Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 1985: Ashou doesn't want to fall into prostitution

Gao Su's complexion changed, and he said with a deep voice: "Here, this is the strategy we set before we set off. You joined the army as a soldier, and you followed along the way. There was no objection at that time, but now you say this thing, what does it mean Do you think that this time you did not get a deputy from a prefecture like Yazhi, and you lost your credit? "

Liu Yi shook his head: "Don't dare to be humiliated. At the time when the earth was broken, although I felt something was wrong, after all, those who have no main estate and no title deeds, it can be given to anyone. Since Kuaiji Wang sent a large number of staff The doormen follow us, and the meaning is obvious. However, these unowned lands are what the son of King Kuaiji wants. Let us send troops to **** them to help them seize the manor, which is considered to be owned by the court. "

Gao Su's expression calmed down a little bit: "Now that you understand the truth in the middle, what do you mean by saying this? We are soldiers, and under the orders of the court, escorted the hands of these Kuaiji kings to take office, and national laws also stipulate You can take it back when you have no land. Are those nephews of the family who died in wars, can't this kind of land be required? "

Liu Yi nodded: "But this is the contradiction between King Kuaiji and the family of Gaomen in Dajin. We Beifu Army are trapped in it. Is it really okay? As a soldier, you need to have the upper family aristocrats as backers. The Beifu Army was formed by the former Master Xie Xianggong. It can be said that the Xie family is kind to us. This time, we have taken 80% of the Xie family's land. Except for the manor occupied by a few living people, such as Xie Heng, almost All of them were taken away, and even the wife left only one place, Shining Mountain, was it too much? "

Gao Su shook his head: "No way, this is specifically requested by His Royal Highness. We don't want to do this kind of thing, but if we don't do it, we can't prove our absolute loyalty to King Kuaiji and His Royal Highness. Now our Beifu Army has nothing else The way out is to fall down to King Kuaiji and His Royal Highness. How can you win the trust of others if you do n’t do it unsentimentally? "

Liu Yi sighed: "That is to completely bind the future of the Beifu Army to Sima Yuanxian's body, handsome, do you really think this is the right choice?"

Sophisticated face changed, Shen said: "Liu Yi, what do you mean, make it clear!"

Liu Laozhi waved his hand, beckoning Gao Su, who was already full of rage, to step aside. He looked at Liu Yi motionlessly, but Yu Guang swept Liu Yu: "Hey, life is alive, it is impossible to be around forever, and many places. Betting, the Beifu Army is now Dajin, and even the world's first strong soldier, this time it is to break the thief and save Dajin. It can be said that those who win my Beifu can win the world. Naturally, it is the focus of multi-party competition. At present, the powers of North Korea and China are all from the hands of Kuaiji Wang Shizi, and the last time we fell to Shizi and slaughtered Wang Gong, we all received generous rewards. May I ask the coach why this choice is wrong? Jin's family is stronger and taller, can it be higher than the clan prince? "

Liu Yi shook his head: "How did the Western dynasty finish, did the handsome forget it so soon?"

A bit of coldness flashed in Liu Laozhi's eyes: "The Western dynasty was the chaos of the eight kings, and finally the country was destroyed by the country. This lesson, of course, the coach knows that everyone here knows clearly, but this is with the King Huiji , What does it have to do with His Royal Highness? "

Liu Yizheng said: "Junior, do you disagree with me? Do you have anything to say?"

Liu Yu nodded and said slowly, "I agree with what Xi Le said. The world is now similar to the Western dynasty before the Eight Kings' rebellion? The various towns with their own weight, one action The imperial emperor who ca n’t take care of himself, an ambitious prince who wants to usurp power and seize power, and a court that has turned against all family clan. Master, really is not far from Jian Jian! "

Liu Laozhi's face was indifferent, and everyone's eyes turned to him. Gradually, he slowly stood up and looked directly at Liu Yu: "Junior, if you say so, Today, the Holy One is Emperor Jin Hui, the King of Kuaiji is the King of Zhao, Sima Lun, and his plan is that Fashun is Sun Xiu, and the so-called other kings of foreign kingdoms are about Huan Xuan, Mao Ling, etc. Then, the demon Jia Nanfeng Who is it? The queen today? "

Liu Yu shook his head: "This is probably the only difference from the chaos of the Eight Kings. But the Lord is weak and like a waste person. There must be someone who wants to take his place. Jia Nanfeng of Dajin is probably not without it. "

Liu Laozhi said with a sneer: "I really want Jia Nanfeng. I, as a soldier, should be wiped out, and it will not make the Eight Kings rebellious, the tragedy of Shenzhou Lu Shen, come again. The reason why the coach is stationed in Jingkou, moved from Jiangbei To the side of the capital, it is to prevent this villain from chaos, and the old things that misrepresent the country. The reason for your worries is certain, but there should be at least confidence in our Beifu Army. We are not the Western Guards, We ca n’t beat those kings ’soldiers, but we are the invincible Beifu army!"

This remark came out, and another burst of admiration sounded. Even the old veterans who were worried because of Liu Yu's words all raised their brows and smiled.

Liu Yu stood there without saying a word, until these praises gradually calmed down, Liu Laozhi looked at Liu Yu and said, "Slave, do you have anything else to say?"

Liu Yu sighed: "Master, call our generals to come today, I'm afraid not to inform us about Wu Ditu's decision, do you want us to prepare for the expedition and eliminate Huan Xuan?"

Liu Lao first stunned slightly ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ turned to smile and looked at Liu Jingxuan: "A Shou, you stupid boy, this is a military matter, even if it has a good relationship with the slaves, it can't be. It was revealed in private that if I commit another crime next time, my father and handsome I will be engaged in military law. "

Liu Jingxuan clutched his head in a confused face: "I just heard that, my father is handsome, and the children haven't gone to Shizifu for almost half a month."

Liu Laozhi's face changed: "What's the situation? But you are a member of the Shizi Mansion, General Ningcha, and have the responsibility of guarding the Shizi Mansion! ! "

Liu Jingxuan gritted his teeth and said: "I will not go after being cut. He has a banquet in three days and a banquet in five days. He is just looking for some shameless and shameful villains, coming over to **** his horse, doing something unsightly, even Tribute to some exotic women, they can jump and take off in public, and finally directly meet with people in the hall. As for shamelessness, I am afraid that the shit-and-beauty rituals of those thieves ca n’t be compared with this. The last time was actually Let the children go up to play with those sluts, hum, my Liu Jingxuan is a majestic boy, how can he do such a shameless thing! "

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