Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 10: Even more instructions

The year of Gengzi was really a troublesome autumn, and there were a lot of discomforts. The **** epidemic caused the whole country to shut down for nearly half a year. It has not yet been restored. Tiandao himself is still in the state of home office. There is a lot more, and I have more energy and time to spend a lot of time on the book. Since this year, Dongjin, a book that has been tepid for the past two years, has achieved a great improvement in performance. I was thinking of hitting the iron while it was hot and continuing to hit. Suddenly, at the end of last month, I continued to suffer a great blow. The senior reading turmoil and the new management took office. To be honest, I was totally dizzy in the past few days. I only came down before May 1st. Only one thing I care about: Can I finish writing this book?

Anyone who knows Tiandao knows that, as mentioned in the preface of this book, Tiandao part-time writing is not entirely for making money, but a person who is middle-aged and far away from death. Those who dream of nothing want to leave something, want to put Some of your own worldviews and historical views communicate with fellow bookmates by writing books.

Since I wrote the book at the starting point, I dare not say how good my grades are, but there is one thing that makes me proud to say that my three books have not been interrupted for more than one day. My book is not written by a gunman. The only day is not me. The code came out because I broke my arm in a car accident the year before and couldn't update it on the hospital bed after the operation, but just after the anesthetic effect, I still insisted that my wife listen to me to dictate the two chapters of the day.

This is not for the six hundred pieces of attendance, but to complete my commitment to the reader: as long as there is still a breath, as long as this platform allows me to continue to create, I will finish this book. However, even the car accident and the surgery could not make me give up the update. Someone wanted me to do it in these two days. This matter is well known, and I feel it necessary to make an explanation here.

It ’s been more than six years since the beginning of heaven. When I first signed the first contract of the starting point, I specifically studied the details of these contracts. To be honest, the contract at that time was also called the commission creation agreement, and that was the genuine gunman contract because the contract It even stipulates that others can complete this work.

I did n’t want to sign this agreement at the time, but after consulting many seniors, one person made me determined. He said that since starting the station for more than ten years, even if I have experienced some big gods running away during the contract period, the website I didn't really find someone to write this book. You should believe in the rationality of a leading company in the industry and a system that has been in operation for more than ten years and has been proved to be very successful in practice.

I finally believed in this predecessor. After six years, I have made a lot of money at the starting point, and I have gained a certain reputation in the circle. I have developed some small IPs, and therefore have some social status. More importantly, I Hundreds of thousands of readers have harvested here, and they can talk happily every day while writing, and talk about ancient and modern times. In other words, I do n’t feel that they really exploited and enslaved the starting point. So far, I think I am still the co-author of the starting point, rather than some slaves and gunmen spread in some places.

In the past few days, I have also been worried, hesitant, like many middle-level and even great **** writers, because the old team treated us well before, creating a platform for the starting point, giving us the opportunity to have contact with readers, fame and fortune, but the new team No one knows what to do, everything is subject to the contract.

Therefore, a new contract, after being exposed, caused a major earthquake in the Internet and cultural circles. The magnitude of this earthquake exceeded the departure of the old team. As an author, I also firmly believe that there are many unreasonable or even excessive in this contract. As an enterprise, it is understandable to avoid risks and protect your rights, but you should also consider the needs of authors. The talents in the 21st century are the most important. The core resources of the starting point are tens of thousands of excellent authors and hundreds of thousands of loyal Readers, if the author ca n’t feel at ease, the reader will be lost sooner or later. In this sense, I strongly support this site ’s round-table discussion with the author ’s representative, and also reflect some of my demands to the participating writers ’representatives. I believe that the new team is willing to organize this kind of communication that has never been done before, and this communication will have some new measures that are beneficial to our authors, not the other way around.

However, in the past two days, some people or invisible push hands, but with various purposes, the instigators have collectively changed ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ or even left reading. What they want is far more than what my reading writer wants. What they want is not communication, but one shot or two. What they don't want is that the reading group is getting better and better, but they want the platform to close down immediately.

Just like my chapter at 8 am, just after I wrote it, there were dozens of IDs who had never subscribed to this book before and screamed that I was a traitor, a worker thief, and then posted to each other to make the whole book review area. I was so mad that I spent half an hour just deleting these comments. Maybe when I was writing this single chapter, I did n’t know how many people were making trouble. For these people, my response is that you want me to break Even more, I want to make a sudden change. This book is published by the silver leader. I haven't made a sudden change in the top ten of the monthly ticket, but today, I am ten more. This is my response as a reading author to some people.

Finally, for my readers, I would like to say a word, I hope this book can be successfully written in the reading, and hope that the next book, the next book can also meet you on this platform. If you do n’t have this platform, there may not be places where we meet. These days, readers and friends who have told me where I want to go in the group, I would like to thank you. Thank you, I hope you and I can all Not going anywhere, just reading. Heavenly Dao went to work overtime to make up the eight chapters of Duocai.

I wish you all the best in tomorrow's roundtable meeting.

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