Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 2258: General Shen Jiang returns to the world

On Guo Quan’s ship, he sat dry, as if it had been petrified, and the flames blazed on his face. Although it was headwind, he could still feel the first row of ships on fire at a distance of more than fifty steps. In the coming heat wave, you can hear the cheers of the soldiers on the more than 30 Beifu military warships that rushed through the sea of ​​fire. They have been in the army for decades. This kind of warfare, this kind of fiasco, is still the first Once encountered, Guo Quan, who has experienced many battles, was full of question marks at this time, and the whole person was also in a state of confusion.

It was Guo Changzhi's roar that made his father regain his senses: "Father, what should I do now, what should I do!"

Guo Quan suddenly jumped from his commanding position, grabbed the flag in his son's hand, and waved desperately: "Fall arrows, fast arrows, never let these boats rush forward, turn the rudder, turn the rudder quickly. , Retreat, retreat!"

On the Fire Dragon, although the warship was sinking continuously, and the water almost covered the watertight tank, it was about to reach the level of the deck, but the battle on the deck did not stop. The corpse of the Chu army soldier was from the front deck. To the rear deck, to almost every cabin, there are everywhere, from time to time there are the corpses of the Chu army who were killed, and they were thrown directly into the river. Around this lonely big ship, there were two to three hundred corpses floating, all of them were Chu army. The remains, the wounds were almost all killed by a single knife or a stroke, and the center of the knife was mostly the neck and other vital points, which shows how good at killing the person who hit the knife.

Hu Fan stood mechanically and numbly on the sails of the mast. The long bow in his hand was still firing continuously. Almost every time he shot an arrow, a soldier of the Northern Army would fall down. Among the more than 30 Beifu sergeants who were casualties in the battle, it can be said that at least half of them were shot down by him, but this is the case. The huge gap in the melee combat ability of the two sergeants determines that this is still a one-sided slaughter. It’s nearing the end. Except for more than forty people who were disarmed and squatted with their heads squatting, including his three wounded sons who were unable to move anymore, the entire battleship was basically not alive and fighting. Up.

Liu Yi's voice sounded from the surface of the river dozens of steps away: "San Lang, how is it?"

Tan only ranked third among the Tan family brothers. Turning his head, facing the slowly approaching warship, Liu Yi standing on the bow said in a deep voice: "Fortunately, we will not be insulting our mission, except for Hu Fan. capture."

Having said that, he wiped the blood stains on his face, turned his head to Hu Fan on the mast, and said viciously: "Hu, do you want to eat Ban Dao noodles or dumplings?!"

Hu Fan ignored Tanzhi and turned to Liu Yi and said loudly: "Is it coming, but Liu Xile?"

Liu Yi nodded: "Beard, long time no see, but I don't think we have a chance to see you again in the future. I remember you and I had old friends in Luoyang, any last words, please explain."

Hu Zhen cried and cried, "Father, don't you..."

Hu Fan sternly said: "Shut up, as a soldier, I cannot kill the enemy, nor can I preserve my integrity by myself. Hu Fan does not have a son like you."

He turned his head and said loudly to Liu Yi: "Liu Xile, in this battle, I have nothing to say. I am afraid that Da Chu will also be defeated. My Hu family has been blessed by the three generations of the Huan family. I tried my best to repay it. I personally killed Tan Pingzhi. Your brothers from Beifu have a deep brotherhood and will not let me go. I only ask you not to hurt innocent soldiers. Since they have let the war go, they will no longer pose a threat to you. Please let them live."

Liu Yi nodded: "Your son and these prisoners, as long as they are not Huan's family, we will not hurt. You can rest assured, is there anything else?"

Hu Fan shook his head and said loudly, "Tan Pingzhi, I'll come too!"

As he said, he threw away the moon chasing bow in his hand, which fell heavily on the deck, and his body, accompanied by the armor draped over his body, drew an arc in the air. He plunged heavily into the river water, like the previous sling, and set off a five-meter-high column of waves. When the column of waves fell back to the surface, a string of foam surged, and there was no trace of it.

Tan only gritted his teeth: "No, you can't just make him cheaper, come and get me into the water, I want to see people when I live, and the dead when I die!"

Liu Yi said coldly: "San Lang, he is still on the battlefield. Hu Fan's body armor falls into the water, and the Water Dragon King can't save him. After all, he is the **** of the world. Let him keep a whole body like this. Wuji, they have already succeeded in the fire attack, and the rest is that we follow up and kill He Danzhi's main ship. Don't be arrogant and don't listen to orders, then the previous credit will not protect you." He said Kung Fu, the ship drove straight past the Fire Dragon, and no longer looked back at Tan, and rushed straight ahead.

Tan Chi stomped his feet bitterly, turned his head and said to the men around him: "Leave a small group of people to guard the captives, and the rest of the ship will continue to chase me. Oh, this ship is sinking. Give me the captives. Transfer to ship D, the others follow me back to ships A, B, C, and E, and continue to pursue them."

Hu Fan closed his eyes, and the surging river water continuously poured in from his nostrils and mouth. He felt that he was sinking, sinking, and sinking into a bottomless abyss before his eyes. With a smile on Tan Pingzhi’s face, carrying Ben Lei’s bow, he stretched out his hand to him, and he also smiled and stretched out his hand: “Bottle, let’s meet again, come and compare, I’m still Not convinced..."

Before he finished his words, suddenly, the extended hand was pulled heavily by something, and the whole body seemed to stand up. There was something in his mouth, and Hu Fan spoke instinctively. He wanted to call out, but it was not river water, but fresh air that poured into his mouth. In an instant, he realized that someone had come to save himself!

Hu Fan closed his eyes like this~www.wuxiaspot.com~ His feet seem to be able to step on the reefs of Jiangdi. Fortunately, they are thick-soled military boots. This prevents him from being cut by these stones. I don’t know how many steps he took. In his ears, he could gradually hear the screams of killing and the screams of the casualties, and the closed eyes seemed to be able to feel a little glare of sunlight.

With a "Peng" cry, he felt that he had been thrown heavily on the ground, and it felt so good to be back in the world. He suddenly turned over, squatted on the ground, opened his mouth wide, and spit out those who had poured into his stomach. River water, yellow bile and white gastric juice were also vomited out to him. When he finished vomiting all this, the whole person collapsed and fell to the ground, and more than a dozen whole bodies were caught in his eyes. Like a person who has been smeared with charcoal powder, except for white eyes and red lips, he can hardly find any other colors. He was shocked and sat up directly from the ground: "You, are you Kunlun slaves who scuttled my ship?!"

The black man in the lead grinned: "My name is Abasi, General Liu Yu saved us. He wants me to convey a word to you, let you go home and wait for him, and he will personally come to avenge Tan Pingzhi! There! Before, you were not allowed to die on anyone's hands."


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