Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 2222: The real ghost appears in the background

Pengcheng, outskirts of the city, the stage for the show

This fighting arena, which could hold 10,000 people, was already empty at the moment. Since the prisoners of the celestial masters were no longer sent here in the past few years, the popularity here has become less and less popular. With the Eastern Jin Dynasty in recent years It’s difficult for even those aristocrats to come to Pengcheng to watch games and gambling money as often as ten years ago. They have lost the two sources of gold masters and fighters, and the land of Jiangbei is always facing wars. Taiwan, gradually the wind is always blown away by the rain.

However, on the current stage, there are two people standing. On this almost abandoned fighting platform, the figures of these two people are particularly conspicuous. Liu Ge’s whole body armor is standing on one side, like his subordinates. Standing in front of him was a black robe, and in this broad daylight, the mysterious big man who still looked eerie and strange.

While wiping the sweat on his forehead, Liu Cain said, "Benevolence, the news should be true. When Yanzhi went to Jingkou in person, rushing back to pass the letter in person will not be mistaken. And this is in line with Liu Yu's usual practice. What can I do now? He said he wants to investigate the internal traitor, and he will definitely find out my past. If our relationship is exposed, it will be troublesome."

Hei Pao said calmly: "Then what do you want me to do now? I have mobilized Nan Yan's soldiers and horses this time, and I have also helped you gain wealth in the country of Yan in the future. The position that Liu Gui held before his death will be yours. Take over, and the entire six counties of Jiangbei, including Pengcheng, are under your jurisdiction. How much do you want me to do?"

Liu Ge gritted his teeth: "These promises can only be realized after Nan Yan can obtain the six counties in Jiangbei. Now that Liu Yu is here, it is difficult to say whether Nan Yan can obtain the land of the six counties. If Nan Yan does not come, Liu Yu will After taking root here, and then sending the spy chief Liu Muzhi to find out about me, then I will be dead."

Hei Pao smiled slightly: "Aren't you just marrying a wife named Cui, and you also told Huan Xuan that it was a surrender. As long as you don't tell me, I don't tell you, Liu Yu again How did you know? He deliberately let out the rumors of a rape, just to stimulate the real **** to move, don't be fooled by him."

Liu Ge said in a deep voice: "Liu Yu does things just like he uses soldiers. Others are unpredictable. In the past, when he was fighting against Huan, he was so fictitious and real. This time he brought the soldiers to come, and when the time comes, he can We were directly removed and replaced by his people. By that time, I have been in business for ten years, and I have been in trouble. Is it possible to return to Beijing to farm?"

Hei Pao shook his head: "Don't act rashly. This is my advice to you. If you are afraid that Liu Yu will seize your military power, you can stay in Zhencheng. Now Liu Yu's life is not easy, and the west is still fighting against Huan. Xuan, the outcome is unknown. The high-ranking family in Beijing may not fully support him. You need to pay attention from time to time. This time, if it weren't for Nanyan to go south, he wouldn't care about the six counties of Jiangbei. But to resist Nan Yan, I will never move you at this time. At that time, the battle is over. If you take credit, he will naturally withdraw his troops and even promote you further."

Liu Cao gritted his teeth: "I won't believe Liu Yu. I didn't have much friendship with him when I was in the Beifu Army, and for more than a year, I listened to you and eliminated a lot of Liu Laozhi and Liu Jingxuan. The old part of Huaibei, of course, claimed to be the gangster who suppressed horse thieves, but this kind of thing can't hide from Liu Muzhi's eyes. If this fat man follows, I will be dead!"

Hei Pao’s eyes flashed coldly: "So what you have to do is to step up to kill Liu Jingxuan. Only by killing this Liu Yu’s best brother can Liu Yu and Nan Yan’s blood feud cannot be resolved. Then I will find a way to make Murongde killed Murong Lan again. The death of this brother and his wife would make Liu Yu lose his mind, and even give up chasing Huan Xuan, and send troops to fight Nan Yan. In this way, he will use you again to stabilize Jiangbei, no matter who wins Whoever loses, your position as the emperor of Jiangbei is as stable as Mount Tai. When you enter, you can cut off Liu Yuhoulu Liangdao and kill him in Nanyan. Retreat can also help him crusade him. Isn't it much stronger than now?"

Liu Ge said in a deep voice: "Killing Liu Jingxuan at this time, isn't that going to kill him? Besides, Liu Jingxuan is brave to win the third army. Although he is now down, there are thousands of subordinates who are not below me. How can he be killed?"

Heipao smiled slightly: "In normal times, it may be difficult to do it, but isn't there a ready opportunity? Liu Yu came here with Qingqi this time. In my opinion, it is not to boost morale, but to see Liu Jingxuan. I will find a way to spread the news, and then let Liu Jingxuan come to see Liu Yu in the Xi Ma stage in person. As long as Liu Yu is here, you will send soldiers and horses to ambush, and I will send elite soldiers to help you. This stage, once It was the place where Liu Yu fought and consecrated the gods, and now, I will send him to the west!

Liu Cao opened his eyes wide: "How can this be possible? You have a way to get Liu Jingxuan on the hook? How would he know that he came here to see Liu Yu?"

Heipao's eyes flashed coldly: "I will be responsible for this matter. You only need to mobilize soldiers and come here to ambush. Remember, bring someone you absolutely trust and absolutely obey your orders. If Liu Yu sees his brothers, he will not bring too many people, at most dozens of riders. If you deploy two thousand soldiers, I will send another two hundred dead soldiers. I believe that Liu Yu will not be allowed to get out of here alive."

Liu Cai laughed, turned around and left: "I will arrange this now!"

When Liu Ge’s figure disappeared outside the stage, a ghostly figure appeared next to the black robe~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The whole body was wrapped in a black costume, and a pair of star-like eyes , She gleamed, and she bowed to the black robe, "Mingyue has seen my benefactor."

Heipao sighed softly, turned around, and looked at Mingyue: "It is a good thing to have you at this time. Although you and Yuanming are not with me anymore, you can still help me. I have to thank you all. Is the lord."

Mingyue took off her veil, her beautiful face, the corner of her mouth twitched lightly, and a pear nest appeared: "Even without the master's arrangement, at this time, I will help En Gong. If I can assassinate Liu Yu successfully, I can stay forever."

Hei Pao shook his head: "Don't be too reluctant this time. I always feel something is wrong. Liu Kai has short-sightedness, greed and ignorance. He can't kill Liu Yu alone. After all, this man has created too many miracles here."

Mingyue sneered: "With the master's arrangement, he probably won't have any chance to escape. Besides, we still have..."

Heipao waved his hand: "Remember, don't force it. If the situation is not good, retreat quickly. If you succeed, kill Liu Xing altogether."

Mingyue nodded, turned and left. Soon, her figure disappeared from the audience.

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