Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2370: The family leader finally becomes the enemy

[Renren Novel Network]

Liu Muzhi nodded: "If Liu Huaisu can defeat Huanzhen, it is like you suddenly shot and grabbed Xi Le and even Wuji's exploits thousands of miles away. Is this really good?"

Liu Yu said calmly: "Xile is the coach, and Ah Shou’s army is a reinforcement to cooperate with him. The reinforcements and meritorious services are also the credit of his coach. I don’t think he is unconvinced. Besides, Huai Su and Rabbit will act together. Their subordinates are not extremely mobile infantry, or A Shou’s elite cavalry. They can send troops first in the name of confronting Huanzhen, because Huanzhen is a famous general. If he can't force Xi Le to take the initiative to fight with him, he will be frightened. Gun, go to sneak attack on Jiangxia Dacang, after all, after losing Jiangling, he will be extremely short of food, and the 20,000-30,000 army of food and grass will be the last straw to crush him."

Liu Muzhi frowned: "Jiangling? Who will occupy Jiangling?"

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "Xile took the initiative to withdraw from Jiangling, and almost no grain left, it must be a trap set for Huanzhen. After Huanzhen left Huanchuan, most of his family members fell, but the senior generals His family brought him to Gangneung. This time he took the initiative to seek a decisive battle. Gangneung must be almost an empty city. If Xi Le wants to stand against it, he will definitely attack Gangneung City separately, even if he captures the family members of Huanzhen’s troops. Shake their military morale."

Liu Muzhi smiled and said: "This is really the method of famous generals using soldiers, so according to this, the surprise attack on Jiangling should be the soldiers of Dao regulations."

Liu Yu nodded: "Exactly, since Tao Yuanming turned to us, there are already our spies around Jingzhou, but Huanzhen. Since the death of Bian Fan, the intelligence has plummeted, almost becoming deaf and blind. Although he is brave on the battlefield, he still has a long way to go to dominate the entire army and control the overall situation. Therefore, he can only put his troops out of the city desperately, hoping to fight Xile decisively. If he fails, he will transfer to Jiangxia Okura. It’s just that all his actions will be clearly seen by us. Even me, I can receive the latest military reports every day, grasp his movements, determine his intentions, and fight. At this level, it will be defeated."

Liu Muzhi smiled slightly: "Then if you use Huai Su to defeat Huanzhen this time and transfer the credit to Xi Le, will that mean you have sold him a favor, and you can exchange for his cooperation in other things in the future?"

Liu Yu sighed: "They are all brothers, you don't need to do this calculation, but when you mentioned Xi Le, I thought of someone..."

Liu Muzhi smiled and said, "You suspect that this incident is related to Liu Tingyun?"

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "I have no evidence, but my instinct tells me that this lingering woman has never given up conspiracy and provocation for a moment. If she hadn't been a Xile woman, I would have just hacked it like today. She is."

Liu Muzhi said calmly: "Liu Tingyun is a **** that Liu Yi connects to the family. I have no evidence to point to her involvement in this matter, but I have doubts about her just like you, and since she returned to Beijing last time , He desperately tried to fawn with Princess Langyan, it seems that he also intended to separate the Sima brothers."

Liu Yu said bitterly: "You have to help me keep an eye on her, and don't let her make any more conspiracies."

Liu Muzhi shook his head: "This is probably very difficult. She is a woman after all. My spies, shrewd and capable, are all men. Besides, she is noble. In many cases, my men cannot follow up. In fact, I have to monitor Liu Tingyun. The best candidate is..."

Having said that, Liu Muzhi stopped, and Liu Yu sighed softly: "Miao Yin is naturally the most suitable person to deal with this woman, but in this situation, will she still be with me?"

Liu Muzhi sighed: "At that time, I advised you to ask your wife's opinion first. Anyway, this is a basic attitude. It's a pity that you were too impulsive at that time and couldn't listen, so..."

Liu Yu waved his hand: "Fatty man, don't think that I really lost my mind because of anger and just want revenge. In fact, I was very calm at the time. This time, it is better not to let the wife and the wonderful voice interfere than to let the Xie family intervene ."

Liu Muzhi frowned: "Are you worried that the Xie family is in a dilemma when dealing with your revenge and the conflict between the family?"

Liu Yu nodded: "Yes, a family of high sects. In the past hundred years of traveling to the south of the Great Jin Dynasty, they have long been together and married each other. It can be said that it is a combination of interests formed by various relationships. They don’t know about Wang Yu’s crimes, including the previous Wang Guobao’s turmoil in the country, which caused great chaos. Don’t Xie Xianggong understand? But because of this kind of friendship and relationship, they have to take shelter, because the family has many nephews. There are always people who are rampant and lawless. If an lawless nephew is not protected, everyone else will be at risk. In the end, the reputation of the family will be affected. A family that cannot maintain close family will soon lose their relationship. The trust of his family. Finally, he was driven down from the position of leader and leader."

Liu Muzhi nodded: "Because of such unprincipled shelter and tolerance, the unscrupulous children of the Dajin family are becoming more and more uncomfortable. The emergence of prodigal sons like Wang Yu is also the result of such indulgence. I I think Madam should still be a sensible person, and she won't really protect Wang Yu in front of these ironclad evidence."

Liu Yu sighed: "Madam has her problems. The iron evidence is that they are done by people of low status, either my guard or Yao Ermao, a villain of unknown origin. They can completely say that this is framed, or Yao Ermao. In the end, it will only reduce Wang Yu’s crime, at least not to death. Because every major family has similar misconduct, at least there have been a lot of things like this before, in order to protect yourself, this time I will do my best Help Wang Yu to plead, if the wife wants to maintain the status of the Xie family, she will have to confront me head-on."

Liu Muzhi shook his head: "Your worries, my wife may not be able to think of it, but she is a generation of heroes after all. If she really knows the truth, I think she would rather withdraw from it than plead for Wang Yu. If you have her attitude, other families will be in a mess, and they won't be against you."

Liu Yu's brows frowned: "Do you really think that if your wife doesn't show up, other families will be scattered? I think on the contrary, they will find a new backer that can shelter their illegal actions. At this point, in the future We want to ask Madam to do something, it’s impossible."

Liu Muzhi took a breath: "You mean Liu Yi?"

Liu Yu sternly said: "Yes, and his good wife!"

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