Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2280: The world is like a chess player

Wang Tengzhi’s face changed slightly, and he cursed in his heart: This son of a bitch, Wang Kangchan, did not take a share of his brothers for his credit, huh, I still have the evidence of your kid’s corruption of your majesty’s brother’s living expenses. you!

But he still looked loyal, and said generously to Sima Dewen: "Your Majesty, Great King, Huan Xuan has not escaped far, and the final general is willing to lead a knight to chase him down. That Huanzhen is fierce and powerful. Known as the first warrior of Jingzhou, his sergeants are also thieves who have been in the army for many years. If Huan Xuan escapes to him, I am afraid that he will continue to cause chaos and disturb his Majesty. As long as Huan Xuan is killed now, he will issue an order to pardon Huan Zhen’s subordinates. Among them, there will be loyal men who will bring Huanzhen's head to submit to your Majesty!"

Sima Dewen smiled slightly: "General Wang, General Wang, you really are loyal and upright. Brother Huang has written down your righteous deeds today. After the situation calms down, you will definitely be rewarded."

Wang Tengzhi's heart was in full bloom, and he quickly said: "Serve for your majesty, serve for Dajin, and never give up!"

Several whining sounds came from the car. Sima Devin listened carefully and nodded again and again. When he sat up straight again, he said to Wang Tengzhi: "Your Majesty has a purpose, although General Wang is loyal and brave, willing to chase Huan. Xuan is a rogue, but now in Jiangling City, you still need a general like you to sit in town. After all, the Huan family has been here for many years and has many party members. Although Huan Xuan escapes, if there are one or two thieves, like Cao Jingzhi just now, instigate People, the safety of your majesty is hard to say. So you should protect your majesty as your first priority now."

Wang Tengzhi's eyes blinked: "But that Huanxuan..."

Sima Dewen smiled and said, "Huan Xuan has lost everything and became a dog of the bereavement. Even if he escapes, it is just a time of migration. Now he doesn't even have the gold and silver. How can he reassure those Huanzhen subordinates? Not to mention, Liu Guanjun. The western expedition led by the army will be able to arrive in Jiangling within two days. For this great feat of crusade against Huanxuan, in Gu's opinion, you should not compete with General Liu."

Wang Tengzhi woke up like a dream, and quickly nodded and said: "Yes, yes, yes, this time he defeated Huan Xuan, and the most recent beheading of this thief should be Liu Guanjun and He Fuguo's. In which round he will get the end. The end is now. Take good care of your Majesty and protect Jiangling. This is what the final general should do."

Sima Dewen nodded with satisfaction: "General Wang is a wise man. You used to follow the history of Yongzhou Lu and did not directly participate in Huan Xuan's rebellious actions. Your Majesty is a wise master. Even if it is a pardoned person, it does not mean that he can hold the original position. I think the general should understand what I mean."

Wang Tengzhi smiled: "Understand, understand, the final will always only follow the orders of Lu Jishi, in fact, our Yongzhou general, has always hated Huanxuan's rebellious behavior, but when the rebel gains power, I will wait to save my strength. , I can only act against the Yin, but I don’t think about it all the time. Today, I finally gave the Admiral the opportunity to serve his Majesty and the King, although he died without regret."

Sima Devon smiled and said: "Very well, General Wang, I would also like to trouble you, while guarding Jiangling, quickly get the news that Huanxuan was driven away, and inform General Liu of the West Expedition Army about the news that your Majesty has been in danger in Jiangling. They, let them chase Huan Xuan quickly and come to Jiangling to meet the holy driver."

Wang Tengzhi quickly turned his head to the guards behind him and sternly said: "What are you still kneeling here? Go report the letter, hold the commander's talisman, go quickly..."

Sima Dewen interrupted Wang Tengzhi’s order. He took off a sachet from his waist and threw it to Wang Tengzhi: “This thing is a lonely belonging. Liu Guanjun and He Fuguo used to guard in the palace and recognized this thing. With this as a token, they will know that it is a solitary message, General Wang, if it is just your pawn, it is difficult to say whether it can win the trust of Liu Guanjun."

Wang Tengzhi hurriedly gave a flattering smile, and nodded hurriedly: "It is, that is, what the king is concerned, the victory will be thousands of times, and Wang Hong, give the general to keep this token of the king, if one is missing Linsi, turn around and break your leg!"

The messenger named Wang Hong quickly jumped on his horse, turned his head and hit the horse, and ran out of the blood-stained city gate.

Sima Devon yawned: "Well, that's it, General Wang, drive back to the palace. Today, your Majesty will live back to the palace of the pseudo-inverse Huanxuan, so that all the elders of Jiangling will know who He is the emperor of the true dragon! Oh, yes, tell the king not to drive and ask him to move to the four prefectures of Jingzhou overnight. That is to say, your Majesty defeated Huan Xuan himself and seized Jiangling. Dajin has officially regained the country, and if the pseudo Chu is removed from now on Official title, those who welcome the Great Jin Dynasty can forget the past, and if they stubbornly resist to the end, hehe, as soon as the heavenly soldiers arrive, the jade and the stone will be burned!"

Above the city, the black robe looked at everything under the city coldly. At some point, Tao Yuanming had already stood by his side, standing with his hands down.

Heipao sighed softly: "The world is like chess, where these people are fighting for their own interests, and they are capricious, but unexpectedly, they are just a small piece of chess, and they will only be standing higher. All the methods that people manipulate, control, and think they are smart are just jokes in the eyes of chess players, Yuanming, don't you think?"

Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "Senior's teaching, dare not keep it in mind."

Heipao turned his head and looked at Tao Yuanming: "Although you and my name are seniors, but you are really a master and apprentice. For so many years, I have been teaching you to stand on a high place and look at the sentient beings under your feet, and always let you be a chess player. To control the overall situation. However, I think a smart person like you should know one thing. Above you, there are still two chess players. You may be able to control the fate of others, but your life is still ours. Hands."

Tao Yuanming nodded: "Yes, no matter when UU Read www.uukanshu.com, juniors are just pawns in the hands of seniors and masters. This is an unchangeable destiny. Juniors know this."

The corner of Heipao's mouth hooked: "Are you really clear? Yuanming, in the past few years, how many times have you done things on your back with us, what do you want to do?"

Tao Yuanming laughed: "Senior wants to get rid of Yuanming, just move your fingers. If you only need someone who obeys the words and executes without any thinking, then you don't need a junior, just send a junior."

Heipao laughed. He took out a small porcelain bottle from his arms. Tao Yuanming's eyes were immediately attracted, and he licked his lips unconsciously.

Heipao threw the small porcelain bottle to Tao Yuanming, he caught it, and immediately took his arms, Heipao turned around and jumped off the city head, his voice was soft, coming with the wind, as fine as a gnat. , But every word made Tao Yuanming hear clearly: "Remember, no matter how many alternatives you find, as long as you leave this, you will not survive."

Tao Yuanming bowed his waist respectfully and moved towards the direction where the black robe was leaving. No one could notice a trace of resentment flashing in his eyes. It was a hatred that could destroy the world. Soon, he also turned around and went away. In the deep night.

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