Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 2227: The road of the spy will never return

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Liu Jingxuan sneered and said, "I'm afraid, this thief woman is using a disguise technique again, where are the real twins?"

Liu Yu sighed: "Ashou, she is the real twin. If not, how could Alan tell them whereabouts and suffer in jail? Shuang'er, do you really think that you can save your princess if you hurt me? ?"

Shuang'er held the place where his elbow was broken, bit his lip tightly, ignoring the dripping blood, looking directly at Liu Yu, but Liu Jingxuan was a little surprised and surprised: "This is unlikely, Shuang'er has followed. Alan has been by her side when she was in Luoyang for more than ten years. She loves her sisters, how could she..."

Liu Yu sneered: “For these spies, there is no human affection at all. Just like Alan’s training for Murong Chui from an early age, they are named brothers and sisters. In fact, they are the strictest master-slave relationship. Brothers in our army are different. They need to monitor each other, because they are loyal to the entire Murong clan of Yan, not the individual, Shuang'er, although you and Alan grew up together, from the beginning, you only obeyed Yan. The emperor of the Kingdom, from Murongchui to Murongbao to Murong Bide, for so many years, Alan’s every move, you have to report to the emperor of Murong clan, including this private release of Liu Jingxuan, you also reported it, I said nothing. Wrong."

Shuang'er said bitterly: "How do you know the secrets of these organizations? Could it be that the princess has betrayed Dayan, even these..."

Liu Yu’s eyes flashed coldly: “All the spy organizations in the world, intelligence and confidentiality, all operate in the same way. Your Yan Country is also learned from our Central Plains Han, but Alan knows that you are here to monitor her. Yes, I still treat you with sincerity and never hide anything from you, because she claims she is worthy of the family and the country of Yan. I will save you today because of Alan’s face. Otherwise, you It's dead now!"

Liu Jingxuan said bitterly: "After doing it for a long time, it turned out that it was Princess Lan who betrayed by this woman, and we betrayed us. Damn it. I'm not reconciled if I don't kill this girl!"

As he said, with a wave of his broad sword, he was about to step forward. Liu Yu stretched out his hand to stop Liu Jingxuan: "No matter, she was probably instigated by others. As long as we kill us, Alan will be released. But Shuang'er, why are you doing this? Stupid, don’t you know my relationship with your princess? Do you think that we are only cooperating on the basis of interest? Is there no true feeling? Do you think that Alan will be happy if you kill me?"

Shuang'er gritted his teeth and said: "I don't care, I only know that it is because of you Han people that the princess will end up like this. Only if you die can she be saved. Liu Yu, today I missed and did not kill you, but you Don’t even try to escape with Liu Jingxuan today! I’ll be here, waiting for you!” She said, looking up to the sky with a miserable laugh, “Your Majesty, Princess, Shuang'er did your best!”

There was a sound of biting the wax pill, and the bodies of Shuang'er fell feebly, and finally the expression full of hatred and unwillingness was fixed on the face, and at the moment of falling, her entire beautiful face was already It turned into a black color, and the blood flowing from the nostrils and corners of her mouth also turned black and purple. Her eyes were wide open and protruding from the sockets. Liu Jingxuan's expression changed when she saw it: "What a powerful poison."

Liu Yu sighed: "The road of the spy is ultimately a way of no return. Her family is in the hands of Murong clan, so after the action fails, she will be useless. After her hand is broken, she will be a useless person. He will definitely suffer torture and die. It's better to have a good time like this. I intended to let her live a life so that she could stay in Jin to live, but unexpectedly, she still chose to stop herself."

Mingyue’s voice sounded coldly: “A spy who missed his hand is worthless. His only role is to let the others in the organization see and let them know the end of the failure. Liu Yu, you are clever and you have escaped this time. Assassination, but even she knows that you can’t escape this time. Some of us are people and some are time. You will never escape this time."

Liu Kai grinned and said: "Brothers listen carefully, don't rush forward, just shoot arrows from a distance. The two of them are not Da Luo Jinxian. When they are always exhausted, the first one to shoot Liu Yu will reward you. Ten thousand dollars, waiting!"

Liu Yu laughed loudly: "Brothers of the Jin army, have you all heard it? Have you all seen? This old thief, just now said that I was in collusion with Nan Yan, but now I personally abolished Nan Yan sent to stab me Killer, can this lie still be spread? He just said that I can be rewarded for killing me. Which one is this time? Dajin or Nanyan?"

Liu Ge said sharply: "This time, it’s Da Chu! Liu Yu, you raised your troops to treason and caused your Majesty to leave Jiangling. You have long been an unpardonable sin. This Yan assassin is only temporarily cooperating with us. We are truly loyal. Yes, it is your Majesty the Emperor of Da Chu. All the troops listened to the order, don’t listen to Liu Yu's slaps, kill him, and you will be rewarded!"

Liu Yu sternly said: "Have you heard this? This Liu Cain has betrayed the Beifu army and Dajin a long time ago. Everyone knows that Huanxuan brought those Jingzhou soldiers and used them to make a masterpiece in the place guarded by our Beifu army. Fu, many old generals of the Beifu were killed by him. Those who are alive have a hard time to repay the country and have a hard time to return home. You have used General Sun, General Liu, General Zhu, and General Gao before. These old people have made great contributions to the country. General, do not look down, are you the soldiers of the Great Jin, or the soldiers of Huanchu?"

A soldier dropped the big bow in his hand and said loudly, "I don't want to be a thief!"

Before his words fell, a white light flashed, and Mingyue's figure flashed past him like a ghost. A thin red line flashed across his neck. His eyes were wide open, and his hands were strong. I want to lift up to touch my neck~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Just lifted to the chest, his head is like a ripe watermelon, rolling down from the neck, the headless body, blood is spraying from the broken neck, directly Fell to the ground.

With the bright moon about three paces beside him, she retracted the sword into its sheath, and a stern killing intent flashed in his eyes: "Anyone who shakes the military's will, cowers, and kills on the spot, such a person will end!"

Liu Yu opened his anger and said sharply: "Thief woman, hurt my Beifu brother, I will kill you!"

With a tiger roar, he violently went straight to the bright moon above the stands. Liu Cao reacted immediately and took his long bow and shot at Liu Yu: "I don't believe it, you can deal with so many of us alone!"

And following Liu Ge’s actions, the hundreds of black-clothed assassins also picked up their crossbows and shot at Liu Yu, but Liu Ge’s guards were full of anger, looking at Mingyue’s eyes, almost spraying. When the fire broke out, they clenched their fists tightly, a silent and terrifying force was brewing.

Liu Jingxuan looked up to the sky and screamed: "Brother Beifu, you will never fight alone, come out and kill the thief!"


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