Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2373: Black hands change ground and meet again

Liu Muzhi sighed: "It's really cruel, the family in the capital saw these methods of yours, I'm afraid they will be scared to pee."

Liu Yu said coldly: "It is not a bad thing to let them see the real killing before they go to the battlefield. If the Northern Expedition cannot be successful, sooner or later, let the Hu people go south to destroy the country, and then they will fall into the hands of others, and they will be sent along The execution ground gave people the same result as the massacre. Isn't that the end of Fu Jian's family?"

Liu Muzhi nodded: "Yes, then I will do this. Oh, yes, I forgot to tell you. Tao Yuanming has already taken your orders and envoys. After Qin went as an envoy, you said, this Will this matter affect him?"

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "Let him know that the result of opposing me is not a bad thing. Let's talk about how to attract the children of the family to join us and appease other high-class families. If not unexpected, Xi Le There will surely be a triumphant return within three months. At that time, a new round of open and secret battles will begin again."

Liu Muzhi twitched the corner of his mouth: "This time, do you really think that Liu Tingyun was behind the manipulation and control? Isn't it another force?"

Liu Yu took a deep breath: "No, I have never stopped being vigilant about the dark forces that we have always suspected and worried about. Anyway, I believe that the secret people who killed Liu Laozhi will not be the work of Liu Tingyun. Perhaps there will be more clues behind Tao Yuanming, this seemingly perfect person. This time the mission is for the benefit of the country and he cannot be moved. I thought that sending him to the post-Qin period would temporarily avoid the storm in the capital. , But I didn’t expect that such a big thing happened. Next, I can’t check him or kill him. The only thing I can do is to keep him away. You can stare at Liu Tingyun with one eye. The tracing of death, I have a hunch, once the real culprit of this case emerges, those people in the shadow will also be unveiled."

Liu Muzhi smiled slightly: "I'll arrange it."

Jiankangxi, Yanziji, a lonely temple of Jiangshen stands on the bank of the river, the wind whistling, blowing the door of the temple of Jiangs opening and closing, the statue of Jiangshen also opens and closes with the door , Looming, revealing a trace of weirdness.

A fisherman-like man with a coat of clothes and a fishing rod walked into the temple with a fish basket. He put these fishing gear on the side of the corner of the small courtyard and walked straight into the temple. A river breeze blew by. The door closed again and slowly opened again, but the fisherman's palace was empty, and even half of the figure disappeared.

Three feet underground, in a spacious secret room, the giant butter candle on the surrounding walls was burning blazingly, illuminating the huge Kyushu sand table in the temple. Three people with black robes and copper faces sat east and south. In the three directions to the north, the door of the secret room on one side slowly opened. The fisherman who walked into the temple just took off his clothes and hat while putting on a black robe and a white tiger mask on his face. When he got to his seat, he smiled and looked at the other three companions, and finally his eyes fell on Xuanwu's body: "They are not dead yet."

Xuanwu said coldly: "You are going to come later, maybe our main topic today is how to choose your successor."

Bai Hu smiled and waved his hand: "I hope you can pick a new one quickly, so that I don't have to play like a fisherman and wear a black robe. It's really troublesome."

Having said that, he looked at Qinglong: "This place is great, but you can't just think of yourself. You can come anyway and no one can care about it. It's not easy for us to come out one by one now."

Qinglong said coldly: "The original place is the most convenient for you, do you want to go back to the old nest?"

Bai Hu hooked the corner of his mouth and looked at Suzaku: "I have no objection if you agree to go back."

Suzaku sneered: "Every time you come here, you can't show your ability without making some amazing words, Lord Baihu. Discuss business earlier and don't play tricks. You are right. It is not easy for us to come out now. Come early and return early. So as not to be discovered."

Xuanwu cleared his throat: "I'm afraid you didn't expect that our sister-in-law's method is so cruel, Master Qinglong, Master Baihu, you have always been to this person, what else do you want to say this time?"

Suzaku said coldly: "I said a long time ago that Wufu is a Wufu. He does not follow the rules and rules the roost. It is not surprising to do anything. When you all regard Liu Yu as a great savior, I always think of him. There is a possibility of becoming Dong Zhuo, Su Jun, how about it, as soon as my **** is firmly seated, I raised the butcher knife against the family. Today it is Wang Yu, and tomorrow it may be you and me."

Qinglong's eyes flashed coldly: "Who is blamed for Wang Yu's death by himself? Everyone knows that Liu Yu's brotherhood is the most important, and the eight generals in Beijing are also deeply affectionate. There is a great family, even one. Hu Bing shop didn't let it go, and used the previous method of buying murders, but unfortunately this time, it was Liu Yu who came across, and he ended up looking for it, and it has nothing to do with us."

Bai Hu sighed: "Qinglong, I disagree with you this time. Suzaku said well. Today is Wang Yu, and tomorrow may be us. This time, he publicly dragged the bodies of Wang Yu and their four families before cutting them. One time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ was not used for killing Xie Tingyun or arson, but for rebellion, understand?"

An unspeakable color flashed in Qinglong's eyes, and he stopped speaking.

Xuanwu nodded: "Master Baihu has reached the point. The most terrifying thing about Liu Yu is not to kill Wang Yu or the Diao family. The Huan family is full of families, but he can use any crime to kill, including conspiracy. As long as the door is destroyed, Throw a few more corpses and hide some weapons, and you can destroy a famous family like the Wang Clan of Taiyuan. This atmosphere must not be fostered. Otherwise, if a powerful ruler can kill people for any reason, then sooner or later he will become a tyrant. This is what our black hands are destined to fight when the drought is established."

Suzaku gritted his teeth: "But how do you fight now? The power is in the hands, the sword is in the hands, and is there the ability to fight? Even if we have a meeting, do you have soldiers in your hands, or do you have food and weapons at home?"

Xuanwu smiled slightly: "At least, we still have people in our hands. Should the children of the major families cooperate with Liu Yu or respect our opinions? If we use this matter, let the children switch to Liu Yi instead of Liu Yu. , The balance of power will change."

Qinglong said coldly: "Do you think you died fast enough? At this time, are you still actively fighting against Liu Yu?"

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