Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2336: Threaten Wang Yu to kill

Liu Tingyun’s mouth turned into an intoxicating dimple: "Yes, life is the most precious, no matter how hard it is, you have to live. Lord Wang and the son are here today, aren’t they also for this? Although the son is deep and righteous, Young and vigorous, but you still need to learn to control your emotions like your father."

Wang Sui's expression froze, and he hurriedly said in a serious manner: "Madam's teachings, the younger generation should keep in mind."

A faint resentment flashed in Liu Tingyun’s eyes: “I think when I was still married to my boudoir, I was also a teenager, and acted voluntarily. I saw Liu Yu, who was stinking all over his body in the countryside, and The fat, swaying Liu Muzhi just wanted to vomit it out and wished to be as far away from them as possible. My only thought at the time was that these stinky and dirty lowly people were worthy of living with us. Are they under the same sky? Between the high and cold, there are like clouds and mud. This is what I thought was the unchanging rule in the world, and I said it in front of these people. At that time, the elders in the family and Xie An all taught me It shouldn’t be like this, but I don’t think so."

Speaking of this, Liu Tingyun's eyes became sad: "It seems that I was too young at the time and my eyesight was too short-sighted. I can't see that the great family of Dajin is already unusable, drunk and dreaming, and I can't see the Xie family. The Wang family wants to start to build up its own strength, reuse these unfamiliar soldiers, and can no longer see the world. Bao Jiangshan cannot do without these martial artists. By the time I realized this, it was already too late, one step wrong, wrong step, I betrayed I married my best sister by mistake, Huan Xuan who is not worthy of entrusting her for life, and almost paid the price of her entire family's life."

Speaking of this, Liu Tingyun looked at Wang Sui and sighed softly: “Looking at you, it’s as if I have seen me back then. I can desperate for love and don’t know how to conceal what I think. Over the years, Lingrou has been I was raised by one hand. Although I am not my own person, I am more in love with my mother and daughter, and you are my son-in-law in my heart. I don’t want you to be caught by Liu Muzhi because of your momentary anger. Now My husband Junyuan is fighting in Jingzhou. If Liu Yu and Liu Muzhi want to harm you, he will not have time to save you."

Wang Sui gritted his teeth: "Thank you Madam for reminding me that although I can no longer call your mother-in-law, in my heart, you will always be my mother-in-law! If it is not inconvenient to salute now, my son-in-law should give you three knees. "

Liu Tingyun nodded: "I have my mind. I only hope that Yanyou (Wang Sui's words) can control your emotions. For you, for the sake of flexibility, and for your whole family, don't give others a handle at this time."

Wang Sui nodded excitedly, and Wang Yu turned his head and said solemnly to him: "Go and greet the guests for my father. It's rare to meet my wife today. I have something to ask for my father."

Wang Sui turned to salute and went away. Wang Yu said sternly: "It's still the madam's teaching that works. I can't persuade him no matter how I persuade him."

Liu Tingyun said coldly: "The prince, the situation in your family is extremely dangerous now. Ling brother Wang Guobao has always been a party of Daozi. He has been in the same spirit with the Diao family who was given the door for many years, although he was killed many years ago. , But how much hatred and vicious Liu Yu this person is, you should be able to see from the end of the Diao family, the father's debt is paid, the brother is the last brother, and Wang Guobao killed him back then, he will definitely find it back from you. "

A trace of panic flashed in Wang Yu's eyes, and his lips began to tremble slightly. Obviously, Liu Tingyun had said what he feared the most.

Liu Tingyun looked at Wang Yu's face, smiled slightly, and continued: "Just a few months ago, the night Liu Yu just entered Jiankang, you turned your face with Liu Yu in public at that underground contract distribution secret meeting. He even cursed you at that time, Prince, when I heard the news, I was so shocked that I couldn't believe it."

Wang Yu closed his eyes and shook his head in pain: "Don't say it, don't say it, I have nightmares every night, it is all about this, I, I will definitely die in the hands of Liu Yu, a reckless man!"

Liu Tingyun smiled slightly: "This is why I want to persuade Master Ling. Liu Yu wants to kill you. It is a thing known to passers-by. Apart from me, he hates most of those who have suppressed him and framed him all these years. The door and the Mafia. Now the Mafia is over. Huanxuan’s big enemies and old enemies like the Diao’s are almost eliminated. The one who really wants to kill, except me, is you. I’m only relying on it for now. With Liu Xile’s protection, he was afraid of causing infighting among the Beifu army, and it was not easy to have an accident, but for you, there are not so many scruples. Prince, you are very dangerous now. Just aiming at Yan You’s obsession with Lingrou , Liu Muzhi will definitely be able to find an excuse, saying that you are attempting to collude with the remnants of the Huan family, intending to rebel, and then kill your family!"

Wang Yu's body began to tremble: "No, he can't do this, he can't be so overbearing, there are family rules in the world, and he can't help but weave a crime. Lingrou is not in Jiankang now, and I, we also have to leave with her. , It doesn't matter! Besides, she is a female generation, how can she be regarded as the Huan family?"

Liu Tingyun sighed softly: "Duke ah, prince, it seems that you still don't understand the methods of these Beijing Eighties. Although there are contradictions between our families, we still need to behave in a way and fight without breaking. Marriage and exchanges between each other have lasted for a hundred years. It is not too unfeeling, nor will the net be broken. Just like Wang Gong and the others set up soldiers to kill the younger brother, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, but they can also leave you a way to survive. The incense of the Wang family in Taiyuan."

"But people like Liu Yu are different. They came from the bottom and gained high positions by virtue of their military achievements. All of our old high-ranking families are his enemies. Either they completely surrender to him like the Xie family, or they will Let him get rid of the roots without leaving one. Look at my founding family in Dajin, the century-old Diao clan. Wouldn't he be killed? There is also the Huan clan. It is estimated that there will be no more living people. Although he kept a son of Huan Chong who was an official in Beijing, Huan Yin was a proof of his benevolence, but he could be charged with treason at any time. Duke, I advise you to leave a way for yourself earlier and don’t wait until the butcher’s knife is down. , It's too late to regret again!"

Wang Yu was dumbfounded, sweating coldly. He couldn't say a word. After a while, he sighed: "What else can I do? I'm a knife, and I'm a fish. I can only follow Liu Jingxuan and the others. The kingdom of the captives is now, but I, the Wang family of Taiyuan, have been deeply favored by the country for a hundred years. I have never had any contact with the northern Hulu. At this time, even if I want to escape, I am afraid that others will not want it. Could it be that my Wang family is the same, Are you waiting to die?"

Liu Tingyun smiled slightly: "Perhaps, there is another way to go."

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