Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2375: Huang Lao Zhi Dao Black Robe Seeking

Xuanwu said indifferently: "What I can find is that this black robe is the master behind Tao Yuanming. He has some way to make Tao Yuanming obey him completely, including Tao Yuanming coming forward to trick Liu Yi and Xu Xianzhi into joining the fake The Mafia were all done by the black-robed people through Tao Yuanming. Therefore, I am now very worried that our organization has also been infiltrated and controlled by him in this way, Master Qinglong, what do you think?"

A cold light flashed in Qinglong's eyes, and he said solemnly: "You just suspect me, don't you?"

Xuanwu said indifferently: "No way, it's not that I want to doubt you, it's that your relationship with this black robe can't be explained clearly, and from the current situation, black robe can manipulate and play with the fake mafia, and it's the same for us. You can receive the resources of your predecessor, Qinglong, and sit here with the help of the black robe. This is what you admit, so why does he help you like this, and what is the benefit?"

Qinglong gritted his teeth: "How do I know that I am not a bug in his mind. Maybe, he just wants to create suspicion and conflict between us. After all, the mafia is a famous family for hundreds of years. The tree has deep roots. He may not have it. Isn’t it the best way to destroy our grasp and ability and let us fight on our own?"

Bai Hu nodded: "Master Qinglong is right. Let's not mess around at this time. We should fight each other to give people a chance. Our predecessors and their predecessors made the organization the way it is because of internal friction. Now we have almost nothing, let alone the capital of internal fighting. If Master Qinglong is really the eyeliner of the black robe, then we are now afraid that one by one will be wiped out and eradicated for him."

Suzaku said coldly: "It's not necessarily true. Maybe people will use the family to fight against Liu Yu."

Bai Hu asked back: "Why is this black robe going against Liu Yu? Is there any evidence? It's because he helped the demon thief kill the former Suzaku when he was in Kuaiji? Then he should be our opponent."

Qinglong said solemnly: "This black robe's position is unclear. He claimed that he wanted to protect the world, but he eliminated the predecessor Suzaku and destroyed all the secret inventory of our organization. Later, Liu Laozhi of the Beifu army was in hand, and he borrowed Huan Xuan. The hand wiped out Liu Laozhi. I don't quite understand his intentions."

Xuanwu sternly said: "In my opinion, his intention is very clear, that is, on the bright side, it is impossible to form a powerful court that can centralize power. Whether the court is the emperor, Wang Ningzhi, or Liu Laozhi, Including Liu Yu."

Bai Hu frowned: "That is to say, we must always maintain a system where the emperor or those in power are weak and unable to truly be in power? Just like the king and the horse when the country was founded?"

Xuanwu twitched his mouth: "The information he got from me seems to be like this. Including our organization, he doesn't seem to want to be able to manipulate and control everything behind the scenes like the old black hand Qiankun did before. But if it is now like this , Unable to hold power, powerful to add chaos, he is very happy."

Qinglong laughed: "I can't control power, add chaos, Master Xuanwu said this well, but when did our dignified mafia fall into such a field? And, what good is it for him?"

Xuanwu said calmly: "I have been thinking about this issue a while ago, until one day, because I wanted to study Tao Yuanming, so I read his Peach Blossom Spring again, and suddenly I wanted to understand one thing. [www .biqugew.xyz] What he wrote in this article is unknown to Han, regardless of the Wei and Jin Dynasties, it fits the ideal of this black robe."

The other three said in unison: "What ideal?!"

Xuanwu smiled slightly: "It is the so-called Huang Lao’s way of hearing the sound of chickens and dogs, old and dead. What he wants is no country, no court, no emperor, no officials, in short, no one is in charge of him. Ask him to do this and that."

Suzaku laughed blankly: "Let's just think about it. To be alive, to produce labor, spin cloth and cultivate the land, there is always organization and management. How can there be no such thing?"

Qinglong also nodded and said, "That's right, he doesn't plant the land by himself in black robe, what he eats and drinks, doesn't he depend on others' blood and sweat to survive?"

Bai Hu didn't speak, and fell into a deep thought. Xuanwu looked at him and smiled: "What did you think of?"

Bai Hu murmured: "When you talked about the Tao of Huang Lao, I thought of something else. The so-called Taoist, since ancient times, has always wanted to cultivate the Tao and live forever. The reason why the Tao of the heavenly master can deceive people is also It depends on letting believers believe that they can get eternal life and get rid of all kinds of hardships in the world. Wu Shi San is a kind of medicinal stone that disturbs people's minds, but it can indeed make people produce illusory pleasure after taking it, such as falling into the clouds and mist, this Point, I think you all have a deep understanding."

Suzaku said coldly: "I haven't touched that thing for a long time, but it feels really unforgettable. I can't help but want to serve it many times, and it took various methods to barely hold back."

Having said that, he looked at Qinglong: "You won't be still sucking now."

Qinglong shook his head: "I didn't smoke as much as you used to ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I was not very addicted, because I knew it was not a good thing from the beginning, so I touched less. It's easy to quit."

Having said that, he smiled and looked at Bai Hu: "Of course, compared to you, I have never touched it in my entire life, so naturally there is no need to worry about quitting, but your life will be less fun. "

Bai Hu laughed: "It's not just that you have fun when you walk away. For me, it's more fun to hold power and control everything. I think the fun of black robe lies in this. He doesn't want to be the power in the face. , Because that means too much responsibility, and has to take care of the tens of thousands of people in the world, so to cultivate the Tao, jump out of the Three Realms, not in the Five Elements, this is probably his pursuit."

Xuanwu laughed and said, "Master Baihu can see it right. If you are a cultivator, you don’t have to do production on your own and need the support of others. Then there must be a large number of believers engaged in production for his various pill experiments. It is a fundamental conflict between the monarchs and the ministers in China who need their people to serve the country. After I figured this out, I began to understand what Heipao wanted. What he wanted to maintain was the emperor from the previous aristocracy who held each other in check and could not dominate each other. , The manor houses of various families were full of hidden tenant farmers, and then a large number of Tianshi Dao was added for him to drive. Therefore, he will help Sun Enzhi in the chaos and let Huan Xuan get rid of Liu Laozhi. The purpose is only One, that is to raise Wu Di, for him!"

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