Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 2116: Dry onions into shield formation

Liu Yu struck out, and then swept violently, once again slamming the dozen or so and Changjia who attacked him, and then left his hand out like electricity, Zhaxin old iron screamed and ran to the opposite side, putting a shield in front of him After being smashed, the soldier behind the shield seemed to have prepared for this flying knife attacking strategy. He abandoned the shield early and jumped. This knife fell empty and could only be retracted as it was. Suddenly blocked by a shield in the back row, it is still a complete shield wall, and from this wall, hundreds of long bridges stick out, like hundreds of poisonous dragons, facing Liu Yu and the Beifu warriors behind him , Keep fighting!

Liu Yu's eyes swept over his companion behind him, 33 soldiers, at this time there were 24 people left, and the other nine were either dead or injured, and could no longer fight, the width of the entire array was also less It was about a third, and the shield wall of the heavy shield had begun to gradually expand towards the two wings, ready to enter the stage of outsourcing.

Liu Yu gritted his teeth without looking back, shouting to the back: "Maverick, what happened to the bridge ?!"

Ding Min then turned to the back row and said loudly: "Jinu Brother, Tie Niu Brother and A Shao Brother are still at Qiaotou. Most of the brothers have crossed the bridge, and less than one hundred people remain at Qiaotou. "

Liu Yu said in a deep voice: "Okay, and fight back, let everyone come up to help."

Ding Min Yingnuo was about to send a signal back. Suddenly, three rapid drum sounds sounded in the opposite shield, and two yellow flags stood up suddenly.

Liu Yu's face changed: "No, there will be a move on the opposite side, everyone pays attention, prepare to form a round battle!"

Liu Yu's words just fell. After the opposite shield wall, all the steps were suddenly and neatly withdrawn, leaving only a complete shield wall, which was still in front of everyone, and fell into a terrible silence on the battlefield. Only the whistling wind is still echoing.

Ding Min's voice was a little nervous and trembling: "Brother, now, what now?"

Liu Yu whispered: "It is necessary to use the assault tactics on the opposite side. This is certain. These shields are not played like the Chu army, but like our Beifu army. I am afraid ..."

His voice did not fall. Suddenly, after the opposite shield formation, there were three hundred long branches stretched out at once, no, not so much as long branches, but as small as thick arms The pole is about three feet wide, and the head is full of a blade with a foot long, and the coldness is like electricity. Under the midday sun, it shines and pierces the companions around Liu Yu.

Unlike the initial steps, these long legs are not only thick, but also long. Liu Yu can clearly see that after the shield, the enemy soldiers on the front line have completely abandoned the long legs, just holding their hands tightly Hold the hook on the inside of the shield, and these super-long frames are all more than three feet long and nearly ten meters long. They are placed on the shoulders of these warriors and come out of the shield, or they extend from the sides of their waists. At least two or three people carried such a long grove, exhausting all their strength, and sprinting forward quickly.

Their stabs, accompanied by drums and shouting trumpets, also sounded one stab at the sound of the war drum at the rear. Liu Yu saw it really, and in the heavy shield formation of the other party, the drums were throbbing. The sound rang loudly, and He Danzhi had removed his armor, naked with his upper body, and swiped the drumstick with sweat.

Liu Yu gritted his teeth and glared: "Sure enough, it really is He Danzhi, how can I be so familiar? It turned out to be the old ministry of Uncle Zhong. I heard that Uncle Zhong had been guarding Pengcheng for many years and recruited a strong young man from the north The Shield Guard Army did not expect that today, it turned out to be the same room in the old Ministry of Beifu! "

Xiang Jing ’s voice rang behind Liu Yu: “Brother Ji, let ’s help you. You are right. These are the people who are uncles. It ’s just that you ’ve been in Pengcheng for a long time. You do n’t know me. I just found out. "

Liu Yu turned his head and looked around. The assault just a moment ago stabbed the other five people. If it were not for Jing Jing and Tan Shao to follow up in time, the entire front would probably collapse. Now, in the rear, even The archers who have been supporting the arrows have thrown away the guys in their hands, picked up the long and halberds, and rushed forward, but this is the case. Facing the thick and long three-footed big opposite, it is still Fight back step by step, after all, in this kind of battle, the length determines everything! One inch long and one inch strong, but it's not just talking!

Tan Shao panted and snorted, constantly dialing the long stalks in front of him, but said in his mouth: "Damn, this, what, how, what, oh, how rough they are, how can they, can they , So, so fast! "

As soon as Liu Yu gritted his teeth, he slammed a big stab at Tan Shao's waist and said in a deep voice: "These hands must have taken the medicine and scattered, otherwise there is no such power, and the stab is greater than ours. The pace is faster. "

Xiang Jing said loudly: "What should I do? Do you want to break through?"

Liu Yu gritted his teeth ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ shouted: "Help me fly!"

Without saying anything to Xiang Jing, throwing the euphorbia in his hand, he kneeled directly on one knee, Tan Shao took a step, and with the two sergeants beside him, he stood in front of Xiang Jing and dialed the ten-odd shot Stabbing his weight, Liu Yu threw away the long shaft in his hand, pulled out the dragon-cutting sword, jumped up, stepped heavily on Xiang Jing ’s shoulder, shouted at Jing Jing, and pulled up, this rising power He pushed Liu Yu's body weighing more than 200 pounds into the other party's heavy shield camp.

The soldiers of the two armies were all stunned on the spot at this moment. No one thought that in the face of such an unstoppable array, Liu Yu would choose to fly in the air.

Fu Hongzhi has returned to Huangfufu's side, he opened his mouth inconceivably: "He, is he not going to die?"

Huangfu bit his lip tightly: "Damn, I can't think of the only weakness of the heavy attack. I saw Liu Yu. The three of them held their arms, and the power of the scatter attack was infinitely positive. If there is an aerial attack, it cannot be defended. It is just that Liu Yu dared to fly above this distance of more than ten steps, completely disregarding his life. There are no such fierce lunatics in the world! "

The three shots changed from Duan Ping to a lift. The three shots placed on the shoulder of the sergeant in front, like the heads of the three dragons, lifted up to Liu Yu flying from the sky, and flashed The bright sharp tip is just like the tongue letter that the dragon spouted. I saw Liu Yu's tiger roar, his left hand lifted, and a white light shot out. Zha Xin Lao Tie crossed an arc in the air, unbiased, and directly hit the three long blades and blades. In the connected position, the three ruler-length sharp blades fell off their heads, almost hitting the heavy shield square together with Liu Yu's rapidly falling figure!

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