Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 2022: Zhaoan Luxun lure

Outside the South County Government, the horses and horses have been lined up for a long dragon, Liu Mai is wearing a red mantle, shouting loudly here: "Everyone, please don't be impatient, Huan Zheng is discussing state affairs. There is no time to meet you today, please come back . Tomorrow is still the old rules, and we will start receiving guests at Chen! "

Inside a courtyard in the mansion, above the hall, Huan Xuan sitting in the main position listened to Liu Mai's voice expressionlessly on the outside, and Yin Zhongwen smiled on the side: "Huan Gong Gaoming, let Liu Mai this cool official go to see The door, that effect is not so good. Those guys who want to become more powerful, see Liu Mai, they are so scared that they can escape three feet away. This reputation of King Liu Yan is not covered! "

Bian Fanzhi smiled slightly: "Don't you almost see Mr. Liu Yan when you were old Yin?"

Yin Zhongwen's complexion changed, his face sullen: "Lao Bian, do you still want to mention this thing? I haven't calculated this old account with you yet!"

Huan Xuan waved his hand: "Okay, okay, it didn't stop for a few days, and I had to pinch up again. Zhong Wen, don't be too cautious about being a man. You are a world-famous celebrity, a literary talent, and you should be a celebrity.

Yin Zhongwen said bitterly: "Who asked the ancestors to mention this, today I am not the one to provoke him."

Huanxuan smiled and said: "Oh, respectful ancestor, you are too. It's enough to make a joke. If I say I will hand you over to Liu Mai, I'm afraid you won't be able to laugh."

Bian Fanzhi ticked his mouth: "That's it, I didn't catch a lot of money when dealing with the properties of the rebel thieves recently, and I confessed to Huan Gong."

Yin Zhongwen came all of a sudden: "Huan Gong, you heard it, I told you a while ago, right, respecting the ancestors, they are so ridiculous, you can't just deal with Huan Zhen, there will be no penalty for him. "

Huan Xuan waved his hand: "Okay, okay, the ancestor wiped some oil and water. I ordered it. It didn't matter to him. He was born and died with me. I was worried for so long. It always takes a little benefit, or else Someone helped me do things. As for Huan Zhen, it was a blind eye, and he was clearly punished. He actually went to ambush Sun En. He did a very good job. Now I sent him to Jingzhou, and I also received a thread report. Yes, Yang Yuqi ’s Yu Dang was uneasy again, and I had to send someone to stare. "

Yin Zhongwen discussed it with no interest, and sighed: "If it means the protagonist, then there is nothing to say, just the protagonist, I advise you, the world is initially determined, now is the time when you want to establish prestige, if you are too indulgent People in the family are so vain and greedy, I'm afraid ... "

Bian Fanzhi said disdainfully: "Okay, okay, Lao Yin, isn't that the kind of oily water that hasn't brought you with you? It doesn't matter. A new wave of cleaning is coming soon, so it's good for you. "

Yin Zhongwen's eyes lit up, and he looked at Huan Xuan: "This, is this true?"

Huan Xuan smiled slightly: "Of course, I got Huang Yue this time, and I can cut some disobedient guys. Next time, I will do it for you."

Yin Zhongwen laughed: "Then thank the protagonist, rest assured, I will handle it fairly, and I will never be satisfied!"

Huan Xuan waved his hand: "It's okay, don't pretend to be here. Your benefits will not be less. Leave me five achievements. I am useful. By the way, Zhong Wen, let you come today , I want you to make an decree to pardon Lu Xun ’s party ’s celestial master Dao Dao, saying that they beheaded the thief ’s head Sun En, and the court can pardon their sins, let Lu Xun serve as the guardian of Yongjia for one month. When he arrives within the county, the county officials, at his own discretion, will be appointed within three years without paying taxes. "

Yin Zhongwen opened his eyes wide: "Huan Gong, I'm not wrong, you are too good to the thief ..."

Huanxuan closed his smile and looked at him coldly: "If you don't want to write Zhongwen, then I can change my personal."

Yin Zhongwen quickly got up and saluted: "Subordinates will write here, this will go." He said, hurriedly turned around, trotting all the way out of the room.

Huan Xuan shook his head gently: "Holy ancestors, even Lao Yin feels that this is not good. Do you think this plan is really feasible? Although it is said that this is a trick to lure the enemy, if Lu Xun does not come, then Have n’t we offended Wu Di's family again? In the end, both ends were not pleased, but it was troublesome. "

Bian Fanzhi smiled slightly: "Recently, the world has not been peaceful. Although it is said that Sun Wujun has set up troops to fight against Liu Jingxuan in Huaibei, the bandits of Wudi are still emerging. The Yu Party in Tianshidao is still inciting the people, the most terrible. Yes, we do n’t have enough grain and grass to supply the people of Wudi and the eight counties. The famine continues. People who starve to death and even scholars are emerging in an endless stream. If you force people to have nowhere to go, they will go to the thief. ”

Huan Xuan gritted his teeth: "I have no way to fight for a few years in a row. A large number of Ding Zhuang in Jingzhou have joined the army. Even our Jingzhou has started to run out of food. If you really want to fight, there will be big problems. How did Yin Zhongkan die? Do n’t you know? "

Bian Fanzhi sighed: "So now we need to stabilize Wu Di, and we can't fight anymore. The enmity with the family before can be pushed onto Sun En. Let Yin Zhongwen emphasize that Lu Xun killed Sun En and made merits. Those who agreed to Zhao'an just gave Yongjia too stubborn duty. He really dared to take office and killed him! If he didn't dare to come, he could only live on looting. There is more reason to destroy him. Anyway, we give After the opportunity, Ren Zhiyi is exhausted! "

Huan Xuan's brow furrowed: "Who sent you? Huan Zhen returned to Jingzhou. Wu Fuzhi and Huangfu Shi's two armies will keep the arch and guard the capital. Hu Fan now leads the palace and guards, and monitors the emperor and the family in the city. No one is available, it is impossible, you want me to use the Beifu Army? "

Bian Fanzhi smiled slightly: "It's almost time to use Liu Yu ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Last time you didn't negotiate with him, because he hinted that Liu Laozhi was still in place, he wouldn't come out to join the army. However, this time, Liu Laozhi has been removed, and he has no reason to refuse, and this time is to eliminate the devil for the country. This is what he has been doing for many years. Presumably, it is impossible. "

Huanxuan shook his head: "Give him soldiers and horses, what if he rebels to stand on his own feet? This does not mean letting fish enter the river and let the tiger return to the mountain."

Bian Fanzhi's eyes flashed coldly: "This is the best test of his loyalty. Wudi and eight counties are broken. There is no food in the local area. Liu Yu fights Lu Xun. It is impossible to take advantage of the crusade. There are only a few thousand followers, not the Sun En who had more than 200,000 people. If Liu Yu was really disgusted, then we could just wipe it out. His Beifu military family members were all in Jingkou and would not follow him. If Liu Yu Yu has soldiers and takes orders from us, that is, he is sincerely willing to work for you. If he wants to use this person in the future, he can do it accordingly. "

Huanxuan smiled and raised his beard: "It's still accurate, so who are you going to use to persuade Liu Yu?"

Bian Fanzhi smiled and picked up a cup of tea in front of him, gently sipped: "Liu Muzhi."

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