Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2357: Calm the world for common people

Ding Yi laughed at once: "Brother Jinu is really thinking about brothers, you still remember that Brother Xie is not in the army anymore."

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "He is the brother of Xingyun. Among the most unforgettable brothers in my life, there is Xingyun. In any case, I have to take care of him. Last time I was too busy with military affairs, I didn’t have time to ask him. I heard that you have always had a good relationship with him, and even the shop he opened in Jiankang City was your wife who helped Zhang Luo, so I just remembered to ask you."

He said, and said to Luo Bing on one side: "Guardian Luo, you should go back to the city and have a look at your new home. I have been too busy for a while and have not let you go home. I will personally come to congratulate your house next day."

Luo Bing grinned and bowed: "Thank you for his accomplishment, I will definitely tell my father."

Liu Yu turned his head and said to the guards around him: "Okay, you all go back first, take your day off, walk around in this capital city, and taste the delicious wines of this capital city, but I have something to say first. You know the military discipline. If you misbehave in the city and cause trouble, don't blame me for turning my face and being ruthless."

A team is saying: "Marshal, you let us go, then your safety..."

Liu Yu smiled and waved his hand: "It's okay. There are not many people who know me in this city, and it is rare to have a chance to walk around Jiankang City. Besides, if I can't protect myself, you can protect me. Got it?"

A group of guards laughed and saluted Liu Yuqi together: "Thank you, Marshal, then."

Liu Yu turned around and said to Ding Yi: "Alright, follow me into the city. Go and change this armor when you are at the south gate. You are so big and you wear a piece of armor. I think it would be difficult for me to visit in a micro suit."

Two hours later, Xieji Hubing Shop in Nantang, south of Kangcheng City was built.

A square table was placed under a big willow tree. Liu Yu was dressed in casual clothes, with a dog skin plaster on his right cheek, and Xie Tingyun and Ding Yi sat around the square table with a plate of steaming sesame sesame cakes. In the middle, there are two plates of white sauce on both sides, and in front of everyone, there is a bowl of mutton soup, accompanied by the taste of cumin, which makes people move their index fingers.

Xie Tingyun wears a piece of white cloth on his shoulders, and wears a piece of silk on his head. This dress is very weird. The shopkeeper is not like a shopkeeper, and the guy is not like a guy. But dozens of steps away, inside the biscuits shop , But there was a loud voice. Twenty tables were already at the door, and three or four guys came and went, even the lady of the Xie family in sarongs serving dishes and serving bowls, shuttled between the two open-air stoves. Three Huren masters, with their big shoulders naked and surrounded by a leather jacket, are holding a steel fork and turning around in this stove. Soon, there will be a fresh sesame sesame cake out of the oven. In the back kitchen, the scent of mutton soup and the taste of Yanghe wine are also mixed, even the whole street can be smelled.

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "Brother Tingyun, it seems that your business here is really prosperous. I used to think that your newcomer to Jiankang is not good for business."

Ding Yi grinned: "Brother Jinu, you don't know. When Brother Tingyun was in his hometown, he was a famous Hubing shop. He wouldn't lose his mouth if he didn't. I dare not come to the capital to do business."

Liu Yu nodded: "I have been in the army for many years and have hardly lived a normal life. I really don't understand this. However, this biscuits are really delicious. I think it was when I went to Chang'an. At that time, I had the chance to eat this."

Xie Tingyun smiled and said: "My three Hubing masters are natives of Guanzhong. The taste is absolutely the same as that of Chang'an. Brother Jinu, you can eat it."

Liu Yu laughed: "You're not bragging about this, it's really authentic Chang'an. But..."

He glanced at the three Hu people masters: "These masters of yours are not Han, how did you hire them?"

Xie Tingyun said: "The old man, who was almost fifty, was called Saibachi, and the other two young men were his two sons. The chaos in Guanzhong back then, the war between Qin Dynasty and the Qin Dynasty, the Saibachi family finally got talent. They escaped, and after several rounds, they lived in the south of the Yangtze River. They were recruited into the Xie’s manor and became tenant farmers because they were nonsense and had no official identity. It was ruined. They were helpless and almost starved to death. I saved them and gave them a bite to eat. From then on, they lived with my family. Later, I opened my home with the money sent by Brother Ji Nu The little shop, unexpectedly caught on fire, it became what you see now."

Liu Yu's heart moved: "The Hu people like the Saibachi family who go north and south, are there many UU reading www.uukanshu.com in Wudi now?"

Xie Tingyun nodded: "A lot, even more than the northern Han people who went south in the past. When the northern country of the Hu people did not fight, these Hu people were relatively safe. Afterwards, the war started and continued for years. A place is peaceful, and many Hu people who can’t survive and don’t want to be recruited to fight for war are like Sai Bachi and their families fled south. As far as I know, in Kuaiji alone, there are thousands of such northern Hu people. People."

Liu Yu's brows frowned slightly: "But it seems that no government at all levels has reported this situation. I thought that in the manor in Wudi, there were all northern Han refugees."

Xie Tingyun shook his head: "Whether the people are Han or Huren, they all seek stability. Those who fight and kill, fight for power, are what the high-ranking officials want, and victory is theirs. Credit, but it was not their children who died. Just like Sai Bachi, his family had seven brothers, but he was the only one who died. When he went south, his wife was also killed by robbers, and a big master brought two A half-year-old, it’s luck to survive."

Speaking of this, Xie Tingyun suddenly realized something, and quickly said, "Don’t get me wrong, Brother Jinu. I'm talking about the bosses, but I didn't say you, you are not..."

Liu Yu looked sad and sighed: "Although I am not going to start a war for my own selfish interests, the war I started has caused no less damage to the people at the bottom. Brother Xingyun, you don't need to deny this. But I believe that I want to rejuvenate the Yishi in order to restore our Han family, so that the world can be stable from now on, and no longer suffer from the flames of war. It is definitely not for me to take the world. This is from my participation in the army. It has never changed since that day, and it is the same now."


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