Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 2256: Jump to help

The Northern Army, the former army, the Swordfish, and the ship Tanyi.

Tan just kept firing his bow and shooting arrows, facing the deck of the Sea Dragon, from time to time there were soldiers from the Chu Army who wanted to poke their heads out to observe, but they retracted their heads by shooting these arrows, but Tan was very high-spirited. , The long whistle is not stopped.

The two sergeants on one side said: "The commander of the army (Shen Jian assault team is an organization, but now Tanzhi has only a few hundred people, not even one building), the culprits dare not come out of the cabin, do we want Burn the enemy ship with that thing?"

Tan Zhuan gritted his teeth and said: "No, Hu Fan killed Uncle Bottle. I have to kill this thief and hold his first class to commemorate the heroic spirit. Only then can I take revenge. This fire burned the thief ship. Who knew Hu Fan was Life is death. Even if it’s burned to death, I don’t know which corpse is him. It’s not revenge. Prepare me to board the ship. We will go up and kill Hu Fan. Have you heard that!"

The soldiers of the Northern Army on several boats agreed in unison. These five warships quickly got on the side of the Fire Dragon. More than a hundred claws grabbed the side of the ship. Tan Zhuan put on his helmet and talked with his companions. Like us, they put on the lock armor and took two big swords in his hands. They were the melee weapons that Tan Pingzhi had used. He gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "Brothers, get on the thief ship, kill Hu Fan, revenge!"

After speaking, he bit his knife, turned around and grabbed the rope and climbed up. All the soldiers behind him climbed onto the enemy ship. There were more than a dozen capable people who were as swift as an ape. He boarded it and jumped onto the deck.

But when they first landed, they only felt that their feet were slipping, which turned out to be unsteady. Eight of the seventeen strong men slipped to the ground. The moment they fell, they found that the deck was not only full of piles. In addition to the corpse and arrow sticks, a layer of grease had long been splashed on it. The deck was as slippery as ice, and the Beifu sergeant wearing military boots could not stand still and fell on the board.

The fallen man made a scream. He just jumped on the deck and grabbed the ship’s side to keep his balance. Only then did he discover that there was not only grease on the deck, but also a lot of iron nails, iron briers and other things. Although the soldiers who landed on the ground were wearing armor, they also had weaknesses in protection and the exposed skin was pierced by these sharp objects. Several people died on the spot, while more were wailing and rolling, screaming again and again.

Tan Zhuan opened his eyes and sternly said: "Be careful of your feet, wrap your boots, and walk!"

There was a burst of laughter from the cabin: "Tan Yi, are you trying to come to me for revenge? See if you have this ability!"

Before the words fell, a loud arrow flew out of the cabin. A warrior beside Tanzhi just wrapped his boots and was about to rush with a knife. The arrow shot directly through his throat, and he turned and fell. Outside the ship, a loud noise of falling into the water followed.

With this arrow, Hu Fan leaped out of the cabin, holding the moon chasing bow, and ran back and forth on the deck. Behind him, countless soldiers of the Chu army rushed out with swords and bees, and climbed from all directions. The soldiers of the Northern Army of the ship, smashed into a ball.

A hundred steps away, the second formation of the Chu army, the flagship.

Guo Changzhi furrowed his brows, watching the fighting on the Fire Dragon a hundred steps away, and sighed: "Father, how come these Northern Army troops are so fierce, they jumped onto the ship wearing armor like this, aren't they afraid of falling into the water? Drown?"

Guo Quan hooked the corner of his mouth: "These Northern Army troops are madmen who are not afraid of death. They are muscular and powerful. Even if they are in heavy armor, they do not hide their flexibility. After wearing this ship, they are still They are agile and seem to be faster than our soldiers. You see, in just a short while, more than 70 people on our side have been chopped down, but the opponent has almost no loss, if it weren’t for General Hu’s boarding the mainmast. , And shot down six or seven Beijing Eight Thieves, I'm afraid the fire dragon boat has already fallen."

Guo Changzhi gritted his teeth and said: "Then we should go and rescue the Fire Dragon?"

When he said this, he pointed to the more than 30 small boats that came quickly between the Fire Dragon and his fleet: "Also, the warships of the thief’s former army are now coming directly to our fleet. Will want to jump off the boat to fight again, our sling missed a few boats, and now we are in the bow distance, what should I do?"

Guo Quan sneered: "All of this was as expected by Dashuai He. Those who boarded the Fire Dragon were all enemy soldiers. I'm afraid that their leader and even Liu Yi personally went up. Now, we Hit the Fire Dragon first, and then sail into these thief boats!"

Guo Changzhi said in surprise: "What, Fire Dragon? But, but General Hu is still..."

Guo Quan sternly said: "The thieves of the thief army are on the top. This is a plan that has been arranged a long time ago. Order quickly. All our ships will attack the Fire Dragon with rockets and flint. Remember, attack the watertight near the waterline. The position of the cabin, the thing that makes the fire, is inside!"

Guo Changzhi gritted his teeth, raised his flag, and said loudly: "Father, what do you mean, the commander has arranged for the fire-making object in the watertight cabin? Decided to sacrifice the Fire Dragon early?"

Guo Quan nodded and said: "This is called the soldiers never tire of deceit. If it is not, how can they attract the main force of the Beijing Eight Thieves and destroy them, and launch them quickly."

Guo Changzhi sighed. At this moment, more than 30 Chu Jun Tower ships lined up were filled with rockets, and the smell of gun smoke filled the entire surface of the river. Guo Quan waved his hand and all arrows were shot. Heading straight to the Fire Dragon, immediately, there were countless rockets inserted near the water tank of the Fire Dragon.

Guo Quan stood up, UU reading www.uukanshu.com with a look of excitement. He was looking forward to the loud noise, the sulfur and saltpetre filled in the watertight cabin, enough to turn this warship into a real The fire dragon, buried the enemy and us on the ship, but the expected loud noise and rising flames did not appear. Guo Quan's smile solidified on his face, and he muttered: "How is this possible, how is this possible?"

Guo Changzhi suddenly shouted: "Father, look, the Fire Dragon, the Fire Dragon seems to be sinking, our rocket, after our rocket fired up, even his own fire was extinguished, ah, that is, that is Water is leaking from the watertight cabin, this ship, this ship is passing, leaking!"

Not only that, the sergeants on the bow also yelled in panic: "General, there are ghosts in the water, there are **** in the water!"

Guo Quan looked intently and saw that at the waterline of the Water Dragon, more than twenty black heads protruded from the water, and they were digging into the cabin. The planks of the watertight cabin were under their percussion. Turned into pieces of sawdust, the surging river water poured in from these open holes, and the entire warship sank with it!


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