Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 1963: Even the crossbows speared through the Dazhai

Zhang Gang sat on the wheelbarrow, dozens of sergeants, holding a shield, formed a shield wall above his head, he hooked the corner of his mouth, holding a wooden stick in his hand, facing twenty in front of himself After walking around, the more than twenty wooden armor lined up in a row, gently waved, and said in a deep voice: "On the left, seven, the crossbow attacked the arrow tower!"

There was a sound of organs sounding. The seven wooden armours on the left, each with their arms hanging down, above the shoulders on both sides, two ten-shot eight-stone Benniu crossbows stood upright, facing the six seats facing themselves. The arrow tower, the fourteen beasts with crossbows, and the sound of the crossbow machine firing at the same time, accompanied by the huge noise of these crossbows off the string, endlessly, and these foot-length heavy crossbow arrows have accurately hit those arrow towers. Hanging on the outpost, surrounded by raw cowhide shields against arrows, were hit by these heavy crossbows, and the crossbows were worn immediately, some shields were directly cut into two, and more were penetrated A fist-sized round hole emerged, and dozens of soldiers in armor standing behind the crossbow fell like raindrops.

With the attack of these wooden armoured crossbows, the crossbowmen started firing on the opposite arrow tower, and they were continuously fired by the crossbow machine. They flew repeatedly, only after about a hundred steps, but they could not be found and fired. The crossbows seem to be in the hands of these sergeants, but under the armor, these are just scarecrows. Even the crossbows in their hands are also behind the crossbow machine, and they are connected with a long thin rope. Directly connected to a ditch more than ten steps below the tower, and in this ditch, archers have long been scattered, and there are dozens of hands holding thin ropes, maneuvering far above the arrow tower, pseudo The soldiers fired the sergeants who had crossbows.

More than a hundred crossbows shot from these arrows towers, nailing these wooden armored bodies all over, but it did not affect the speed at which they fired the Eight Bull Crossbows at all, while ordinary infantry crossbows flew while flying The heavy crossbow and long arrows are going. With the arrow towers on the opposite side, there are more and more people landing on the ground, and the counterattacks on these arrow towers are becoming weaker and weaker.

"Booming", the bottom column of a tower was hit by a heavy crossbow, which had already been nailed with two heavy crossbows, and passed through the column. The shaking tower finally passed. With this blow, like a man with bruises on his leg, he collapsed, and the arrow tower of the collapsed dam leaned forward, hitting heavily on the previous fence, leading to a section of fence that was six or seven meters long Falling down, and the rising dust, even submerged the square within 30 steps.

Zhang Gang laughed, and the wooden stick waved: "The eight wooden armours on the right cover the bow and arrow!"

This time it was the eight wooden armours on the right. They raised their arms, and four huge shields hung on their arms. A thousand archers ran out of the formation behind them. Ten large shields completely cover them, even if they are even on the other side of the arrow tower, they cannot directly attack these archers.

With the sound of orders from all the teams, these archers quickly laid arrows at the opposite camp fence. The distance of about fifty steps was enough for these trained archers to move at the fastest speed. The bow and arrow in the hand pour out, the line opposite the wooden fence, within ten steps, falling like rain, in the dust, you can constantly see the armor of the sergeant in armor or fall back on the ground, and The bows and arrows coming back are sparsely drawn, completely out of proportion.

Heavenly Master Dao ’s army, Xu Daofu ’s eyebrows gradually stretched out, pointing at the situation in front of him, and said with a smile: “Sure enough, Liu Yu ’s strength is insufficient, and there are 7,000 troops. How can he block our army ’s full attack, left The battalion will be able to charge, and we ca n’t fall behind in the middle. We will order Zhang Gang to open the Zhaimen as quickly as possible. The striker is ready to strike. Once I order, I will rush in across the board, with the fastest Speed, hit me under the handsome flag of Liu Yu! "

Xu Daofu's order was quickly passed to Zhang Gang by the sound of the flag, and a herald soldier immediately ran up to Zhang Gang who was directing the shooting of the left and right wing wooden armor: "Sir, the three masters have Order, break the enemy's Zhongyingzhaimen as soon as possible, and then prepare to attack! "

Zhang Gang laughed: "What's so difficult about this ?! The twelve wooden armor in the center, prepare to spear!"

The twelve wooden armor in the center that has not participated in the attack, the chest is slowly opened. From the empty warehouse inside, a bed crossbow is slowly pushed out, sliding slowly out of the inner warehouse, The crossbow arms on both sides started to spread out, and a five-foot hook was fixed on the central slide bar, which was different from the ordinary sharp blade. After the sharp point, three hooks were carried, just like when fishing Twelve harpoons of fish hooks, twelve such hook spears, are thus placed in the sliders on the body of the crossbow, and more than a hundred sergeants who operate the bed crossbow rushed forward, while facing these hook spear Thick hemp rope was wrapped in the hole in the tail, while pushing the winch, the thick and large crossbow string was slowly opened.

Zhang Gang's roar echoed on the front line: "Twelve bed crossbows, volleys, targets, the opponent's central gate, send!"

Just after his order came to ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ to give the crossbow string twisted to the maximum position, it was almost at the same time, suddenly loosened, twelve hook spears, like a meteor rushing to the moon, lasing out, unbiased Fuck, all struck fifty steps away, the high hanging zhaimen, each hook spear hit the bottom of the zhaimen heavily, hitting that upright, provocative finger, almost They were all broken. Twelve black and thick spears were nailed on the thick wooden wall, almost to no handle, and the whole wall was shaken violently.

Zhang Gang raised the stick in his hand. His hands were shaking. The most exciting and crucial step was in front of him. He shook his throat and shook with the highest voice, shouting: "Pull Spear, break the wall! "

More than a hundred big fives and three thick, strong and powerful, sergeants like bulls rushed out from the back row, they were unarmed, not even armored, and had developed muscles. During the process of running, the lines were shaking violently. Towards the front, I grabbed the thick hemp rope held by the crossbow soldiers in the front, and carried it on his shoulder, or on the waist, in groups of ten, shouted the trumpet, and turned and pulled towards the back. After rising up, twelve hook pikes pierced through the walled gate, so after being pulled by these fighters, after a violent shaking, they finally collapsed, and the gate frame was above the ditch, bringing up the soot. Even the gates on both sides of the surrounding area, as well as the fifty or sixty wide gates, all leaned forward, the Chinese military portal opened, and Liu Yu above the high platform was just two hundred steps away!

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