Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 2102: Raptors attack the bottle

Tan Bingzhi ’s brow was still tightly locked: "The Raptors, we have won a lot in this battle, and we have seized so many armaments, enough to arm another 3,000 people, and now the camp is basically safe, there is no What kind of fire thunder traps or the like, let the army of slave slaves enter, and then plan, these armaments, do n’t move first, wait for him to come and handle them in a unified way. "

Meng Longfu's face sank: "Brother Bottle, you misunderstood me. I didn't want to plunder, but to chase, let go of the enemy, and regret it! You stay here to guard the ordnance, I'm going to chase down the enemy. ! "

He said, as soon as a horse's head was set off, Tan Pingzhi quickly said: "Dragon, don't be impulsive, the slave will come immediately, let him observe and evaluate it. We have played well today, no You need to take risks. And, do n’t you find it strange that Hu Fan and Huang Fufu have two complete legions, so if they retreat without fighting, are they not afraid of fraud? "

Meng Longfu ha ha smiled: "That's because they have been scared. They don't know how many troops we have. The command of sending the slave is too powerful. The gods are unpredictable. Hu Fan originally came out to rescue and scared me directly. Going back, if they really had an ambush, they should have launched it in the camp. How could it be so retreat? We have all been in for so long, and there are no pits, institutions like Fuhuo Lei, this big camp is absolutely safe. "

Tan Pingzhi sighed: "Although I don't know what conspiracies and tricks the enemy will have, the Raptors, believe me, years of battlefield intuition, made me feel that something is wrong. Huangfu is a long-term general, not that kind of thing. Watching the collapse of the former army, he would lose his helmet and give up his armor. The coward who fled without fighting was precisely because of this. When the slave sent us out, it was mainly to guard against the impact in the opposing camp. He was worried about the follow-up troops of the Chu army. Will follow up, not run away. "

Meng Longfu said with a sneer: "How do you explain the current situation? In fact, the Chu army retreated and fled, and it was obviously unsettled. Maybe they had just entered the camp and they saw this tragic situation, and they didn't know. How many people were in our army? Hu Fan obviously brought Wu Fuzhi with the first troops, but he was counterattacked by our iron riders, and then he was scared to retreat to the battalion. They did n’t know our men and thought that we would destroy Wu Fuzhi. The army of 5,000 people will have at least tens of thousands of soldiers. This is a large camp that is mainly in the direction of building Kangcheng. It cannot be defended in terms of art. Is it not human nature to retract it? Is it? "

Tan Bingzhi gritted his teeth: "You also saw Chu Jun Rui Shi, far from Diaohong's Wuhe crowd. I can understand the Raptors, but you should not be caught by the enemy's tricks, Bao Sizhi's death Have n’t you learned the lessons of the army? "

Meng Longfu's face changed and he said in a deep voice: "Brother Bottle, you are a senior, but please give Longfu at least respect. I have also fought a lot of battles anyway, killing hundreds of enemies and breaking thousands of thieves. Soldiers, why is Bao Sizhi such a Wudi militia captain comparable? You said, after I entered the camp, I sent a wide range of sentries to investigate the ambush everywhere, and no light army had entered. Now all these signs are so obvious, the enemy The military even gave up so many armaments in a hurry, it was a real defeat, not a fraud! "

Speaking of which, Meng Long paused suddenly: "Although the military order sent to us by the slave was a large-scale reinforcement to repel the enemy and attack the battalion, but now we have completed this task in advance. The Chu army retreated and fled in vain. It was the time of chasing all the way, just like Brother Junu just now, when he broke the Chu army and chased across the board, would he still worry about the ambush in the camp, reinforcements? If you hesitate to worry about the bottle, then I It is enough to bring three hundred children to pursue, even if the whole army is annihilated, it will never involve the army. This is the head office. "

He said that he did n’t look at Tan Ping-ying anymore. With a horse in his belly, he ran towards the direction of the rear camp. While stroking the horse, he said to Suo Miao who was next to him: "Lao Suo, gather the teams and follow me immediately. enemy!"

Tan Ping looked at Meng Longfu's unseen back, and sighed softly. Tan Shao on the side said bitterly: "This little dragon is becoming more and more ridiculous, how can he talk to you like this? Speak, I will teach him! "

Tan Pingzhi shook his head and said, "No, I was just speechless just now, comparing him to Bao Sizhi. It is an insult to him as a victorious warrior. And, what he said makes sense, in case we are because Too cautious, losing a good chance to chase down the enemy forces, let them stand on the front line of Luoluo Bridge, I am afraid that they will regret it. After all, Jiang Cheng Daying won, but only to guard the gateway of Jingkou, but to enter the city to build Kangcheng , I must take Luo Luoqiao. Maybe, it was because I almost pitted Bao Si's death last time, and I also have a psychological shadow. "

Tanyi raised his eyebrows: "That uncle meant that we should follow the Raptors?"

Tan Pingzhi nodded: "I quarreled with the Raptors, after all, brothers who lived and died together on the battlefield ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and his uncle Meng Yanda, and many years old friends, sent slaves to protect him Our army, against enemy assault, I can't throw him down, order the whole army, and leave twenty people to guard these loads, and wait for the slaves to come, and the others will all follow me to help the dragon.

Tan Yi and Tan Shao glanced at each other, saluting at the same time: "Nuo."

Speaking of which, Tan Pingzhi suddenly thought of something. He stepped forward from a large car and picked up an euphorbia, carrying it with one hand, dancing in the air for a few days, and the tiger was in the wind, showing a trace of satisfaction. Smile: "This time we only bring bows and arrows, not guys with melee. Although we said that our archers do not need heavy armor and long armor, but some euphorbias are self-defense, there is always nothing wrong with it. Here is the heavy burden, and don't leave it to the brothers behind One by one, with self-defense. "

A quarter of an hour later, Liu Yuchi rode into the camp and ran under the handsome flag of the Chinese army. A small officer staying here was Tan Fang, the nephew of Tan Pingzhi's clan. He took more than 20 sergeants and one man. Stand the euphorbia next to it and stay here, watching the other elite well-made ordnance, sturdy armor, and the sealed wine jars and some salted meat in the dry food bag, constantly using the tongue Licking his lips, a trace of greed flashed in his eyes.

Tan Francis swallowed a bit of saliva and saluted Liu Yu: "Comrade Jingba, please send me a good slave."

Liu Yu responded: "Comrade Jingba, Francis, what about your uncle and the dragon?"

Tan Francis pointed to the camp gate of the rear battalion: "They have chased and fleeed the enemy, let us stay and watch these heavy loads, send the slave brother, when will we take us to chase down, too greedy to stay here!"

Liu Yu snapped his thigh and said to Xiang Jingshen behind him, "No, they are in danger, come with me!"

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