Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2316: The beauty of the night party on the world

Jiankang City, Jianjing Temple.

Dressed as a peasant, Liu Yu is alone in the deserted courtyard, and the night breeze is cool, blowing his long hair under the hat. His sharp, angular face is also wrinkled. If he was staring at the dry bark of the big elm tree in his yard, he sighed softly: "The wood is still like this, how can people be worthy."

Wang Miaoyin’s graceful voice faintly came from behind him: "At least, you have established your own merits, and you will not be able to die before you are like Huanwen. However, you have to hurry up. So many years have passed in a blink of an eye, and we are all old."

Liu Yu turned around and looked at Wang Miaoyin, who was dressed in palace attire, elegant and dignified. He took off his hat, his eyes fixed on Wang Miaoyin, which was covered with white moonlight, crystal clear as jade. On top of her noodles, she smiled slightly: "I am old, and you will always be so beautiful."

Wang Miaoyin smiled slightly, and a sweet dimple formed at the corner of his mouth: "When did you learn to use rhetoric and make women happy?"

Liu Yu shook his head: "This is a fact, not to make you happy. I'm sorry for keeping you in danger for so long, and I will never let you take such a risk next time."

Wang Miaoyin said indifferently: "This is the fate that I must face as the queen of the Jin Dynasty and as a son and daughter of a family. It has nothing to do with Brother Yu. At that time, you couldn't protect yourself. It would be a miracle to build justice. I won’t be free now. However, we don’t have much time. Maybe I will leave Jiankang again soon to meet Sima Dezong. It will be much harder to come out in the future."

Liu Yu sighed: "This time the West Expedition, the situation is much more complicated than I originally expected. First, Huanzhen's counterattack far exceeded my expectations. Second, Lu Xunxu was able to cover these monsters. Traveling around the sea for thousands of miles, attacking Lingnan by sea, this third, my old friend the Mao clan of Yizhou, encountered the disaster of exterminating the door when they were victorious. Although Huanxuan was wiped out, it suddenly appeared more. Three powerful enemies have been lost, and two big states have lost one after another. This is not the result I want."

Wang Miaoyin looked at Liu Yu calmly: "Do you regret not leading the troops yourself? Or do you think that if you lead the troops, at least two major states will not be lost?"

Liu Yu shook his head: "No, I didn’t mean that. There is nothing wrong with Xi Le’s disposal, and I am unlikely to do better. Huanzhen is now the most dangerous enemy. The fall of Guangzhou and Yizhou, too These enemies have spotted our lack of strength and will face a strong counterattack from the Huan Family’s former Ministry in Jingzhou, and it is difficult to take care of them for a while."

Wang Miaoyin nodded: "Then, what do you want to do, go out on your own, or add reinforcements to Liu Yi so that he can continue to pacify Yizhou and Guangzhou after defeating Huanzhen?"

Liu Yu sighed: "The soldiers have been out for more than half a year, and the military has entered the time of returning. Now Xi Le and Wuji are planning to use Gangneung as a bait to attract Huan to attack, and then they will fight decisively near Gangneung. This is the guiding ideology of making a quick fight and getting home early. Therefore, it is not appropriate to send troops to the front no matter who will lead them."

Wang Miaoyin smiled slightly: "Furthermore, Liu Yi received Sima Dezong and Sima Dewen brothers this time. With the help of rescue, you just give him a brand new army, and he will not be willing to continue fighting outside. For him, returning to Jiankang to fight for power is the most important thing. Defeating Huanzheng on the battlefield is easy, and defeating you in the DPRK is the biggest war in his life."

Liu Yu's expression became dimmed: "They are all Beifu brothers. I don't want to fight with him like this. He won the battle and made merits. He deserves what he deserves. I will not suppress him."

Wang Miaoyin sneered: "But there is only one position of the highest power. The emperor of the Sima clan is just a puppet, the first person in the Great Jin Dynasty. You are willing to share with him, but he is not willing to share with you. Instead, he is in yours. Position, I hope you won’t come back for the rest of your life. So if you really give him new reinforcements and let him continue to counter the rebellion, he will be even more convinced that you are going to exile him, and maybe you will go to war directly. Merged."

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "Is there any way you can make Xi Le not be so obsessed with power? If necessary, I can make concessions to him. Now that Dajin is suffering from internal and external troubles, we, the Beijing Eight Brothers, cannot have conflicts at this time. And conflict."

Wang Miaoyin sighed softly: "I don't have a good way. This time Liu Yi has made great contributions. Many children from the family began to fall to him. After Liu Tingyun came back, she also relied on the Langyan Princess to move around and promote The good thing about Liu Yi is that there are at least 30 middle-to-upper-class families who have already wanted to switch to Liu Yi. The first one is the Wang Yu family that you used to humiliate publicly in the underground criminal scene last time."

Liu Yu's brows frowned tightly: "I was warning them, not to humiliate them. These aristocratic families still think of their own family interests at this time, and want to continue to damage the country's fat and selfishness. I will never allow them. ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Besides, Xi Le is with me on this matter."

Wang Miaoyin smiled slightly: "I'm afraid it's not necessarily. At that time, you asked them to hand over the contract of the store in your hand. The servants in the house must pay taxes as normal people. This undoubtedly kills him. After you leave, While Liu Yi handed out contracts to them, he hinted that they could use their nephews to join the army, gain the title with merit, and rely on the noble households stipulated by the Dajin State Law to continue tax exemption for these family servants. Otherwise, how could there be so many children of the family Suddenly began to join the army? The righteous benefits you gave are far inferior to the practical benefits Liu Yi gave. Brother Yu, never underestimate the greed of human nature."

Liu Yu silently said for a while, "This is no way. In order to compromise with Xi Le, in order for Wang Mi to continue to govern, let the fat man enter the power level, and let Jing Xuan lead the army, I must make concessions to Xi Le. From Beijing. These shops are not only the money bags of the family, but also the site where Xi Le has been working hard for more than 20 years. As long as they can pay taxes to the national treasury and the court, I have no problem with him."

Wang Miaoyin smiled slightly: "But now this escrow has become a way for him to show his favor to the family and win over scholars. Isn’t that okay? He is not Xie Yan. He can win the battle and let the children of the family be mixed. Military merit, this time when you come back from the Western Expedition, hundreds of children from the aristocratic family will be promoted according to the merits. If there is another war, who do you think the children of the aristocratic family are willing to fight with, is it you or him?"

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