Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 2095: Burning Phalanx 0 Army Break

Qiao Sensheng's current appearance can only be described by his scorching brows. Although the fire hasn't burned in front of him, but more than fifty steps away, the thirty or so knives and carts that had been advancing like forests have become more than thirty. Among the burning fireballs and the sea of ​​fire, five or six hundred sergeants were struggling and wailing. All the people who had wine and sulphur on their bodies just became fireballs, and within a hundred steps, they were all on fire. From time to time, there were people who were all on fire, screaming and rushing towards the rear array, trying to call for help, but they were struck dead one by one by those spears that were sticking out, within ten steps before the array There have been more than 100 such scorched corpses. Many are inserted directly, hanging on the pole, still twitching slightly.

Qiao Sensheng's battle also began to have a little commotion. Some relatives and friends were in the army of the former army. They began to cry and wept. Some people even ignored the military order and rushed out of the team and rushed to the fire and wanted to go. Save those relatives and friends, and many people started to take off their armor and throw them away, because they realized that they were contaminated with these things, and they would become the same as when they caught fire Like the archers, the swords and shields became humanoid fireballs.

Several military schools shouted back to the ground after the formation: "No chaos, stabilize the formation, there are chaotic soldiers, cut!"

However, in the face of this kind of life and death, these military orders can no longer function. Although Qiao Sensheng just issued a military order to stop advancing and slowly retreating, it is impossible to be executed at all. The three or four sergeants who are close to him, They can still retreat in an orderly manner, but the three or four soldiers in the front row ca n’t wait to turn around and run. It ’s only the Chu army ’s strict military discipline for many years that prevents them from becoming the whole army like Diao Hong ’s men immediately. It has collapsed, but there are more and more people who are crying forward and **** and undressing. Even in the military formation, they have begun to have various chaos. The officers ’swords are scolded, and even a few want to stab to death. The people who ran out could not be restrained anymore.

Qiao Sensheng waved his mace and shouted: "No chaos, slowly retreat, there will be abandoners, cut! Supervise the team, prepare to execute the military order!"

With his orders, more than 100 personal soldiers came out of their promises. They did not wear piercings, wore red clothes, and had ghost-headed swords in their hands. Cut off! "

A heat wave struck again. In the burning cart and fire scene, hundreds of various tattoos suddenly rushed out. Like ghosts, they held a sword, euphorbia and other main weapons in one hand, and the other hand, almost Everyone is holding a wooden stick, with flames burning on it, becoming a natural torch, headed by a person, like a bear and a tiger, is it not Liu Yu? !

Qiao Sensheng's eyes widened, he suddenly realized what he was, and shouted: "Beijing is coming, the array, the array responds, no retreat, no retreat!"

But he hasn't finished his words yet. These Beifu sergeants who passed through the fire, threw all the torches in their hands under the roar of tigers from Liu Yu, and from the perspective of them, the first one was opposite. All the shields on the line were stained with yellow sulfur powder and wine drops. You could even smell the aroma of the Yanghe wine. The sergeants behind them, their armor, and even the helmet tassel were all dyed yellow and yellow. The white color of saltpeter, these yellow and white colors, has become the main color of this chaotic phalanx.

But when more than three hundred torches smashed into the square matrix, the main color changed from yellow and white to red, many flames rose from the air, and the human flesh was grilled and the smell of burning skin was burning. Tao, immediately overwhelming the aroma of Yanghe wine, almost for a moment, the entire front of the Phalanx was plunged into a sea of ​​fire, this time, more than a thousand Chu troops in the Phalanx, all in flames, those The front sergeants who were just trying to top their shields became a pile of firemen in almost an instant. They screamed and threw away their weapons and slammed into the rear. The dense phalanx of people quickly spread this flame, that is, less than a minute of kung fu, the entire phalanx has turned into a huge fire field, thousands of soldiers, made into torches.

At this time, no military discipline can restrain this burning phalanx. Countless sergeants turned around and ran backwards. More than a dozen war sergeants with ghost-headed swords stood on the spot, wielding a knife and cutting over some passing them. Fireman, but soon, they threw new fire sergeants who were rushing towards themselves, and they also turned into fireballs. Some sergeants who had not completely burned up, even fled the road and wanted to step forward to stop The sergeant warlords were directly speared by them, and the entire formation suddenly collapsed.

Qiao Sensheng's eyes are full of tears. This is his subordinates for many years, elite, and also the foundation of his starting. In addition to the relationship between the superiors and subordinates, for many years of getting along, living together and dying, there are already feelings, especially those who are The guards of the Warlords, he knows and knows everyone ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But these Warlords are still sticking to their posts one by one, their swords are not slashed at the enemy, but swayed His own robe, in turn, these long robe of the same robe, also stabbed at them, so such self-reliance, wouldn't Jensen be heartbroken and heartbroken?

In the haze of tears, Qiao Sensheng vaguely saw that the sergeants of Beifu in front of him had spread out and rushed into the long squadron that had been disrupted, letting go and killing, the sergeants who were on fire, in place Wailing, tumbling, and once the knife went down, he stopped twitching, not so much as fighting, but as massacre, rather than breaking the battlefield, as much as clearing the field, because behind him, the burning sword shield The car has been pulled away, and even some people have started to extinguish fire. Thousands of Beifu army soldiers, wearing heavy armor, are quickly crossing the fire in the back, and Liu Yu they are doing, they are putting the fire in front Clean up quickly.

There was a sky of anger in Qiao Sensheng, and he straightened his mind. He took off the helmet violently, threw it under the ground, brandished a mace, and shouted: "Liu Yu, Chu will kill Qiao Sensheng, fight you, not afraid of death, follow I rush! "

He crossed his legs with his horse belly and galloped out. More than a dozen horseback guards behind him, as well as more than fifty sergeants who had not yet died, all rushed into the fire with him. It was just this impact. Quickly hit the flow of people who are running back. The burning sergeants immediately turned these people who wanted to counterattack into a fireball. These more than 100 warriors who wanted to counterattack They all burned up. Even if Johnson was running less than twenty steps, there was at least a hundred steps away from Liu Yu, and he turned back and turned into a fireman, still unwilling to climb forward with difficulty.

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