Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 2217: Fully mobilize Yingqiang Hu

Liu Yu was stunned for a while, and then he smiled: "Yan Zhi, in twenty years, you flicked a finger, you still remember what happened then, you were a captain of a civilian husband at that time. Seeing that you civilians who are not soldiers are left behind Shoucheng, how can I, a soldier in the North House, drop the people of the whole city and retreat?"

To Yanzhi said with a smile: "Actually, we were afraid of dying at that time. Although my mouth was brave, I wished I would run away soon. However, what you said at the time impressed me. You said that the soldiers have to protect the people. This body armor, this sentence has been in my heart for 20 years, guiding the way of my life, so later I made up my mind that no matter what I do, I will live and die, not to be rich and glorious, Only to protect the country and the people."

Liu Muzhi said with a smile: "Yan Zhi is really ambitious, yes, this time we risked the genocide of nine deaths, and under the circumstances that others seemed hopeless, we still fought against each other. Jianyi Jingkou relied on you and The brothers have absolute trust in the slaves. This kind of trust goes beyond life and death, not to mention wealth. You see, even if Yan’s brother took such a big risk this time to start a soldier without success, he now has no regrets. And Nan Yan The news over there is faster than mine."

Liu Yu thought: "Yan Zhi, what is the situation over there, and how did you know?"

To Yanzhi smiled a little: "Master, I am from Pengcheng. I live in Huaibei. I have many friends with Qidi. As you know, Huaibei and Qidi have always had a lot of contacts. Many people come and go on both sides. Therefore, in the past few years Murong's attack on Qidi, many people from Qidi came to Huaibei to escape the war and became my brother. Later, Qidi settled down, and they also went back, but with their presence, Nanyan's every move, I can basically know. Although Liu Zubo’s spy eyes are powerful, he is not a local, after all, so in this regard, my news may be two hours sooner."

Liu Muzhi said with a smile: "Yes, we are different intelligence lines, different spies, but in this way, it is also possible to compare the news to ensure that it is correct. Alan once had the opportunity to intercept Ashou in Linqu, but she It was because of this that A Sho was released, and he went back to jail. Yan Zhi, what are you doing now, Nanyan's military situation?"

Zhiyan Zhizheng said: "Nanyan now has entered the state of full mobilization. All the Xianbei tribes are required to keep only one child to stay at home, and all other males must be recruited. The Han people are also practicing the three-five-pick method. , Three out of one or five out of two. In the Linqu area to the south, as of three hours ago, 50,000 soldiers and horses had been assembled, and general Duan Hui was in charge, and Murong De had also assembled seven in Guanggu. Thousands of chariots, 150,000 infantry, and 60,000 cavalry, will soon go south to meet."

This time even Liu Muzhi frowned deeply: "How come there are so many troops? I know Linqu, but there can still be 200,000 troops in Murongbeide in Guanggu?"

To Yanzhi sighed: "Because of the Xianbei households in Hebei, they have flooded into the land of Qilu in recent years. When Murong Beide entered Nanyan, less than 50,000 households were brought. Xianbei people from northern China came to surrender, and there were few sergeants in the Northern Wei family. They used to monitor the Xianbei people of various places in the Han family. Going to Nanyan, Murong Beide has been operating in the same area for many years, and his strength has been several times stronger than before. In addition, he has not fought for many years. The Xianbei who used to live in fighting and captivity were also bored. This time I heard Some Han people want to assassinate their emperor.

Liu Yu nodded: "Xianbei people do this, understandably, but the Han people of Qidi, we are all of the same race, why should we stand on the side of Murongde?"

Da Yanyan said: "That's because the local Han tribes, such as Han and Gao, are on the side of Murong Beide. After Murong Beide entered Qilu, his subordinates were strictly forbidden to kill Han people, and they went to worship the Confucius Temple in person. Reusing Han people's people on a large scale in order to form a heart, he is very favorable to the Han people and family, tax-free and duty-free, and relying on these people to govern the Han people. So he quickly received the support of these Han families."

Liu Muzhi said rightly: "Xianbei people are used to grazing cattle and sheep. Qilu also has a lot of grasslands suitable for them to graze. The Han people have not eaten these beef and mutton less in recent years. Their lives are better than in the war before. Ah, if you think about the battle of the Fei Shui, wasn’t it also the high-men family like the Xie family, let their servants join the army, and immediately pull up the army? This time in Qidi, what Han family, Yue family, The high-ranking locals of the Gao family, just like the Xie family at that time, organized the villagers in the dock to join the army. They may not need to directly participate in the battle, but they can transport food, manage the load, and provide logistics to ensure the battle of the Xianbei soldiers on the front line. According to the information I have now, there are about 20,000 Xianbei infantry rides in Linqu, and the army directly under Murongbeide has no less than 100,000 combat soldiers. The other hundreds of thousands of Han infantrymen are mostly reserve personnel. The number of people. But even so, there are hundreds of thousands of elites, you have to think about how to meet the enemy."

Liu Yu nodded and looked at Yan Zhi: "Yan Zhi, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, do you have any contact with Brother A Shou?"

To Yanzhi shook his head: "Not yet. After Ashou escaped from Nanyan, these days he has been in various cottages and docks in Huaibei to convene the old ministry. Unfortunately, he hasn't kept much of the ordnance and grain before. I will not participate in this battle. I heard that so far, the army he can gather is only 3,000, and there is a serious lack of equipment, and the military food is less than one month. If you fight Nanyan’s army with such strength, it is There is no hope of victory."

Liu Yu's brow was deeply locked, and he said to Da Yanzhi: "Brother Yan, thank you for telling us such important information. Now please return to Pengcheng immediately. In the name of our town general, let Pengcheng defend Liu Liu and mobilize immediately. All the troops that can be convened, including the soldiers you can recruit from the private sector, are all gathered in the area of ​​Pengcheng, and all the non-combatants, women and children are arranged to go south. I will mobilize the army to the north in the fastest time, within ten days, must come Pengcheng!"

Liu Muzhi's face changed: "Slave, are you going north to meet? Are you serious?"

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "In this battle, the more you are afraid of fighting, the more you can't avoid it. Only by showing a tough attitude will you not teach Humadu Daxian, but before that, I will go to see me first. Good brother A Shou, and in the area of ​​Huaibei, who is a true friend and who is an enemy, just borrowed this time, feel it clearly!"

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