Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 2243: Zhu Brothers Ding Wukang

As soon as this statement was made, everyone's expressions changed. Everyone knew that Liu Yu would miss Liu Jingxuan's official position, but no one thought that Liu Yu would directly let Liu Jingxuan lead the army as the coach, and even Xiang Jing opened his eyes and was surprised. : "This, Brother Ji Nu, you don't know..."

Liu Jingxuan also froze in place first, then shook his head and said: "Sending a slave, this is not good, it will break the rules, I didn't make a single inch of merit, and caused a big disaster. I just came back..."

Liu Yu calmly looked at the generals in the account. Most of them bowed their heads and said nothing. Obviously, this was a silent protest. Liu Yu smiled slightly and said: "Everyone, do you think I'm unfair and let Ah Shou directly succeed? Reinforcement leader, so the people are not convinced?"

The Sun Chu next to Xiang Jing said solemnly: "Ji Slave, you are the coach. You have the final say on these things. Even if you let a guy be a general, we can only follow it, but if I don’t even think about it. To be fair, Xi Le and Wuji are even more aware of difficulties. If everyone feels suspicion and cannot work together, then they will miss major events."

Almost everyone nodded and said yes, Liu Yu nodded: "Ji Gao (Chu Sun's words) said it very well, does everyone mean that?"

Yu Qiujin said in a deep voice: "Jin Slave, you are going to promote Ah Shou in your old feelings. Everyone knows this. If you let him be a deputy commander and follow along to make meritorious service, no one would have any opinions, just..."

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "Everyone thinks, this time I asked A Shou to follow suit?"

Everyone moved in their hearts, and murmured to Xiang Jing: "Yes, Brother Ah Shou is capable, as we all know, he is not one of the family's children. He can't fight and can only follow his military skills."

Liu Yu looked at the crowd and said in a deep voice: "This time Xile, they will encounter strong enemies. The Beifu army stationed in the capital has finally settled down, established their respective responsibilities and defense zones, and is also responsible for training new recruits. Sending the existing capital troops and the Wudi garrison to reinforcements will cause confusion in defense. Even, recently we sent to various places to suppress the powerful brothers, and therefore may face revenge from the local tyrants."

Speaking of this, Liu Yu stood up and said, "Everyone knows the brothers Lingshi and Chaoshi. They went to Wukang County. Here I just received their report from Wukang." He said, pointing to the table. The official document above, like other local newspapers, is directly in the format and packaging of military newspapers.

Chu Sun's expression changed: "Aren't they serving as county magistrates in Wudi? How could there be a Tangbao? Could it be that Wudi has rebelled again?"

Liu Yu shook his head: "The Wukang County they went to had several local tyrants with big names. In addition to the Shen family, there was also the Yao family headed by the Yao family. Last time, the five tigers of the Shen family killed the enemy who killed their father and ancestor. I punished everyone in the Shen family. Shen Yuanzi retired and returned to his hometown without leaving the door behind closed doors. Another powerful Yao family took advantage of the opportunity to recruit desperadoes and stragglers. In the name of protecting the environment and the people, it was a disaster. Follow the court decree."

Yu Qiujin suddenly realized: "Could it be that you sent the Zhu family to Wukang as the county magistrate in order to deal with the Yao family?"

Liu Yu nodded: "Exactly, now we have just beaten Huanxuan, and we are facing tremendous pressure from Nanyan. The regular army is stationed in various places and cannot be moved lightly. Therefore, these tycoons feel that the imperial army has not arrived, and they can take advantage of it. If they are willing to comply with the laws of the country, do not violate the law and discipline, pay food and grass on time, and provide Ding Zhuang to join the army, I can naturally give them official posts to benefit one party, but it is like Yao's ancestors. , But wanted to take the opportunity to dominate Wukang County, hiding in secret, and even openly playing the banner of Huanchu to become an enemy of the court."

Xiang Jing stomped his feet abruptly: "His grandmother, there really is such a **** who doesn't know how to promote, Send Slave Brother, give me a thousand people, I will go and kill his surname Yao now!"

On one side, Kuai'en said thoughtfully: "Brother Iron Niu, don't be impulsive. Brother Jinu means that this kind of local tyrants are everywhere in Wu, and Wukang has them. I'm afraid there are many elsewhere, dozens of counties. Well, there are one or two local tyrants in every place, so how many soldiers and horses do we have to suppress?"

Tan Daoji also nodded and said: "Yes, and during the Tianshi Dao chaos a few years ago, the commander at that time used to looted the land of Wu, and now he has just beaten Huanxuan, he sent troops again, which may cause popular sentiment. Rebound, even those tycoons who originally wanted the court may no longer be inclined to us. Therefore, it is the best policy to eliminate a few blatant chaos, to appease those who are willing to pay taxes, and try not to send out the army."

Liu Yu smiled and nodded: "Dao Ji said it well. I arranged for the Zhu brothers to go to Wukang as the county magistrate. For this reason, they only brought dozens of trilogy guards, but secretly they were Let more than 300 people sneak into Wukang from the old army when they were in Jingkou, Yao Xizu recruited diversified soldiers everywhere. Naturally, these veterans who had been in the army and came from the Chu area were always willing to come."

Chu Sun laughed: "Send slaves, this trick is really high. In fact, this is equivalent to arranging an ambush in Yao's family, and you can also collect their crimes. Once you want to attack Yao's family, it is foolproof."

Liu Yu nodded in satisfaction, and said to the outside of the account: "Yunzi, you can come in."

While speaking, Shen Yunzi was dressed in a strong suit, covered in a black scarf, and walked in. He was covered with dust and even some blood stains. At first glance, he knew that he came here after fighting and traveling long distances.

Xiang Jing was pleasantly surprised: "Brother Yunzi~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Haven't you returned to your hometown to be relatives? How come..."

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "I made the people of the Shen family return to their hometown. Outsiders only told me that I was expelled because they killed their enemies and violated my laws, but in fact, I wanted them to obey the orders of the Zhu family. Help at critical moments and eradicate the Yao family in one fell swoop. Yunzi, tell me the specific story."

Shen Yunzi smiled slightly: "After I returned to my hometown, I let most of the trilogy go back to work in the countryside. The brothers stayed behind closed doors. Yao Xiezu was even more arrogant when he saw it. Xuan, and welcome the Chu army generals to join him. Within a month, thousands of stragglers and soldiers joined him. Of course, they included more than 300 veterans under the Zhu family brothers."

"Then the Zhu brothers arrived, deliberately showing weakness, and invited Yao Xizu and several other big families to come to the Yamen for a banquet. The Zhu brothers sent someone to tell Yao Xizu that they were also from the Chu army and they had no choice but to surrender to slaves. Brother, as long as you don’t open up the banner of Huanchu, you can protect them from developing and growing. Once the time is right, you can unite with Huanxuan to counterattack Jiankang."


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