Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 2245: Go to the west without stopping

Liu Jingxuan laughed: "Ji Slave, are you planning to take the brothers I brought back from Huaibei this time and directly reorganize them into reinforcements to help Xi Le and Wuji?"

Liu Yu nodded: "Yes, you just saw that Jiankang and Wu Di’s soldiers and horses seem to have 20,000 to 30,000 soldiers, but in reality they cannot be dispatched easily at this time, otherwise Wu Di is unstable, even if it’s in the south. Yan, may also give birth to new ideas. Although Murong Bide and I have a non-aggression agreement, but now Murong Chao succeeds to the throne, how he will behave in the future is still unknown, at least the patron Gongsun next to him on the fifth floor , This time I’m focusing on attacking my Dajin, so the soldiers and horses in Guangling and Jiangbei can’t be moved. The only thing I can use is you, the new force that came back from Huaibei. These are the old ministries that have followed you for many years. Although there are only five thousand soldiers in the old northern palace, they can be used as a teacher of one hundred thousand tigers and wolves. They are loyal to you and will not leave you even in the most difficult times. Therefore, instead of messing up the mess, it is better to be led by you alone. , In this way, who are you going to be the head coach?"

Tears gleamed in Liu Jingxuan's eyes: "But, but after all I am..."

Liu Yu said solemnly: "You are in exile in the enemy country because of your father's wrongdoing and killing. This is my arrangement. If anyone has an opinion on this point, just come to me. As for being confused and believing in others, I have also punished you for causing a catastrophe. I think I was also sentenced to death for marrying Murong Lan until I was pardoned by the first emperor in the third war on the stage. A Shou, what happened to you. , Has already been dealt with, if anyone still has an opinion on this, you can ask him to come to me directly."

Liu Jingxuan nodded and stretched his brows, still hesitating: "But, just now, Qiu Jin made a reasonable statement. Even if others have no objection, he is happy..."

The corner of Liu Yu's mouth twitched lightly: "Xile is the coach of this Western Expedition, and you are just leading the reinforcements to follow up and take up the task. If Xile’s loss is too great, you have to send troops and horses. Add it, but don’t interfere with his commanding authority. After you arrive in the war zone, you will be restrained by him as the reinforcement coach and the lieutenant general. A Shou, how many years have you been your brothers, although sometimes you are a little angry At this time, the enemy is now, and only by working together and defeating the enemy will it be beneficial to everyone. Otherwise, if the battle is lost, who can benefit? Xile will not understand this principle."

Liu Jingxuan laughed: "Since you have said so, what can I worry about? Let me go back to the camp and spend three days to reorganize my subordinates, arrange matters, and then set off."

Liu Yu shook his head: "Sorry, Ah Shou, I'm afraid there is no time for you to wait for three days. The military report that you just received, Xi Le's army has arrived at Huankou, and he met with the 30,000 Chu army headed by He Tanzhi. Two days later in the final battle, you will not be able to catch up with this battle, but regardless of victory or defeat, Xi Le will need your reinforcements to continue to move forward. Now go back and worship the marshal, and then set off immediately. Your family in Nanyan I’ll find a way to deal with this matter. As long as Alan can speak, I think the reunion of your family will not be too far away."

Liu Jingxuan gritted his teeth and gave a military salute: "I'll go now. This time, I will bring the iron cow and suppress the evil. You have no objection."

Liu Yu smiled and pointed to the big account: "Brothers here, you can pick whatever you want. However, there is not a single soldier except for your headquarters with 5,000 troops."

Liu Jingxuan laughed, turned around and took the hands of Xiang Jing and Wang Zhen evil, and strode out of the account: "Tie Niu, have you done anything in the past two years? I think you are good at fat. "

Liu Yu calmly waved his hand: "Okay, let's come here today. After everyone returns to the camp, we will count the good soldiers, horses, food, and grass. I will go to the camps for inspections in the past two days. There will be more work for recruit training. Everyone has worked so hard. Now, let’s take a break."

When everyone withdrew from the military account, Liu Yu took off his helmet and stretched his waist. He smiled at Liu Muzhi, who was struggling with writing in one corner, and said, "Hey fat man, why is it so quiet today? Ah, all the accounts are gone, what are you still recording there?"

Liu Muzhi said blankly: "I'm writing the essays and edicts that you are going to send to Wu Di. There is also a list of letters for A Shou to restore the title."

Liu Yu's face changed slightly: "Why do you want to write now, don't you have any opinions on my decision?"

Liu Muzhi sighed softly: "There is nothing wrong with other things, but there is one thing, that is the relationship between Wuji and A Shou, have you considered it?"

Liu Yu sighed: "It's not that I haven't thought about it. Most of the former generals are now in charge of Wuji. This has also formed the three forces of my brother, the brother of Xi Le, and the brother of the general, which maintain the current Beifu. The balance of the army. But after all, A Shou has five thousand elites under his staff. These are just like guards who left the Beifu directly to follow him. I can’t just use this incident to force these people from A Shou’s name. Swipe down and keep it for your own use or for Wuji."

Liu Muzhi said sternly: "Your own use is better than now. Even if Liu Yi is dissatisfied with A Shou, he will not attack it face to face, but it does not rule out that he will beat Wuji. Wuji is now the Big Three of the Beijing Eight Parties, Jianyi At that time, he was also born to death. Let A Shou who did not participate in Jianyi replace him. If you change the position of Wuji, you will not be convinced~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If you really want A Shou to be a backup, then Wuji can't stay on the front line anymore, let him guard Huaibei, or return to the capital to stay at the guard. As for the relationship between Xi Le and A Shou, Dao Gui must be mediated."

Liu Yuzheng said: “It’s too late now. I let A Shou go to the front line. In fact, in addition to giving him a chance to make meritorious deeds and avenge his father, it is also because A Shou has not done anything now, and even after he has gone back to China, let him go. In the capital city, I’m afraid that it’s not appropriate for many. The family’s children will use this as an excuse to say that I use people for favoritism. A Shou is a standard soldier, and he can’t get along with the family’s children. When the time comes, people will grab the handle and even become an attack. The weapon of my New Deal, that’s troublesome."

Liu Muzhi sighed: "So, you would rather risk A Shou and Wuji having a conflict, and let A Shou go to war and make a contribution? Don't you worry about the frontline?"

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "Actually, Ah Shou's real use is on the battlefield. He is a natural warrior. Only in battle is the place where he can best use his skills. Putting people in the most suitable position is not me. Is this a handsome man?"


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