Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2366: Revenge of Beijing 8 Liu Miemen

[Renren Novel Network]

Wang Zhen laughed evilly: "He scolded him, I killed me, which dog yelled at me, and even beat him, why don’t you wear this uniform without this momentum? I’m afraid of scolding, I won’t avenge my brother. ?"

Liu Yu laughed, a murderous look suddenly appeared in his eyes, the Dragon Slashing Sword was copied in his hand, and Luo Bing's head was separated from his neck with a single wave, and a cavity of blood spilled on Meng Long beside Liu Yu. Fu, on the banner of the Beifu Army that has been stationed.

Liu Yu took the banner and said loudly: "This battle banner is the banner of the troops where Brother Xingyun was alive. The heroic spirit is on top. Now, let's avenge him!"

His gaze turned to the Jingba soldiers who were standing in front of him and divided into three teams, and said in a deep voice, "Brother Sun Chu, you take a hundred comrades from Jingba to Huanyin's house, and brother Yuqiu, you bring a hundred Comrades go to Diao Yong's house. I have sent someone to take down Luo Bing's family, and all the rest will go to Wang Yu's house with me."

Chu Sun and Yu Qiujin looked at each other and said in a deep voice, "Jinu, this time, should they arrest their family or..."

Liu Yu’s eyes flashed coldly: “The arrest and return is a matter of the government and the yamen. I just said that according to the national law, I’m afraid I can’t avenge the Xie Tingyun brothers in my life. A thug can get in on the crime. I even say that I colluded with Luo Bing to frame them."

Tan Daoji smiled and said, "But Brother Ji Nu killed Luo Bing, so I can't say that it was a collusion with life."

Liu Yu sneered: "Then they will even say that I am murdering, and there is no proof. We are playing tricks with these people. We soldiers will never be opponents. We have revenge, and we have grievances. We just need to determine who the enemy is. , They killed me and the family of Brother Xingyun, then we will kill him, without leaving a living, without taking money. This kind of pleasant gratitude is the style of our Beijing eight boys!"

Kuaien yelled and waved the big axe in his hand: "My fellow, I'm already hungry and thirsty!"

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "The wrongdoer, the debtor, everyone listen carefully, all enemies, women don’t kill, men don’t stay, even babies, we cut the roots. Now we are revenge, we kill the enemy, all three. The legs are not forgiven, the fat guys will do the rest, you don’t care, the sky is really falling down, I, Liu Yu, hold on, and it has nothing to do with you brothers."

Wang Zhongde sneered: "The sky is falling? What is it? Now the knife is in our hands, and everything is up to us. Do those high-ranking families think they can bully us like before? This time is to let them know Now, who is in power now, who holds the knife!"

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "The knife is in our hands, but Xi Le and Wuji also have knives in their hands. I am not worried about the counterattack and criticism of the family. I am afraid that someone will take the opportunity to instigate and affect our Beijing eight brothers. Feelings, but you don’t need to worry about this. Yesterday, in the military newspaper, in Jingzhou, Xi Le and the others have already captured Huanzhen’s main force, and they are about to fight in Shashi. If nothing else, this battle will completely wipe out Huanchu’s last soldiers. It’s not far from the triumph of the Xizheng brothers."

There was a burst of cheers from the crowd, and Liu Yu solemnly said: "Our brother is killing the enemy in the west, and today, we have to kill the thieves in Jiankang City. I repeat, all enemies, men, young and old, are killed. The woman is left to the court for disposal. No one is allowed to privately plunder a piece of money and a silk. If you take advantage of the chaos, please stop being our Beijing eight brothers!"

All the Beijing Eight Brothers raised their weapons high and said loudly: "Take Ling!"

Liu Yu carried the unsheathed Dragon Slashing Sword on his shoulders and strode toward the outside of the palace. His voice spread throughout Miyagi: "Now go and avenge the Tingyun brother!"

Two hours later, Wang Yu's mansion arrived.

The screams of women and the wailing of men before the tragic death rang into one. The entire palace compound was filled with a strong smell of blood. Almost every scream made Wang Yu's face, who was paralyzed on the ground. Fatty jumped on.

Liu Yu was standing in front of Wang Yu with the Long Slashing Sword in his hands, his whole body was already red with blood, and he looked at Wang Yu in front of him coldly without saying a word.

Wang Sui fell to his knees by Ding Yi, as if a lion was pressing a chicken. His voice was trembling, and he said loudly, "Liu Yu, what's the sin of our Wang family? Do you want to destroy me like this? !"

Liu Yu said coldly: "What's the crime? Don't you know what you have done? Xie Tingyun, do you not know? Yao Ermao does not know? Or Luo Bing does not know?"

Wang Sui was speechless. Wang Yu slowly raised his head. This aristocratic aristocrat who has always been wealthy, now has messed up hair and beard, and his clothes were all ripped apart because of being pulled just now. He bit He gritted his teeth: "Liu Yu, I don't know anything about what you said. I have never heard of these people. Oh, it's not unheard of. It seems that the Luo Bing you said is the guard by your side, Yongjia. The son of the Tu surnamed Luo Qiu, but I don’t know this person. You come to kill my whole family for someone I don’t know ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ who has never heard of it?"

Liu Yu hooked the corner of his mouth with disdain, turned his head to Liu Zhong and winked, Liu Zhong walked to a corner of this hall and stepped down hard, only to hear a "pop", and a floor tile responded. But a broken, dark hole was exposed. Meng Huaiyu jumped out of the hole and saluted Liu Yu: "Brother Jinu, the Luo family has been cleaned up."

Like a discouraged ball, Wang Yu suddenly softened. Liu Yu looked at him and said in a deep voice: "Now, do you still know that you don’t know Luo Bing? The Luo family came to Beijing, with his family’s status and status, fundamentally He was not qualified to buy land in Baiguanfang, so you helped him find an old house in the net towel market behind. It was a branch of your king's family, and it was connected with your family. Every time you call Luo Bing to meet , Just walk this secret way, do you think you can hide these little tricks from my eyes?"

Wang Yu murmured: "Damn it, I should have known it, Luo Bing and his son can't hide the fat man's eyeliner beside you, careless, I'm still careless."

Wang Sui suddenly cried out: "Liu Yu, didn't you just kill a small soldier? As for us, we are the king of Taiyuan, a century-old clan, who has made great contributions to the country. If you want money and power, we I can give it to you, as long as you are willing to let us go this time, in the future, our Wang family father and son will always be grateful for your kindness, and will be more loyal and obedient than Wang Mi."

A trace of anger and killing intent flashed in Liu Yu's eyes: "Human life is a matter of life. In Er et al.'s eyes, it turns out to be a bargaining chip that can be used for trading. The surname is the king. Your century-old name has made you treat life like this and the laws of the country like this ??! If this is the so-called famous family, it should be eradicated and you can no longer harm the world!"

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