Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 3 Chapter 2262: The captive is in my hands

Xu Xianzhi shook his head: "Yu Yue has also followed A Shou this time. Compared to A Shou, I am afraid that you are more defensive against him."

Liu Yi sneered: "Qinglong, this guy has always been against me. He can talk about loyalty and brotherhood with Ji slaves. With this guy, it is a naked profit choice. If it weren't for the Mafia now, it must have a high-class family. The position of the child, I really want to change him now."

Xu Xianzhi smiled and said: "So this time you want Liu Daogui to stay and rectify the prisoners and the food and grass. This is one point that I don't understand. It stands to reason that you should come forward for you and for our Mafia. It’s for the existing."

Liu Yi waved his hand: "I don’t look down on the soldiers and horses of Jiangzhou and the 300,000-stone grain and grass. There are good things in Huanxuan. The longer you delay here, the harder it will be to fight Huanxuan. It’s impossible to bring so many prisoners and all the food, and if you bring them, you have to share them with Wuji and Daoji. If you stay, you will have to share with A Shou or even Yu Yue. Simply stay here, Yu Yue should He will have the ability to turn these resources into his own. As for Ah Shou, huh, he is only useful on the battlefield. Outside the battlefield, he is a fool. I don't know how the rice came."

Xu Xianzhi sighed: "But if Yu Yue incorporates these troops and food, as a child of the aristocratic family, he will have his own strength. Would you like to see things like this happen?"

Liu Yi sneered: "Jiangzhou soldiers and horses are all defeated by me under He Tanzhi. If you surrender to the sergeant, where can you get better in Yu Yue's hands? Besides, I left Xi Sengshi and Xie Hun this time. Presumably Yuyue won't take much advantage. At most, it is to reorganize the army and become Jiangzhou's soldier and horse. At that time, I will rely on military service and recommend monks or Xie Hun to become Jiangzhou governor. These are all mine, envy So, don’t just look at the front in everything, but take a long-term view."

Xu Xianzhi nodded: "You think so well. It seems that I don't need to worry about it. Let me tell you another good news. The prefect of Padang, Liu Yuezhi, has been ordered by the governor of Yizhou to lead the army. Five thousand, as a pioneer to advance eastward, preparing to unite with our West Expedition Army to defeat Huan Xuan, but Huan Zhen, who was left behind in Jingzhou by the Huan Xuan faction, led his troops to take the initiative to attack. In the battle of Baidi City, the Shu Army was defeated, Liu Yuezhi Beheaded by Huanzhen himself, the rest of the crowd fell apart."

Liu Yi sighed: "This is something that was expected. The Shu people have never practiced warfare. They will be weak. If they encounter real elite soldiers, they will be vulnerable. It is just that Liu Yuezhi also has five thousand people. Even if you insist on not fighting and contain Jingzhou's military strength, it is good, but I didn't expect even this to be done."

Xu Xianzhi smiled slightly: "The Huan family has been in Jingzhou for many years, and they have long been salivating about Bashu. They have always sent a large number of spies to investigate. There has been no war in Bashu for a long time, and officials and generals have not been guarded against it. Liu Yuezhi's army There were already enemy spies in the early days, and the military situation had no secrets at all. Huan Zhen led the army secretly to the west, and in one fell swoop, even Liu Yuezhi’s camp was clearly visible. This kind of battle is doomed to end if it is not fought. Up."

Liu Yi nodded: "This guy Huanzhen does have two brushes. It takes 120,000 points of attention to fight with him. It's not careless. But fortunately, this battle at least made Hu Fan out of the battle. I think Regardless of whether Tan Zhuan can kill him or not, he is unlikely to join the Huanchu side again. By the way, how is Lu Zong's move?"

Xu Xianzhi said indifferently: "The surnamed Lu is now almost independent of Yongzhou, with the excuse of guarding against the Qin Dynasty and protecting Xiangyang, so he refused Huanxuan's call. I think he wants to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, no matter who is in Jingzhou. If he wins the battle, he will fall to that side. Of course, the premise is to admit his factual separatism in Yongzhou and cannot be replaced by someone else. Otherwise, falling to the Later Qin or the Northern Wei is extremely possible."

Liu Yi sneered and said: "It's just another Liu Cao. The slave can take care of Liu Cai, and I can also take care of the surnamed Lu in the future. However, anyway, it is a good thing not to help Huanxuan now. Okay, If this is the case, we must dispatch troops more quickly. Otherwise, once the news of Huanzhen’s destruction of the Bashu army spreads, there may be a large number of tyrannical forces in the land of Jingxiang falling to Huanxuan, so that his strength will be greatly increased, even Lu Zongzhi. Maybe we decided to switch because of his great momentum. At that time, our odds of winning were too small. We had to retreat to Xunyang, and wait for A Shou or even the army of slaves to come. Even if we win, the winner is not me, but Slave, what's the use of the commandership of the West after we made such a big concession?"

Xu Xianzhi said sternly: "I'll go to the reinforcements. With your military order, let A Shou stay in Xunyang, and let Yu Yue and Xie Hun bring three thousand newly recruited soldiers to support quickly. Xi Sengshi, you'd better stay Here, I assisted Ah Shou in recruiting prisoners in name. After about ten days of training and screening, he brought him to the front line. At that time, the situation in Jiangzhou was unstable, and there were many anti-thieves who were pro-Huanchu. We gave this prisoner of war Guo Changzhi. Quietly let it go, let him do some small actions in the Yuzhang area, so as to put A Shouquan here to put down the rebellion, and not to take your credit."

Liu Yi touched his beard and smiled and said, "You still have a way, just do as you said. By the way, take Liu Daogui away, saying that Liu Yue is defeated and Huanxuan's army is reviving~www.wuxiaspot. com~ We can’t divide our forces at this time. Didn’t he always talk about the overall situation? Then I’d like to see if Hu Fan is important, or the decisive battle with Huan Xuan is important!"

Xu Xianzhi nodded, turned around and was about to leave, suddenly thought of something, turned around and looked at Liu Yi: "Lord Baihu, I want to remind you one last thing, Liu Tingyun is not at ease. What is her intention to **** Princess Langyao? You and I know very well that the Beifu army is the fundamental strength behind you. Don't make you turn your face with the slaves. The Beifu is dead, it is a matter of personal enmity."

A hint of unpleasantness flashed in Liu Yi's eyes: "I can tell you this clearly, but the slave has the love of the king. At least I have to have a Sima Dewen in my hand. If there is a big difference in strength, there is no basic Balance, what do the Northern Army do to me? Suzaku-sama, we have to think about the organization and have our own strength, right?"

Xu Xianzhi was noncommittal and turned around and walked out of the big tent. With the sound of his leaving, dozens of light noises of clothes pierced in the air flashed outside. That was the action of the shadow guard left by Xu Xianzhi when he was withdrawn. Liu Yi stretched his waist, closed his eyes, and murmured: "Want me to turn my face with Ji Nu now, huh, Liu Tingyun, you really regard me as Huan Xuan, can you let it be at your mercy?"

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