu Yi gritted his teeth: "I only cooperated with them once, and I was under the command of Master Liu. Even if they bite me now, I can say that it is a countermeasure. However, like you, I hate the devil, and It ’s the best military merit to kill them now, and it ’s also my chance to make a fortune in this industry. I do n’t need to say that. I will do it too. ”

Liu Yu nodded: "This second point, as an old friend for many years, I advise you not to rely on the power of the Mafia to rise, let alone to join them. Now the Mafia, their power and strength are early. Just give Tian Shidao this chaotic destruction. Xi Chao and Wang Ningzhi ’s years of operation are also destroyed. Even Wang Xun is dead. It can be said that the old mafia has been cleaned up, and the newcomers cannot be more powerful than them. In the current world, the power of the family is declining sharply, and the emerging power is rising. We are the first to push the Beifu Army. We build on our own strength and build merits. We can be upright and obtain power and prosperity in a fair and decent way. What about human darkness? "

Liu Yi sneered: "Xie's family behind you is down, so I can't borrow external force, Liu Yu, Liu Yu, don't you think you are too hypocritical? You are now a well-known Beifu general, first Hero, but I will live under you all my life. When I make friends with my family, you will say that I collude with the Mafia. Is it to find an excuse to hurt me in the future? "

Liu Yu sighed: "I just give you a suggestion, whether to do it or not, it's your business. The Mafia will devour people's hearts, and let people slowly give up all the bottom lines and principles. Look at Xi Chao, Wang Xun, these great talents. Do n’t you feel scared in the end? "

Liu Yi said coldly: "I have my own sense at this point, and my foundation is in Beifu, but I can't fail to make friends with the family. As for the mafia, if it can be used for me, I will take advantage of it, if the harm to me exceeds Help, I will wipe them out. You Liu Yu did not cooperate with them before. Negotiate. You ca n’t do it without dealing with them. How can you ask me to do this and that? "

Liu Yu ticked his lips: "I hope this matter, in the future, you should not let yourself regret it. I will say the next thing, the handsome."

Liu said with a sneer: "Why, knowing that Liu Shuai wants to harm you, you want to retaliate? Or do you realize that you will never make a big start without moving the coach?"

Liu Yu shook his head: "On the contrary ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I think it may be that we used to be too sharp and crushed A Shou too hard, so the coach will feel resentful and even want to get rid of me. If he succeeds that time, and you are in my position, he will surely get rid of you. Anyone who threatens the status of his army will become a nail in his eyes. "

Liu Yi hooked his mouth: "The coach is too old to be brave enough to act slowly. Looking forward and back, he has suffered a lot. From this rebellion, it can be seen that he is no longer suitable to be the coach of Beifu. Before, he had The Xie family supported it, only to fight, and now, behind him, I do n’t know whether it is the Mafia or other forces. He always feels his hesitation and contradiction. Ashe, it ’s just a guy with muscles all over his head. Being a striker is the most suitable. If you want to become the coach of Beifu, it is a fool's dream. Since I can't kill you, it is better to replace the coach with you. When the coach of Beifu is good, at least under your hands, I can have more Credit. "

Liu Yu sighed: "The last time I talked to you to negotiate with the Beijing Suwei, I once said that if I helped the Emperor Xiandi succeed, wipe out the Mafia, and wipe out Huan Xuan, I will find a way to say something and let you go to Jingzhou. For those who are guarding one side, it seems that my thoughts were too naive at the time. In Wudi in the past two years, I have become more and more aware that it is easy to win the battle, but it is difficult to win the hearts of the people in the world. .Xile, the coach is old and will not stay long in the army. He wants to strike me because the mafia behind him misled him. We must not be in chaos inside the Jingkou. After this rebellion , I want to leave the Beifu Army and no longer have a head-on conflict with the commander-in-chief. I suggest that you also join me in setting up another portal, so that the risk of civil strife can be eliminated! "

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