Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2384: Plan to retreat to the Shogunate

Hei Pao said coldly: "I don't seem to remember to assign you to Liu Muzhi's banquet to show off. Join Liu Yu's shogunate in a low-key manner, and protect your identity as much as possible. Don't you know why?"

Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "When you arranged for me to join the Liu Yu shogunate, I was still in Bashu, but the situation in the rear has changed a lot. I remember that I have the right to adapt."

Heipao frowned: "What's the change? Let Liu Yi introduce you to Beijing to return to life, and then join Liu Yu's shogunate with Liu Yi's recommendation?"

Tao Yuanming shook his head: "Because when I returned to Beijing, I found that Liu Tingyun did a lot of small actions behind us, especially secretly by investigating Huan Xuan's rebellious production, so as to instigate the conflict between Liu Yu and the family's high school. Conflict, with the viciousness and greed of the children of the previous generations when they seized the property, will inevitably lead to a terrifying case, but before I leave, the Wang Yu family, the Diao family, and the Huan family are all destroyed."

Heipao's expression slowed down, and he nodded: "This woman is really good at messing up. That shop where Xie Tingyun must have been specially arranged for Wang Yu. It's just to create such a conflict."

Tao Yuanming nodded: "Not only that, but even that Yao Ermao and the rest of the celestial teachers were personally found by her. Such a deliberate arrangement is for today's result. You see, if in this situation, Liu Yu will definitely suspect her, and then Liu Yi, then I, the person who recommended Liu Yi to join his shogunate, what would he think of me?"

Heipao sneered: "Small and self-righteous, doesn't he doubt you now?"

Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "I just want to publicly declare at Liu Muzhi's banquet that I rely on Liu Yi's recommendation to return to Beijing to bring back the head of the rebel Huan Xuan. This favor ends here, and I joined Liu Yu's The shogunate is my personal choice. For this reason, I can even leave Liu Yi's hands, because Liu Yu and I started in Hanwei, have the same background, and are not willing to make friends with powerful people and go to the upper level. This is for everyone. What the high-ranking families present said is tantamount to denying the upper-level line, and it proves that I and Liu Yi are not the same.

Heipao said coldly: "These are just your self-reported self-paintings. Don't you think they don't doubt you if you do this? Do you think Fatty Liu is a fool? I'm afraid you've given it a long time ago. They checked it up."

Tao Yuanming said calmly: "I have dealt with all the clues before, except that Liu Yi and Liu Tingyun know my details. Only the four old mafia ghosts know who I am, but I am pretty sure. They will never reveal my identity now. Otherwise, I would not stand here now, and I would have executed Liu Yu personally just like he killed Yao Ermao."

Heipao sneered: "Yuanming, Yuanming, you are too confident, sometimes this is not a good thing. Sometimes, there is no weakness, no clue, which is the biggest clue in itself. If they don’t doubt you, then How could you use Post Qin as an envoy to test you now. Maybe they want to transfer you away, and then check your details by checking Liu Tingyun."

Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "Liu Tingyun is a clever woman. She will cut off all external connections if she breaks into such a big deal this time. She will stay here for a while and wait for Liu Yi to come back. Liu Yu doesn't want to turn her face with Liu Yi now. Will move her, as long as she is safe, I will be safe."

The black robe twitched the corner of his mouth: "The relationship between you and Liu Tingyun in Jiankang City cannot be erased. Liu Yu and Liu Muzhi will definitely track down this matter. Maybe they will turn it back from you. Break through Liu Tingyun."

Tao Yuanming nodded: "I thought of this a long time ago, but I was the only one present with Liu Tingyun at the time. Even if the little baby Huansheng heard something, he would have been killed long ago and could not sell me. , I just wait for Liu Muzhi or Xu Xianzhi to check my details, so that I have enough reason to leave Liu Yu."

A doubt flashed in Heipao's eyes: "What are you talking about, you are leaving Liu Yu? You haven't eaten your brain."

Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "This is something I planned from the beginning. With Liu Yu's side, I can't get anything. The only way to fight against Liu Yu is to leave him."

Heipao frowned: "This is completely different from our plan, and what do you mean by that?"

Tao Yuanming sighed: "It turned out that our plan was to make me work under Liu Yu, and then to ascend step by step, and finally gain his trust and become his agent in the DPRK. At this step, I will slowly use the money in my hands. Political power disintegrated and disintegrated Liu Yu's subordinates, and finally made him betrayed and unable to gain a foothold."

Heipao nodded: "Could it be that this plan can't be implemented now?"

Tao Yuanming said sternly: "Yes, since the first time I saw Liu Muzhi, I was pretty sure that this plan could not be successful. No matter how hard I tried, how concealed I was, and how much credit I made, It is impossible to surpass Liu Muzhi. Liu Yu really wants to be in power in the world in the future, then the ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ that he uses to truly control the government will only be this fat man, it can never be me!"

Speaking of this, Tao Yuanming clenched his teeth tightly: "Moreover, the eyes of this dead fat man seem to be able to see through people's hearts. In front of him, I even feel like a thorn on my back. Every sentence must be repeated before I say it. It is too uncomfortable to think about whether there will be any flaws and loopholes. When I think of spending a few years, ten years, or even decades with this guy, then I have the heart to die."

"After I left his banquet that day, almost my whole person was limp, and all my underwear was soaked. Senior, even in front of you and the lord, I never felt this way."

Hei Pao nodded: "Because we know your true face and details, you don't have to hide anything. But in front of Liu Muzhi, you have to conceal your identity as much as possible. Of course it's different. Nothing, if If you feel that you are not competent, it is better to leave early. After all, Liu Muzhi is indeed a powerful role, and I have to find another way to deal with him. However, leaving Liu Yu you mentioned is your plan, which can be more effective in combating. What does this mean for him?"

Tao Yuanming laughed: "Let Liu Muzhi carry a jealous and capable person, drive away the notoriety of a celebrity, and a world-renowned talent to defect to Liu Yu's road. Then he can use his identity as a hermit in the wild to write essays and poems to mock Liu Yu's various powers. Isn’t the decree better than Liu Tingyun’s methods of creating conflicts?"

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