Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 2062: Written essays at Wuyi Suye

Jingkou, Dongmei Village, He Wuji House.

He Wuji stood in front of the hall and kept pacing back and forth. Since Sima Yuanxian was unlucky, he moved back to the former residence of Dongmei Village in Jingkou from the official residence of Kangcheng City. The appearance, commoner clothes, earth walls, dark lights, ventilated windows, anyone who sees a former general's house become like this, will shake his head and sigh.

This house was the same as Liu Laozhi ’s old residence when he had just descended from Huaibei south and settled in Jingkou. There were only three rooms. In addition to the fire room in the east and the small room in the west, the wife of He Wuji is now sleeping with his daughter. Next, this hall is much more spacious. After a screen, it is He Wuji ’s mother, and Liu Laozhi ’s sister Liu Dazhi ’s bed. The old man has been sick for many years, and He Wuji stays in front of the mother ’s bed every day. The old man will not return to his house until he falls asleep.

Only today is a special day. The essay must be written before dawn. He Wuji returned to the front room after his mother fell asleep and started writing.

The faint oil lamp was on all the time, reflecting the face of He Wuji's constantly changing expressions. The intense enthusiasm in his heart, all kinds of sorrow and indignation, would be turned into his incisive squinting, fist and waving action and The expression, every time I think of it, I will immediately rush to the book case, write down the thoughts, and then say a few words in my mouth, until I am satisfied, I will gradually smile.

When He Wuji wrote the last few sentences, he followed and said, "The day of granting peace, Shenchi thief!" He suddenly smiled in the sky, throwing a pen on the ground, tears flowing across his face, forgetting the emotion, "Huan Xuan, Your death is here! "

A cry of exclamation sounded behind him: "Sir, don't you die?"

He Wuji was surprised, turned around quickly, and looked behind him, only to see the mother with white hair above the screen, was opening her eyes, looking at herself, he quickly turned to kneel to the ground, said: "The child forgot her emotions for a while and disturbed her mother, please forgive me!"

Mrs. Liu quickly jumped off the screen and stepped forward to cover He Wuji's mouth and whispered: "Sir, don't you dare talk nonsense, how did your uncle die ?! What did you say just now? If you hear it, I am afraid that our family of four will be dead! "

He Wuji clenched his teeth tightly, clenched his fists tightly, and his bones crackled to him, and he wept, and whispered: "Mother, this time the baby is to avenge the uncle's family, Xue Xuan, Huan Xuan not only It ’s our family ’s home, Liu ’s home enemies, it ’s also a national thief. The child has been enshrined by the Jin Dynasty and has been taught by you. Be a loyal person, protect your country and protect the country. How dare you forget the day, how can you watch the enemies run away and steal the country and abuse the people? The child has decided that tomorrow he will join the army of the Beifu army and fight against the soldiers. I will let Xiaotao take you to Jiangbei tomorrow. I will respond to you. In case the child fails, they will also take you to Nanyan and go to Ashou. "

Mrs. Liu released her hand and sat back across from He Wuji. She stared at He Wuji motionlessly, her eyes full of tears, and kept nodding: "Okay, okay, okay boy, bloody, gracious Righteousness, **** revenge, worthy of my son, worthy of being the nephew of the old Liu family! Your uncle did not teach you so many years. Before you abandoned the official and returned home, Dumen thank you, do n’t ask the world, although I do n’t say, I really do n’t I hope you become a poor and life-saving poor worm, but I know that if you have ambitions, one day, you will find a chance to avenge your revenge! Sure enough, you are finally moving and you do n’t have to send your mother to Jiangbei, this time, if you succeed, The mother followed you to honor your uncle's family with the head of the Huan family. If it fails, the mother will walk with you. Seeing your uncle under the spring, he will be proud of you! "

He Wuji gritted his teeth: "Mother, I have arranged it. If I succeed, you can come back!"

Mrs. Liu said sharply: "No, you are going to work with everyone except thieves this time. How can everyone send out their family members? If you do this kind of big event, if you arrange your family to leave in advance, then there will be a leak! Do n’t think about looking back, the whole family ’s life, all bet on it, no matter whether it is a success or failure, there will be no regrets, the mother will not blame you, understand! "

He Wuji stood up and said in a straight voice: "The children follow the teachings of the mother. This time, they will not leave a back road, and they will go forward! Pledge to remove Huan Xuan, never die!"

Mrs. Liu nodded in satisfaction, looked at the paper filled with words in the case of He Wuji, and said: "Mother see you have been talking about it all the time, what is this? Is it an oath before the teacher? , Or the spell of praying to heaven ?! "

He Wuji smiled and said: "This is a verse written by a child, that is, when he was sent to the oath master ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, it was read to all the soldiers and sent to all states and counties in the world, asking them to come together to fight Huan Xuan's battle declaration. Wake up, the baby reads it to you again. You also check the baby! "

Mrs. Liu smiled and said: "Okay, you read it again. The lady listens, if you don't understand or feel inappropriate, just ask you directly."

He Wuji nodded vigorously, picked up the verse, and read: "Husbands are chaotic and unreasonable, unreasonable, cunning and raging, or worthy of sacredness. Self-advancement, Yang Jiu's repeated construction, since Long'an The royal family, the loyal minister broken into the tiger's mouth, the virtue of the virtue and the harm to the jackal. The rebellious prince Huan Xuan, the mausoleum of the torture of the people, the resistance of the soldiers Ying Ying, and the violence of the city. . The Lord broadcasts, Liu Xingfeisuo, artifacts sink, seven temples fall. "

Speaking of this, He Wuji sighed and said sadly: "Mother, this paragraph is about the misfortune of Dajin. You should be able to understand Huan Xuan's usurpation of power."

Mrs. Liu nodded: "You continue to read, I have heard this paragraph clearly and wrote very well. By the way, did the original Emperor Jin Jin say you are not lucky, did you kill Huan Xuan?"

He Wuji shook his head: "No, he just dropped His Majesty King Anyang at the banquet two days ago, and he is still under house arrest in the capital. Our soldiers this time are to fight against the banner of resetting His Majesty. Mysterious. "

Mrs. Liu smiled slightly and waved her hand, beckoning He Wuji to read on.

He Wuji said loudly: "The post-summer dying and dying, the Han people are being rash and outstanding, and the Fang Yu Xuan is not enough metaphor. Since the Xuan Treasury, in this calendar year, when the drought is high, the people are not angry. When Shishu was tired of losing, Wenwu was stuck in building, his father and son were obedient, and his family was scattered, how could "Dadong" express the sorrow of the axis, and "Mingmei" would have a **** for the basket? Just look at astronomy and look down Personnel, this can last for a long time, which is perishable? Whoever doesn't hold his wrist when he is attentive? "

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