Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2278: Peerless ghosts appear in the city

This sword came so fast and so absolutely that almost everyone in Wengcheng could see clearly, but only Huan Xuan could see the appearance of the assassin. Although he was covered, the pair Clear water-like eyes, but you can't hide it. This must be a stunning beauty, but the shot is so fast and accurate. In Huan Xuan's heart, he even began to sigh with the exquisiteness of the heavens, which can be so extreme but the opposite The two things in one person's body.

However, just beside Huan Xuan, a weird black mist rose up, and a shadow that appeared from nowhere blocked Huan Xuan’s body. The speed was so fast that it was too late to blink, and that was broken. The night sky, an unstoppable sword, disappeared in the black fog, and four or five sparks could be seen faintly. Accompanied by the sound of breaking through the sky, it was a blink of an eye before Huan Xuan. , Everything disappeared, no matter it was the female assassin who was dressed as a coachman, or the black shadow in front of him, it seemed to have evaporated from the world at once, only the faint night wind was still blowing.

A cry of exclamation sounded near the city gate: "There are assassins, there are assassins!"

The guards of Huan Xuan, who were in the doorway and turned out the lights again, became dark. They were caught in the riot. The white swords gleamed and slashed at all those who wanted to attack them. , The scene suddenly became extremely chaotic.

Huan Xuan tightly hugged Huan Sheng, who was so frightened and crying, in his arms, and rushed towards the gate of the city. Yu Yizhi followed him closely, pulling out his waist knife and slashing outwards, while slashing. While shouting: "Those who block me die, those who block me die."

Wangai and Ding Xianqi also followed Huanxuan closely. There were more than a dozen pro-following eunuchs beside them. At this moment, they all pulled out the poles on Yugai that Huanxuan was hitting. All around, there was a horrible wind, and people did not dare to approach. In the chaos, these people actually grabbed the door from the entrance of the city gate, and in the city, Bian Fanzhi’s desperate voice, But it is drifting away: "Your Majesty, wait for me, wait for me!"

At the head of Nancheng, in a remote corner, two black figures stood silently watching Huan Xuan, Huan Qian, Huan Shikang, Yu Yizhi, Wan Gai, Ding Xianqi and others who rushed out of the city, and others. More than twenty guards grabbed the horse outside the door, and ran all the way towards the direction of Jiangfeng Ferry in the south. The battle in Wengcheng did not stop. Even the men behind Wang Tengzhi joined the battle. The roar echoed in the city: "Kill me, protect your majesty!"

The corner of Mingyue's mouth hooked: "I'm afraid that the Majesty that the general king wants to protect has already been replaced by Sima Dezong in the carriage."

Behind the bronze mask of the black robe, his eyes were shining, and he suddenly shot his hands like electricity. With this palm, five fingerprints were left on Mingyue’s beautiful face, which made Mingyue’s mouth drip down. A group of blood, and her people immediately knelt on the ground: "Master, Mingyue is to act on orders. As a last resort, please forgive me."

Heipao said coldly: "Whose order did you take? Your good brother, or your new lord?"

A gloomy voice sounded from behind the black robe: "Brother, why bother to the junior? If you have any dissatisfaction, please come to me."

The white eyebrows of the black robe wrinkled slightly and waved his hand. The bright moon was like an amnesty, he turned and jumped off the top of the city, and disappeared into the silent night sky.

Turning around, looking at the cloak man wearing a lifeless human skin mask covered in a cloak behind him, a trace of anger flashed in the black robe's eyes: "What do you mean?"

The Dou Pengke smiled slightly: "Last time I was in Jiankang, you and I made it clear that Yuanming and Mingyue are my people and I will take them back. They are now doing things for me."

Heipao said solemnly: "But I didn't promise you to kill Huan Xuan and destroy Chu Kingdom!"

Cloak shook his head: "You always don't know the situation, don't you miss it? The premise of the immortal Huanxuan is that you can lead the Nanyan army to march south as you planned, seize the six counties in the north, and force Liu Yu to shrink. Go back to Jiangnan and recall the West Expeditionary Army. But your plan failed. Nan Yan did not cross Daxian Mountain without a single soldier, and even Liu Yu retired Murong De's hundreds of thousands of troops in a few words. I naturally had to change according to the situation. , To adjust our goals, if Huan Xuan can't play a role in restraining Liu Yu, it is an abandoned son, and what else is left to do?!"

Hei Pao gritted his teeth: "Huan Xuan is not as incompetent as you said. Jingzhou is his lair. If you keep him, you can at least hold Liu Yu here for two or three years. We still have the opportunity to arrange the next Nanzheng. This Back I dealt with Murong Bide and let Murong Chao take the lead. I am fully confident that this kid will rise up to the south within two years. If Huan Xuan is restrained in Jingzhou at this time, then our plan can still succeed, but it is just a delay. Only two years!"

Dou Pengke sighed softly: "Even if I don't make a move, do you think Huanxuan can continue to resist for two years? Even if he fled back to Huanzhen, he just continued to flee to Bashu, you think he dare to stay in Jingzhou to continue. Resist according to your assumptions? From the very beginning, you chose the wrong person. Huanxuan is a person who can give up everything to survive. UU reading www.uukanshu.com doesn’t have that fierceness at all. Such waste is also worthy of Liu Yu Enemy? You are afraid that you will ruin all our great cause on him!"

Heipao’s eyes gleamed, and it took a long time before he sighed: "You make sense, Huanxuan is really not ruthless enough, but this Jingzhou, after all, has been the Huan family for many years, and after all, who has the skills here? Make trouble for Liu Yu? Don’t think that Liu Yi and Liu Yu will definitely be able to fight. They are not the kind of people who can easily influence women. Even Liu Yi has made great achievements in destroying Huan this time. They are in the army. His prestige is no less than that of Liu Yu, and he might think of returning to Jiankang to contact the family and gain power in the court, instead of being a big fan town in Jingzhou!"

The captain smiled slightly: "Did I say that I wanted to support Liu Yi to fight Liu Yu?"

The black robe froze for a moment, then raised his eyebrows: "What you said, is it..."

Cloaker put away his smile, and said coldly: "I added a layer of insurance. To be precise, there are two people who can help me deal with Liu Yu. They are ruthless and capable enough. The past few years have caused endless trouble for Liu Yu!"

The black robe gritted his teeth: "The first person is not strong enough now, and the second person still needs time. Are you really sure they can do what you want?"

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