Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 2193: Personal failure

Bian Fanzhi's face changed and he was about to speak, but Huan Xuan waved his hand, preventing him from speaking further: "Jingzu, I have something important to discuss with you. Now our army is defeated. Jingzhou needs to appease people. Especially Lu Zongzhi of Yongzhou can’t let him give birth to dissent. You can rest assured that Yuanming is secretly controlling the whole situation in Jiangling. Oh, yes, there is also Yin Zuowei, his literary talent is outstanding, Yuanming, you go back to Jiangling with him , His 1,000 soldiers are enough to protect you."

Tao Yuanming smiled a little, and a long press on his waist: "The minister will not live up to His Majesty's high hopes, so go."

Looking at Tao Yuanming's back, Bian Fanzhi still sighed: "Your Majesty, how can you let Tao Yuanming take Sima Dezong and Wang Shenai back to Jiangling? What is the difference from Liu Yu back to Jingkou?"

The smile on Huan Xuan's face faded suddenly and said coldly: "Don't Tao Yuanming yet prove his loyalty? For the past two years, I have been facing you, listening to you, not using him, guarding him, as a result, people are in This time it was a great achievement. If it were not for him, I might have been killed that night when Liu Yu started his army. He alone extinguished the rebellion of Jiankang and Liyang, and helped me regain Shenger, and Liyang fell He, like Hu Fan, chased after thousands of miles to flee, and you still doubt such loyal ministers?"

Bian Fanzhi gritted his teeth: "Spirit treasure, Tao Yuanming's palace is extremely deep, and now I want to think about it, when Jiankang, this person's performance was also quite doubtful. The two incidents were planned very carefully, especially the construction In Kang’s time, Wang Yuande and others were supposed to assassinate on the road from His Majesty’s Taimiao to the palace, but as soon as His Majesty left the Taimiao site, there was a group of assassins assaulting. Inferring from it that Wang Yuande and Zhuge Changmin who are far away in Liyang, don't you think it's a coincidence?"

Huan Xuan hooked the corner of his mouth: "You want to say that those who came to **** me were sent by Tao Yuanming? What benefits can he get from piercing me? By stabbing me to expose Wang Yuande and Zhuge Changmin? Then why? Don’t report Liu Yu directly?"

Bian Fanzhi sighed: "I haven't wanted to understand this point, so I dare not tell you, there is Liu Tingyun, he went into the palace alone and talked with Liu Tingyun for a long time, and then he could be brought out with Huan, Liu Tingyun's You know the personality best. At that time, only the child was her lifesaver. I wanted to rely on this child to let you take her with her. How could Tao Yuanming be taken away in this way? More strangely, Liu Tingyun followed Liu Yi, Tao Yuanming played a big role in this, you can think about it."

Huan Xuan said coldly, "What do you think Tao Yuanming should do? Just kill Liu Tingyun and bring out Shenger? Really want to do this, you may have something else to say. Respect for ancestors, you and I have been together for many years, I am right How trusting and reliant you are, you know it best, but now the great cause is unsuccessful, it is the occasion of hiring people. Those jealous hearts at this time, it is best to take it away, even if the Beijing and Eighth peace is settled in the future. There is no problem with snow hiding, but now, I want to use you for the whole army in front of me, not Tao Yuanming in the rear, who else can I use?"

Bian Fanzhi gritted his teeth: "Tao Yuanming was separated from us in Jiankang that day. Hu Fan called the old ministry to come back. This is understandable, but Tao Yuanming said that he went to Liyang, but he came back alone, and Diao Kui was killed. This is very suspicious in itself. Well, even if I take a step back, I can’t doubt Tao Yuanming’s past, but at this time, let a long-term non-reusable person carry the former Emperor Sima, and Wang Shenai this powerful woman Back to Jiangling, do you really feel so relieved? At that time, Yin Zhongkan let him go to his hometown to recruit soldiers. Wasn't he just dying his hero like this?"

Huan Xuan smiled slightly: "You worry too much. Yin Zhongkan asked him to go back and summon troops to give food. This was something Tao Yuanming couldn't get out of. He could only come to submit to me. I have been observing all these years. There are some killers who say that there is no money for soldiers and horses. Wang Shenai is no more powerful, and there is no power in Jingzhou. At this point, they are not as good as Yin Zhongwen. I let Lao Yin take the soldiers to **** them back. The waves. Do you want to say that Lao Yin also has ambitions and problems?"

Bian Fanzhi shook his head: "Old Yin is greedy for money and has no ambitions, but at this time, if someone instigates him, he may not think of leaving a way for himself. If you really want them to go back, the most So that Hu Fan can lead his soldiers and withdraw Lao Yin. Hu Fan is a true loyal man and can be trusted."

Huan Xuan's brow furrowed: "After all, Hu Fan used to be a general, and his relationship with Huan Zhen was not good, so it would be a big trouble for him to go back. Besides, I also need him here, especially before Huan Zhen and Lu Zong came, I want a general like Hu Fan to follow me. Liu Yi has already set off. If he is really chasing after him, then there will be a war to stop here in Hekou. Generals like Hu Fan help each other, and I'm afraid he can't stand Liu Yi."

Bian Fanzhi wanted to speak again~www.wuxiaspot.com~Huan Xuan waved his hand: "Okay, respect ancestor, no need to say any more, I have decided, this time the old Yin is absent, edicts and documents, You have to work harder. I have to write a daily note here. There is not much time. For specific things, you have to take more care."

Bian Fanzhi opened his eyes wide and shook his head incredulously: "What, are you going to write a daily note? Are you crazy? This daily note is a record of the emperor's words and deeds, which will be passed down to future generations, let alone write it yourself. The emperors of all dynasties could not even glance at them."

Huan Xuan smiled coldly: "Why should I obey the rules set by the ancients? I have to record the whole process of defeating Jiankang this time, to encourage myself and learn lessons from time to time. You have also experienced During the whole process, you said, I was wrong, or Wu Fuzhi, Huangfu Fu who insisted on playing at that time, and you Bian Jingzu were wrong? I said that I should wait for work and concentrate my strength to meet the exhausted soldiers of the Beijing Eight Thieves, but you alone I want to make achievements, and finally give everyone a break. Since this time, you have been unable to agree with each other. I have recorded these, and there is evidence in the future. Why can't it work?"

Bian Fanzhi sighed: "It is because these things are too subjective to allow the parties to record. If all the emperors write their own notes, they must be defeated and triumphant, and they will be wrong. What's the point of reference? Now that people's hearts are unstable, you as the lord should review mistakes and stabilize people's hearts, instead of continuing to beautify yourself like this."

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