Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 1976: Fire pit **** retreat strong enemy

A huge pit appeared almost instantly between Shuaitai and Yingmen of Zhongying. The 3,000 iron armor that was still full of sprint and full of energy just now was completely trapped in the pit. Around the pit, you can see, There are charred wood everywhere, and thousands of black tunnels from the edge of the pit to all directions. Many of the broken wooden posts are tied with thick hemp rope, and some of the wood is still burning. With.

Xu Dao covered his eyes wide and his hands were trembling slightly, not knowing whether it was because of extreme anger or panic. Zhang Gang on the side only burst out a sentence for a long time: "This, what is this situation, how is it, how is it?"

Xu Dao clenched his teeth tightly, and almost every word burst out from between the teeth: "Damn, the crypt, is the crypt. I never thought of it! Liu Yu knew I would use my soldiers carefully, not There was a chance to ambush, so he hollowed out the entire camp. The soil was only over a foot thick. In normal circumstances, as long as hundreds of sergeants stepped on, the land within a few dozen steps would collapse! "

Zhang Gang suddenly realized: "However, under these soil layers, there are wooden piles. Liu Yu has already calculated the time of our impact, and ignited and burned on the wooden piles, and there are cables at the ignition point. Those are! "

He said, referring to the thousands of ropes that protrude from each tunnel, and the terminal position formed a loop, which was tied to the broken wood, saying: "When we charge, Liu With a quick order, Qiansuoqila is equal to these 1000 wooden piles, and it was immediately pulled off, because it was almost burnt in the middle, and it was laid on it. Without the support of these 1,000 wooden piles, within a hundred steps The ground will suddenly collapse, too cruel, too poisonous, too perfect! "

In Xu Daofu's eyes, tears were shining. This earth pit is four or five feet deep. Inside the pit, there are wood stakes, spikes, and falling people. , Even at the high point, the unlucky person gave the long thorns of the scattered place, or put the person on the body, and there was little physiology. The only one who could escape his life was only The person who fell on the top one or two floors is less than a thousand, gray-faced, swollen or bleeding, crying and crying, trying to crawl out of the pit, but how big is the five-foot deep pit Drill through? !

A pungent smell accompanied the smoke into the nose of everyone. Xu Daofu suddenly found that the huge pit in front of Liu Yu was filled with yellow sulfur powder and mixed with white. Saltpetre, the soot that has risen, is already a yellow, Xu Dao covered his eyes completely, shouted: "No, you can't, you can't do this!"

In the hands of Liu Yu, sometime there was an extra torch, and beside him, there were more than a hundred soldiers with helmets and helmets on them. Everybody was all in sand, but they were with Liu Yu. The same, holding a torch, obviously, just got out of each tunnel, and after the handsome platform, the catapult with twenty steps was removed, and the disguise was removed, and the operated sergeants were from various bunkers roll out.

A cold gleam flashed in Liu Yu's eyes: "May this blazing flames burn your sins, remember to be a good person in your next life!"

He said, throwing the torch in his hand forward. Suddenly, the soaring flame rose, the pungent sulfur smell changed into the burning smell of barbecued human meat, the screaming in the pit, hissing cracked The lungs, and the huge heat wave, rushed in the face, let Xu Daofu and other people's faces have a feeling of instant peeling.

Thousands of soldiers who followed Xu Daofu retreated instinctively, and then wept, crying. The three thousand disciples of the former army almost all brought theirselves to the people behind them. When they saw that they were all in the big pit, many The man still had a glimmer of hope, and even saw some companions trying to get out of the pit, and even some people ran to the pit and extended their weapons to help them climb up, but this sudden fire disrupted In view of everyone's rhythm, many people evacuated first, then knelt down, and even fell to the fire pit, crying loudly.

The tears in Xu Daofu's eyes shone, the soldiers around him were kneeling, and their eyes were glaring and bleeding: "Three Masters, order, I will wait to jump over the fire pit and fight with the dog thief Liu Yu!"

"Order, the disciple is willing to serve Wu Shi San to become an eternal man!"

Xu Daofu sighed and shook his head: "It's impossible. This big pit cut off our access to the Chinese army. If you want to bypass the road, you will attack the enemy's left and right wings. Zhang Gang, using wooden armor to cover the retreat of the army, The back team changes to the front team, the front team changes to the back team, withdraw me! "

Many of the sergeants around were crying and bleeding in anxiety: "Three Masters, I won't wait to withdraw!"

Xu Dao raised the Vajrasaki heavily and smashed the ground, shouting: "This is a military order, withdraw!"

He said, carrying a large pestle, he ran straight back. The huge body was like a savage cow, knocking three or four sergeants in front of him directly to the ground, and several fighters carried his banner. , Followed immediately.

The swordsmen in front made a roar of despair ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ turned and ran towards the rear, while the Long Dragon, like the Tianshi Dao Army, moved backwards as a whole, two-winged carts and shields, Also slowly retreating, the archers kept throwing arrows towards the wings, preventing the Jin army from approaching again and again, and gradually withdrew towards the local camp.

Liu Daojiu smiled slightly: "Brother, the enemy forces have withdrawn. Do we want to attack the army now and attack on three sides to completely wipe out this monster?"

Liu Yu shook his head: "Xu Dao is a well-deserved general. Under extreme adverse circumstances, he still resisted. This fire pit can allow me to stop the enemy's attack without the use of soldiers and horses, but in turn, we want to go after the chase. It is also not easy. The attack of the two wings, under the defense they have prepared now, is of little significance. No matter how strong the attack is, it is impossible to wipe out Xu Daofu. . Recruit troops, this is the best choice. "

Liu Daojiu ticked the corner of his mouth: "Is it really necessary to recruit troops, isn't it to wipe them out completely? As long as we are not afraid of casualties, this should be achievable."

Liu Yu sighed: "If there are only thieves, then tens of thousands of people will have to destroy them all, but Huan Xuan is about to commit an offense. We can't send the elite soldiers here, otherwise we can't resist the Jingzhou Legion. Attack, wipe out all the armor after the deception, and without these war machines, their power will be greatly reduced! "

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