Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2288: Lord Taoist attacked the South China Sea

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Wang Dan sighed: "It's just that in this remote country, even if there are new power ministers, they may not pay attention to this place. Just like the Du Cishi in Jiaozhou next door, he stayed there for decades, and no one cares about it. , The advantage is that you can be a member of one party for a long time, but, on the other hand, maybe you will stay away from the center of power for a long time."

Wu Yinzhi smiled and said: "Your Yuanfang Tang's uncle, Wang Gong, has said that if you are not an official, you are so talented. It seems that you have the same mind in Maoshi."

Wang Dan’s face blushed slightly: "This is a common problem of our family’s children with good eyes and low hands. Wu Gong should stop laughing at us. Over the years, I have also figured out that maybe our family’s children have the advantage in terms of demeanor and literary talent, but when it comes The specific government affairs and the ability to govern the country are a little worse. As for the ability to march and fight, it is like white paper. Now in this world, the ability to fight is the first, and the country is second. On the contrary, it is the poetry. Fu's elegance is useless. If you want to be in power in the future, you will have to work **** fighting and governing the country."

Wu Yinzhi followed and sighed softly: "I only realized this truth after middle age. We scholars are used to writing skills and hate working in the army, so they gradually lose power. Now my eldest son Wu Kuangzhi, I asked him to learn about those camps with the Suwei Army in Beijing two years ago, but it was only a rough guide to the army. If you want to fight against a strong enemy, I am afraid that it will not work. Now think about it, the former Xie Xuan Xi Chao and these people have been in the army for many years and are familiar with the battlefield. Therefore, even if they lead the army personally after taking power, they will make a difference. Now Liu Yu and the others are in power, and the Wufu will be in power in the future, but they grow up in the army. Shorter than governing the country, this is exactly where our advantage lies. Therefore, you'd better not think about being an official in the locality and then returning to the court to take power. In the meantime, it is better to have a few years of military experience."

Wang Dan said sternly: "Wu Gong's teachings are remembered in my heart, and they will surely be doubled in return in the future."

Wu Yinzhi smiled and patted Wang Dan on the shoulder: "I am old, so I can only help you to this point. In the future, the nephew of the Wu family will depend on you for your care. This Guangzhou is located in the south of Tiannan, which is still peaceful. , There is no big enemy, at most a few small tribes of slang people with hundreds of people, making trouble because of some survival problems, it is no big deal, as long as you usually reassure, even if someone makes trouble, it will be difficult to get a large response, Maoshi Now, you are the French Cao joining the army. After you become the governor, you can personally lead the troops and put down some small-scale rebellions. This is also a bit of experience for your military talent."

Wang Dan smiled and said: "This kind of battle with the local natives can't improve the experience. Since the Western Dynasties, Lingnan has been peaceful. The beacon tower of Nanhai County has not been seen for hundreds of years. When I hunted down a few Jiangyang thieves, they all hid in the abandoned beacon tower, haha, Wu Gong, don’t you know, the moss on the beacon tower is at least a few inches thick, and the fire If you can’t light it up, even if a powerful enemy invades, you can’t light a cigarette.”

Wu Yinzhi followed and said with a smile: "The beacon tower in Nanhai City has always been anti-piracy. After you said this last time, the old man arranged manpower to clean up the beacon tower. Actually, the old man is not worried about anything. Stealing from the sea is purely to find something to do for the slang people nearby, and then give them some food, so that they..."

Having said this, Wu Yinzhi suddenly rubbed his eyes, because he was looking in the direction of the beacon tower at the moment, and Wang Dan said strangely: "Wu Gong, what's the matter?"

Wu Yinzhi shook his head, "Is it dazzling to drink too much of this greedy spring water? Why did the old man just look at it and the black smoke was rising from the beacon tower?"

Wang Dan turned his head to look at the beacon tower, and said with a smile: "I'm afraid Gong Wu is tired today, a bit..."

His words stopped abruptly, and his smile froze on his face, because he clearly saw the direction of the beacon tower, five black smoke pillars rose up, and they could be seen clearly in a radius of tens of miles. He even faintly heard the sound of gongs and drums coming from the direction of Nanhai City. He suddenly reflected it and shouted: "Pirates are coming. This is not a drill. Everyone, quickly **** Wu Shijun back to the city to fight!"

Nanhai City, Waihai, Wuli.

Thousands of sea-going ships came over the sea, most of them are giant sea loach ships. This is the improvement of the 800-material merchant ships that are most common when sailing in the South China Sea. One ship can hold more than two hundred people. From this fleet In terms of the scale, at least more than 100,000 troops came, and that was probably a terrorist foreign enemy that Guangzhou had not faced since the establishment of counties. It’s no wonder that on the shore at this moment, whether it is the natives of the Tong-Tong people with their naked upper bodies and feathers on their heads, or the soldiers and civilians in Han Chinese clothes and light armor, they are all yelling and chaotic, even on one side Yuexiu Mountain, The beacon towers on these Jiangfang fortresses at Humenkou, the sergeants and squatters guarding the towers also fled across the mountains and plains, and the scene was extremely chaotic.

On a giant sea loach ship at the forefront, Xu Daofu’s hair was flying in the air with turbulent hair, the sea breeze was blowing his long hair, and the tying hair band was also blown, scraping the scar on his face. Looks even more vicious and fierce, while Lu Xun is wearing a gold crown in a Taoist robe, holding a whisk, and standing side by side with him, looking like an immortal, Lu Lanxiang is a blue scarf, with double knives on his back, and her husband holding both arms. Facing the sea breeze, the wind blew her beautiful face, and a pear nest suddenly appeared at the corner of her mouth, accompanied by her laughter: "Brother, it seems that these Lingnan people really frightened our momentum. Well, more than 10,000 brothers ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can control thousands of giant sea loach ships. This kind of ability of maneuvering and navigating ships really breaks their imagination."

Lu Xun smiled slightly: "However, if we hadn't captured many Kunlun slaves from Yizhou and Luzon along the way, and drove them to paddle and hang sails, only our fellow Taoists who had less than 10,000 when they went to the sea from Yongjia County would have been There will be no such a scale. Yizhou is really a good place, but unfortunately, there are sparsely populated people, and we can't live there forever."

Xu Daofu nodded: "Now that Liu Yu controls Jiankang City, we will go back to San Wu and fight him hard to find death. However, it is impossible for Liu Yu to think that we can actually walk thousands of miles by sea and come here. Lingnan, what we have to do now is to take advantage of the panic in this Nanhai City as quickly as possible, and quickly take it!"

Lu Lanxiang's eyes flashed coldly: "Third Brother (Lu Lanxiang's name for her husband Xu Daofu), I am willing to personally lead the General Altar Guards assault on Nanhai City."

A hint of killing intent flashed in Xu Daofu’s eyes: “It’s not enough to shoot down a Nanhai city. In this battle, I will use the corpse of the Nanbarb to deter the entire Lingnan. What I want is to come to the sea from Wuling to the sea. People dare to be the enemy of the religion. Tonight, fire attack!"


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