Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2342: No flaws in the tiger's mouth

Liu Muzhi laughed: "So, taking Huansheng away at that time is your chance to serve the country? I am very interested to know what is the connection between these two things."

Liu Muzhi laughed: "This connection means that he has the opportunity to gain the trust of Huan Xuan and can lurch by his side and do things that are beneficial to Dajin. Bian Fanzhi was his first adviser before, even if Yin The prefect cannot compete with him. Huan Xuan is obedient to Bian Fanzhi. Therefore, I have to do something that Bian Fanzhi can’t do to make Huan Xuan look at me differently. Take Huan Sheng and I can Using the righteous name and moving rationally, tell Empress Liu that following Huanxuan's dead end, he will also not be able to save her son. Only sending Huansheng is the only chance to survive."

"The nature of mother and child, Empress Liu, logically speaking, it is impossible to give away her son and keep it by herself, because it seems that it is more risky to stay, but I told her at the time that Huan Sheng is the only son of Huan Xuan, even if he can't take it. If I leave, I will never let my son fall into the hands of the rebels. If I can’t take Huansheng away, Bian Fanzhi outside will kill them together. Even from the perspective of the child, he should be released at this time. Go, at least give him a chance to survive. I didn't expect that Empress Liu would persuade me just like this."

Liu Muzhi laughed: "That’s because you didn’t know that Empress Liu has always been Liu Guanjun’s collaborator, and the eyeliner he put next to Huanxuan. Now the former puppet Chu Empress Liu is already the wife of the champion general Liu Yi. It’s hard to imagine this as the smartest wise man in the world."

There was a burst of exclamation and flattery in the whole hall. Tao Yuanming smiled and nodded: "But when I left, I didn't know the relationship. I thought Empress Liu was only promoting Huan to save his son. It was given to me, but I depended on this credit to follow Huan Xuan’s adversity and gained partial trust from him. He finally gave me an important task, which is to take care of your Majesty and Queen. There is King Langyan."

Liu Muzhi nodded: "Yes, after Huan Xuan's defeat, Bian Fanzhi wants to stay by his side to make suggestions. He is unlikely to bring His Majesty and the Queen into the army. He needs someone with a confidant to look after him. Bian Fanzhi If you are jealous of Taishou Yin, you will not let Taishou Yin do this. Then this task falls on you. Taishou Yin, later the queen queen was saved, is it Mr. Tao's credit?"

Yin Zhongwen could only nod his head and said, "It is the Queen that Mr. Tao led me to pick up."

Wang Yu sneered: "But with such a great contribution, why didn't Tai Shou Yin mention Mr. Tao when he picked up the Queen? I remember that in front of King Wuling, you only said that you rescued the queen yourself. Now how do you say the law has changed? Up?"

Yin Zhongwen blushed. He is usually eloquent, and he is a bit speechless. Tao Yuanming calmly said: "These are what I asked for Yin Taishou, because at that time your majesty brother was still in Huan Xuan's hands. I have to find another chance to rescue them. , So I can’t mention my name. Yin Taishou and Queen Wang said this to cover me, not to be greedy for merit. General Wang, please do not hesitate."

Yin Zhongwen quickly said: "Yes, yes, that's it. This was discussed with Tao Gong at the time. Now your Majesty is safe, and the situation at that time can also be off in broad daylight. The reason for my position as the prefect of Dongyang is for Tao Gong. of."

Liu Muzhi laughed and said: "The post of Dongyang prefect is the reward that Yin Gong gave up and rescued the queen and the queen. The court has its own public opinion. Even if you are a supporter, you have this merit. However, Tao Gong should have a new one behind. Credit, we still wait for him to finish first, and then discuss suitable rewards for him in the court meeting."

Tao Yuanming nodded, a smug look flashed across his face, and continued: "At that time, Huanxuan brought the two brothers into the army, and placed the queen and queen under guard in the other courtyard outside Jiangling City, and then led the army eastward. In the battle against the rebels of the West Expedition, I expect Huanxuan will lose in this battle. The key is to rescue your majesty, the king and queen of Langyan. Previously in Jiangling, Madam Liu led the people to rescue the princess of Langyan from the chaos, so Huan Xuan took precautions and sent additional defenders. However, after a period of arrangement, I told some of the defenders loyalty to good fortune and misfortune, and succeeded in getting them to expel others when the news of Huan Xuan's defeat came. The guards loyal to Huanxuan rescued the queen, and then, under the leadership of Gong Yin, took a safe path through Xiakou, allowing the queen to escape smoothly."

"As for me, I turned to Huan Xuan, I lied to him that the Queen was robbed by a group of swordsmen with unknown origins led by the Yin Taishou, because the Queen was the noble daughter of the Xie family and the Wang family. It’s not surprising to save him. Besides, there was Taishou Yin in front of him, and he didn’t even suspect that for a while, I ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and he wanted me to continue to escape with him. I intended to save Your Majesty again on the road, by the way Looking for an opportunity to sack Huan Xuan and Bian Fanzhi, but he did not expect that when Huan Xuan was about to flee Jiangling, someone from his own guards assassinated, so scared that Huan Xuan threw his Majesty and fled, even Bian Fanzhi was separated from him. Up."

"Later I learned that it was Liu Guanjun who sent a master into the defeated army and waited for an opportunity to assassinate Huan Xuan. However, due to this accidental collision, Huan Xuan also fled Jiangling. My arrangement was too late to start, so I had to be with Bian Fanzhi. Fleeing from the chaos army, followed him and Huanqian to Huanzhen’s army. However, it was a blessing in disguise, knowing that Huanzhen pretended to be defeated, but secretly prepared to counterattack Jiangling’s plan."

Wang Yu laughed: "What a thrilling story, but it seems that Mr. Tao didn't stop Huanzhen from counterattacking Jiangling."

Tao Yuanming shook his head calmly: "When I learned about Huanzhen's plan, it was impossible to stop this. Thousands of his subordinates have pretended to be scattered soldiers and have entered Jiangling. Wang Kangchan and Wang Tengzhi are too supportive. They recruited horribly, but did not check the identities of these recruits. As a result, most of the defenders in the city were already Huanzhen’s people. What I can do is to use Bian Fanzhi to deal with Huan Zhenxiao and persuade him not to hurt your majesty. , Look for opportunities to rescue Your Majesty in the future."

Liu Muzhi nodded: "A very good decision, very clever, and I will make the same choice after changing me. It seems that Mr. Tao is not only a literary talent, but also a superhuman talent. So, Later, Huanzhen went out of the city to fight, and Liu Guanjun took the opportunity to attack Jiangling and succeeded. It was because of your help?"

Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "Exactly, I was sent by Huanzhen to Liu Guanjun in Jiangling to negotiate the return of the Langyan King in exchange for the retreat of the army. This gave me the opportunity to contact Liu Guanjun. He learned from Mrs. Liu If my position is determined, then make a plan with me."

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