Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2334: The poisonous woman makes trouble again

Jiang Qianwen was taken aback for a moment, and his eyes widened: "Isn't it? Haven't you been holding back this breath for so many years, wanting to retaliate? I don't think I don't know my husband so much."

Liu Muzhi nodded: "Yes, I really won't forget that betel nut humiliation in my life, but you can rest assured, even Han Xin and Shi Le know that in the future, you will gain power and forgive your enemies. They are better. I have such a great talent, and now I can control an empire. Do I still need to take revenge on your brother to express gratitude?"

A hint of joy flashed across Jiang Qianwen’s face. She shook her head and bit her lip tightly: “But, if you don’t want revenge, why do you have this big banquet tomorrow? Are my two younger brothers recalled from the front?"

Liu Muzhi smiled slightly: "For my late father-in-law and for the kindness you have shown me for so many years, I will not really treat your brother in any way. Even their two official positions are both. I asked them for help, and I didn’t receive much criticism for this. If I intend to retaliate, why should I do this? Madam, please stay calm and wait for the good news tomorrow."

Jiang Qianwen burst into laughter and wiped the tears from his face: "I knew it, I knew that my husband would not be the kind of villain who must report to you, because I was overwhelmed. After listening to outsiders' telling stories, Will..."

Liu Muzhi's face changed slightly: "You said that outsiders are telling things, which outsider said what?"

Jiang Qian text was able to cover her mouth, but she understood that it was too late, and she sighed: "Now, I don't hide it from you. Liu Tingyun told me."

Liu Muzhi frowned tightly: "You don't know our relationship with this woman, why do we take the initiative to associate with her? This is a poisonous snake. From her mouth, there are only conspiracies and lies!"

Jiang Qianwen cried again: "It's not me. I didn't take the initiative to find her. When you posted three days ago, I didn't care too much. I thought you were really going to celebrate your two brothers. I also went to Jiming Temple to burn incense. After all, when you let Alang and Abo join the army, I was afraid that they would be dangerous if they had never been in the army for a lifetime, so I went to the temple to burn incense and pray. Later they came back safely. Yes, I have done meritorious service, and I am going to fulfill my wish, otherwise, there will be disaster."

Liu Muzhi's brows eased, and he nodded: "Then when you first went to Jiming Temple to make a wish, Liu Tingyun was not there yet, but this time she came back from Xunyang and saw you when you made your wish, right? "

Jiang Qianwen sighed quietly: "Yes, she was at the Jiming Temple where she was accompanied by Princess Chu Lingyuan of Langyan. I happened to hit it, so she took the opportunity to find me, I think, it was just an accident. "

Liu Muzhi said coldly: "For a woman like Liu Tingyun, there is no accident in this world. She calculated your whereabouts early and deliberately took Princess Langya with her on that day. Going with you, because I spread banquet invitations widely, everyone in Jiankang City knows everything, and looking for opportunities to hit me on this matter, and even break my relationship with Ji slave, is this woman's opportunity."

Jiang Qianwen's body trembled slightly: "She, why did she do this? Liu Zhenjun spared her life with you. Even if she is a beast, she must be grateful."

Liu Muzhi sneered: "Some people in this world have less heart than beasts. How did Liu Tingyun tell you, please repeat."

Jiang Qianwen gritted his teeth: "She said, you are actually a grudge, and Brother Liu is even more so, just like the Diao family, who offended Big Brother Liu many years ago. Now that he has gained the power, he has ransacked the Diao family, almost one of them. Don’t stay, and you will certainly behave like that, and this is also true for our Jiang family. What she said, what she said is very reasonable, I, I can’t refute it."

Liu Muzhi laughed and picked up Jiang Qianwen's hand: "My wife, you are also a talented woman. Why don't you understand this matter? If you want to talk about hatred, I'm afraid to dismantle Liu Tingyun from Ji Nu and Wang Miaoyin. The hatred against her is deeper than anyone else. If you want to say that the whole family is destroyed, the first one should be against her, not the Jiang family. Even Diao Kui has to go back."

Jiang Qianwen's eyes lit up and she lost her voice: "Yeah, why didn't I think of this? Oh, I'm really worried in my heart that you will retaliate, and this will make her move."

Liu Muzhi nodded and said with a serious face: "It is not because the Diao family has been destroyed because of the revenge of the year, but because the Diao family has been dedicated to helping Huanxuan in trouble for decades. It was bullying and killing most of the Beifu brothers’ families. It can be said that he is not only the enemy of a slave, but also the tens of thousands of brothers in Jingkou. Killing him is not only a righteous act of national law, but also It was an action that conformed to the morale of the army. After the Diao family was destroyed, we let the people of Jingkou take the property by themselves. We moved for three days and three nights and we didn’t finish it. It can be seen that their family has searched for the Jingkou fathers over the years. Looks like it!"

Jiang Qianwen wondered: "Is the Diao family really that bad? But our family doesn't have..."

Liu Muzhi smiled slightly: "That's because your husband got married to the middle-class family of the Jiang family. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com early became a soldier of the Beifu Army to join the army, and he was still a think tank of slaves. Diao Kui didn't dare. Let's start, if we change to other ordinary sergeants who have no power and power, but just use their lives to get some possessions, the Diao family can be all kinds of tricks and plunder, digging three feet, otherwise, how can there be a name of Beijing beetle? "

Jiang Qianwen nodded: "That said, Mie Diao's family is killing the people. This **** Liu Tingyun actually lied to me like this."

Liu Muzhi nodded: "However, it's okay. The more she provokes right and wrong, the more proof that her motive is not simple. I have said this to you, and I must have some other seniors who will come to the banquet tomorrow. Similarly, many people are afraid that they really want to come to the show to see how me and Ji slave are narrow-minded and unable to tolerate others. Lady, rest assured, tomorrow, I will show it to the people of the world, I am Liu Muzhi, How to report the humiliation that year."

Jiang Qianwen "pushed" with a smile: "I just like to see you look like you are in your chest. However, is it really okay if you don't invite Big Brother Liu tomorrow? He may not know what you really think."

Liu Muzhi smiled slightly: "Help me prepare a pot of roasted chicken legs and two jars of Yanghe wine. After the banquet tomorrow, I will get drunk with Ji Nu!"

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