Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 2251: Hu's father and son board the main ship

Mingyue’s face is full of admiration: "Brother has a far-reaching path, a true **** and man, and the younger sister is convinced. However, is it necessary for Princess Langyan to stay in Xunyang? What if..."

Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "This is a reserve plan. The soldiers are fierce and dangerous. No amount of planning is enough to determine the victory or defeat. In case Liu Yi wins tomorrow and the Chu army loses again, the next thing to do is let Liu Yi take advantage of it. Winning and arrogant, he has the ambition and ability to fight Liu Yu. This requires him to hold Princess Langya in his hands. Sima Dewen publicly turned against Liu Yu and Wang Shenai last time, and this time Liu Yi rescued again. His wife and daughter, then he will definitely collude with Liu Yi. Liu Yu has the ability to support Sima Dezong, so I will let Liu Yi rely on his boss Ma Dewen, hum, let the Changdao Civil War of the year come again."

Having said this, even Tao Yuanming himself smiled triumphantly. It seemed that he was very satisfied with the plan.

An imperceptible look flashed across Mingyue’s face, and she smiled slightly: "Then I wish you all the best, brother, if there is nothing I want to do here, then I will go secretly protect Princess Chu Lingyuan, Princess Langya, and her daughter. They were hurt in the possible turmoil."

Tao Yuanming nodded: "Go ahead. Please take care of the matter over there."

Mingyue turned around and took two steps, suddenly turned her head, looked at Tao Yuanming, who was stroking his beard, and said: "Brother, where are you in tomorrow's battle?"

Tao Yuanming was a little surprised: "Naturally it is on He Danzhi's main ship. I'm talking about his true flagship. What's wrong?"

Mingyue gritted his teeth: "The soldiers are fierce and the war is dangerous. Anyway, He Tanzhi is a flagship, and all are dangerous. You'd better not board the ship. Just watch the battle on land."

Tao Yuanming's expression changed slightly: "Junior sister, what's the matter with you? As a conspirator, how can I not be with the coach during the war? In case of an emergency, I still have to... "

Mingyue sighed: "Everyone has only one life. If you lose it, you will lose it. Brother, you are unparalleled in your plans. Few people in the world can match it, but the battlefield is strained to break through with force. It is not your strength. What's more, now the lord wants us Try to hide in the dark as much as possible, hide your whereabouts, and don't show your face. This time you and I are assigned by the black robe, and the lord may not be satisfied when you turn back. I think at this time, you'd better hide in the dark."

Tao Yuanming nodded: "Thank you, junior sister, for reminding me to care about my brother. You will do the same tomorrow. Protect yourself and don't put yourself in a dangerous situation."

Mingyue smiled sweetly, turned around and left, gently waving his hand, Tao Yuanming stood silent for a long time, suddenly turned his head to the back of the account and said, "Here you are."

A man dressed as a military academy ran over and Tao Yuanming said solemnly: "Go and talk to Dashuai He, saying that I am unwell to the wind and waves, and I am vomiting on board. I can only watch the battle in the water village tomorrow. Everything has been set up. The commander can just act according to the original plan, and the victory must belong to the great Chu."

The military academy saluted and retired. Tao Yuanming closed his eyes and muttered to himself: "Junior sister, do you have something to hide from me now?"

The next day, morning, Huankou, Jiangmen.

On the four-to-five-mile wide Yangtze River, the warships are densely packed, and the fleets sailing out of the water villages in the northeast and southwest have been assembled in arrays. The west wind is fierce, blowing the robes of every sergeant on the battlefield. It is also possible to see the current wind direction clearly from the direction in which the flag is flying. He Tanzhi is proud, standing on the deck of the Water Dragon, watching the densely packed warships ahead, and the countless number of warships on it. The archer, as well as the sailor with a sword and a shield, smiled: "On the opposite of Liu Yi’s warship, the largest is not as good as our youngest. If it weren’t for Mr. Tao’s plan, in my opinion, If you need to hit it directly, it will be over. Why is it so troublesome?"

The lieutenant Feng Ge on one side is a 60-year-old veteran with a lanky red face and a veteran of the Huan family for many years. He said solemnly: "He is handsome, don't underestimate the enemy, today's storm is not small, even Tao The husband is also unwell and unable to board the boat. At the moment, I am watching the battle in the water village. I just came from him. He is currently weak and has difficulty standing."

He Tanzhi said dissatisfiedly: "These literati are really useless, and they can't stand up to the wind and waves. No wonder they are embroidered pillows. Without a good body, no matter how good their brains are, what's the use? No matter how good they are, they won't be used in war anyway. He, but his strategy is okay, what happened to General Hu?"

Feng Ge smiled slightly: "Just in front, on the newly painted and radiant Fire Dragon, on the battleship, there are his two hundred guard tribes and three sons, among them."

He Tanzhi sighed softly: "Old Hu, Lao Hu, fortunately, you still have more than 30 sons in your family. If you are unlucky, your wife, I will raise him!"

Feng Ge's eyes widened in surprise, his mouth was open, but he was speechless.

The front of the Chu Army ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Fire Dragon.

Hu Fan is holding the big bow of chasing the moon, sitting alone on the bow of the Fire Dragon. In front of him, on the front panel of the warship, there are pictures of dragons with big mouths and teeth and claws. A punch of more than ten meters, protruding from the bow, is enough to withstand the oncoming impact of a large warship. More than 300 fully armed warriors, or armed with bows and arrows, or swords and axes, stood on the deck. The shields covered with raw hides and soaked in water put the soldiers underneath and protected them well.

A sixteen or seventeen-year-old, sturdy young man, holding a three-stone bow and arrow, stood beside Hu Fan. It was Hu Fan’s eldest son, Hu Zhen, whose name was Boshi, and Hu Fan’s wives and concubines were in groups, but the house After Mrs. Han became a scholar, Hu Fan has always respected her. The three sons Hu Zhen, Hu Shao and Hu Zhong, who were born with him, were brought to the war this time. The names of these three sons are golden. , It also shows that after the generals of General Hu, he killed and conquered the wind, and even after Hu Fan returned home, every morning at the beginning of the morning, he would beat the drums and gather his sons as he did in the army, and gave him the number in the camp. In Dingba, digital management has been realized, and only the son who should have received the breakfast can receive breakfast, while those who have not come to the end of the snooze have to use a few sticks to show punishment.

Hu Zhen hooked the corner of his mouth and looked at the Beifu Army warship ten miles away. He said disapprovingly: "Father, we can just bump into it this time. Is it necessary to lure the enemy like this? As a general to lure the enemy himself, this is also incompatible with the art of war."

Hu Fan frowned: "The Beifu army must be paid attention to, and the enemy must not be underestimated. Now this ship is fighting the banner of Dashuai He, which is to attract thieves to attack. Only the first brave general of the whole army. I’m sitting in town, so I can feel at ease. By the way, how did the ship’s inspection go? Are there any dangers, especially the flaming objects, have you finished the investigation?"


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