Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2307: The black robe incites the chaos

Five days later, Shuzhong, Wucheng Shuikou.

The Chengdu Plain is a plain formed by the alluvial accumulation of several rivers. From this plain to the land of Bajun to the east, there are three so-called waterways, which are called inner water, middle water and outer water. The Fujiang route, also known as Fushui, a tributary of the Yangtze River, goes from Fuling to Badong and is called Inner Water, while the current Tuojiang River is called Zhongshui, from Neijiang, Ziyang, straight out of Guanghan and reaching the northern part of Chengdu. As for the external water, it is today's Minjiang River, which can flow through Leshan and Meishan to the southwest of Chengdu. Since ancient times, the three waterways from Fengjie and Baidi to Sichuan have been regular passages.

Wucheng Shuikou is located in the south of Pengmo. Fushui flows through Nanliu in Nan'an County, and its tributaries pass through Wucheng County in Guanghan County. It is Wuchengshui. It reaches Chengdu in the west and joins the Yangtze River. Finally, it rushes east to the Baidi. It can be said that this is the only way for soldiers and horses from all over the middle of Shu to enter the inner water and then follow the river east. And now around the mouth of the five cities, the military camp that stretches for more than 20 miles proves this point. A banner with the word "Qiao" flying high proves that the commander and identity of this army are not correct. A few days ago, I received the order from Mao Zhuang to lead the Ding Zhuang tribe and Di people from the Shu area to prepare to go to the front line.

In a low military tent, two 40-year-old generals cross their knees. They are wearing Shu armor, which is unique to the patterns of Shu, especially in black and white. The giant pandas can be seen at a glance, and the unique helmets they wear indicate their identities. They are by no means ordinary soldiers, but two local tyrants from the Shu area, Hou Hui from Guanghan and Yang from Brazil. Ignorant.

Hou Hui is a dark-skinned man with a thin face. He looked at the yellow face and shaved beard, and said in a deep voice: "General Yang, have you heard the crying and cursing outside? These are our Shu people. Heartfelt, letting a good day be unwilling to live, we have to work hard for an expedition, and have to travel thousands of miles east to fight against the fierce and violent Huanzhen. What are we trying to do?"

Ambiguous brows frowned: "Old Hou, don't say such things anymore. It is their business for the soldiers to cry, but we are the generals, if even you think about it, is it possible that the whole camp will mutiny at night? This time the glitch history is a death order, and you have to go, and you have to go if you don’t. There is no way even Qiao Gong can do it, so what can we do?!"

A cold light flashed in Hou Hui's eyes: "Maybe this time, it's our opportunity. Since we Shu people have been upset by Li Te in the last years of the previous dynasty, the Dahan (the Cheng Han regime of Di people) is our own country. Regime, it’s a pity that God didn’t bless Shu, and was finally broken by that Huanwen, and we have since become slaves of the Jin Dynasty, driven by them arbitrarily. In these years, we Shu people have suffered and shed less blood?"

Yang Ambiguous face changed, and he waved his hand quickly: "Lao Hou, be careful, let others listen to these words, but it is the crime of ransacking the family and genocide. You also know our local clans, and they don’t know how to give them to foreign governments. How many killed, why do you still say this?"

Hou Hui smiled slightly: "Because, our savior is coming, General Yang, who do you think is this?"

Hou Hui said, clapped his hands, Yang Ambiguous only felt a flower in front of him, and walked out of the tent into a person wrapped in a black robe, with white beard and hair, wearing a lifeless bronze mask, facing Yang Ambiguous smiled: "General Yang, hasn't seen you in twenty years, has always been good?"

Yang Ambiguous immediately turned down and bowed, and his voice revealed surprise: "Benevolence, how could it be you?!"

Hou Hui looked surprised: "Do you know each other?"

Yang Mei nodded excitedly and said: "Yes, twenty years ago, the former Qin Dynasty conquered Jin and captured Shuzhong. At that time, Yao Chang was the former Qin general Longxiang, and I was not the head of the patriarch. We went out to fight against the Baidi, but were blocked by Huan Chong. Our subordinates fought with Huan Shiqian under Huan Chong. We lost a lot and almost the entire army was wiped out. It was the benefactor who appeared at that time and saved me. Your teaching, I Today, I still remember that it was almost exactly the same as what Hou Canjun just said, saying that the hardships and blood shed by our people in Shu, but what can we get back?!"

Hou Hui laughed: "It turns out that General Yang, you still have this kind of past. I knew Ben Gong a little later than you did. Later, when the Jin army regained the Central Plains, I should have led the army at the order of the former Qin king of Yizhou. To rescue Luoyang, it was Grace who appeared to me and told me that the former Qin would be defeated, and that he was only sent to death. This saved the lives of 757 Ding Nan and me and our whole family because of other ways. Almost all of those who went to the aid were beheaded by the Jin army, and Jingguan was set up to deter us Shu people."

Hei Pao nodded with satisfaction: "You all have some predestined relations with me, but when I rescued you last time, I said that you are all Di people, and they are the Di people who followed Li Te’s refugees into Sichuan. Although the descendants of the chief came to take root and became a family member of Qimin, in the eyes of the Han people, you are still foreigners. This time Maozhu conscripts, the ordinary local Shu people did not recruit in large numbers, but they wanted the counties. All men and women are in the army, do you know why?"

Hou Hui said bitterly: "Isn't it that we are regarded as restless outsiders~www.wuxiaspot.com~ for fear of their army dispatching, shall we rebel in the back? We have had enough of this kind of discrimination."

Yang Mei sighed: "But there is no way. Since the Han Dynasty destroyed the country, we Di people have been distributed to tribes, organized households in various counties, and live in scattered places. We Di tribe leaders have added Han official positions. The rulers of the tribe, even our own family, wives and children, must be held hostages by Han officials everywhere. The Shu people have always been weak and don’t practice warfare, but we Di people are brave and good at fighting. All of Qin’s people will be sent to expedition by our people, and this is the same. No one wants to live such a life, but we don’t have the ability to resist."

A cold light flashed in Heipao's eyes: "Why don't you have the ability to resist? Under Li Te's leadership, Di Ren could conquer the entire Yizhou and establish the Kingdom of Han. What a splendor and how powerful it is, my His father and grandfather had also been blessed by Li Te, and survived. Later, he lived in Chenghan for many years. Although Li's internal strife and brotherhood caused foreign enemies to invade, even Huan Wen was almost defeated by the late Cheng Han. You can see the powerful fighting power of the Di people. Shu is naturally isolated, and external forces cannot be permanent. As long as you can serve as an influential and appealing British lord, use this time of Mao’s brutal force and commit the opportunity to fight back. , Then how difficult is it to make Shu land glorious and great again?"

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