Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2389: Military rations for Xie Xie Nanyang

Now even Yao Xing couldn’t bear it anymore, and she was furious and said, “What do you mean, Tao Yuanming, don’t talk nonsense about what you say. If you don’t give me a reasonable explanation, I won’t let you go back to Jin Dynasty alive. country."

Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "The king, please calm down your anger. I say this not to despise the king or the Qin country, but because Nanyang is the most suitable place for Dajin to make contributions."

Yao Xing's expression slowed down, still frowning, and said in a deep voice, "I can't tell."

Tao Yuanming said: "In the current Da Jin, not talking about the interior, bordering the outside world, there are six counties in the north of the Yangtze River. Relying on the Qin State. In addition, Xishu and Lingnan are the internal strife of the Da Jin, which is not the same as these three foreign countries."

Yao Xing nodded: "So, logically speaking, the civil strife should be quelled first. If you have not recovered your own place, you will have a conflict with the powerful Qin. This is not a wise move."

Tao Yuanming smiled and said: "If the civil strife is in Wudi or Huaibei, it must be the civil strife in these places. But there are two anti-thiefs, one in Lingnan and the other in Xishu. They all need to pass through Jingzhou. The conqueror, the Great King Rongma, had a long history of warfare. It should be known that the army’s front grain storage and logistics must be located in Jingzhou, and it is likely to be near Jiangling."

Yao Xing smiled and said: "I understand what you mean, you mean, because Jingzhou is to be used as a forward base, we must ensure the safety here. Nanyang is in our hands. Daqin can raid Xiangyang at any time and threaten Jiangling. Cut off your path of crusade, right?"

Tao Yuanming nodded: "Under normal circumstances, the north and south styles and climates are very different. The Qin army cannot fight for a long time in the Jiangling area, where the water network is dense. This is also the main reason why the Qin army did not go south during the Great Jin Civil War. But the situation is now. It’s not the same. Jingzhou has just been put down, and the Huan’s remnants are spreading all over the place. Xiang Huanzhen can easily rise up to counterattack Jiangling. Even if Liu Guanjun can defeat Huanzhen this time, there will still be some remnants of trouble making waves. If Daqin still occupies Nanyang, then Using these remaining parties as a guide, invading Jingzhou and attacking the rear of our army, then we are in danger."

Yao Xing frowned: "So, Liu Yu meant that I wanted me to hand over Nanyang, so that he could rest assured?"

Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "Yes, if Nanyang is in the hands of my Dajin, then the Qin army would have to cross Funiu Mountain and Longmen Mountain before they want to invade Jingzhou. It is not easy. These mountains have always been the natural isolation between the Central Plains and Jingzhou. At the boundary, from your perspective, it is not easy to cross these mountains and provide supplies to the garrison in Nanyang."

Yao Xing said coldly: "We walk from Guanzhong to Lantian, and Wuguan can also go to Nanyang. There is no need to climb over Funiu Mountain."

Tao Yuanming laughed and said, "Wuguan Road is notoriously difficult to walk. It is not as easy as climbing over Funiu Mountain. Now Daqin's deadly enemy is in Lingbei, and the potential enemy is in Liangzhou, not Dajin. Jin can live in harmony with Da Qin, or allow Da Qin to shrink his forces and transport the grain and grass back to Nanyang to better fight Helian. Isn't it true that the cost is far greater than the harvest and Nanyang in order to occupy a whip? "

Yao Xing sneered: "You Han people have an old saying that you have to look at Shu, and it is the same here. If you occupy Nanyang, it will pose a threat to Luoyang. You are worried that Daqin will take the opportunity to attack Jingzhou. I am also worried that you will take the opportunity to attack Luoyang. This trust should belong to both parties, not a concession on the one hand."

Tao Yuanming smiled and said: "My family Liu Zhenjun said, if Daqin is willing to give up the twelve counties of Nanyang, then in return, the Dajin army will not be stationed in Nanyang within three years. In other words, this place will temporarily serve as a buffer zone. Lu Zongzhi sent some officials to take charge. Do you feel satisfied with this proposal?"

Yao Xing frowned: "This Lu Zongzhi has been in Yongzhou for a long time. He is a general of Jingbei. Would you like me to be satisfied if you let this person send troops to Nanyang?"

Tao Yuanming said calmly: "Lu Zongzhi was just a refugee from Guanzhong. After the collapse of the former Qin Dynasty, he went to Jingzhou to seek refuge. Later, he replaced Yang Quanqi and became the prefect of Nanyang. Since he took over the prefect, half of the Nanyang Basin in the north was in your hands. He just occupied Xiangyang and had no ambition to move northward for many years. Now Huanchu is dying. Lu Zongzhi, as a veteran of Huanchu, we still place him here because of a need for stability and do not want to change the status quo. Liu Gong said that if Daqin returns to the 12th county of Nanyang, we will also have something in return. First, the 500,000 stone army rations from Yongzhou will be offered as a gift for withdrawing troops. Second, if the expatriates from Guanzhong go south and enter Nanyang, we will send these people back. What is the sincerity of such conditions?"

A hint of surprise flashed in Yao Xing's eyes: "You don't want the refugees in Guanzhong?"

Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "Now Daqin is still stable inside, and there is no major war in Guanzhong and Central Plains~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It's just that some refugees who are unwilling to perform military service will flee to Dajin. Lu Zongzhi used to expand his strength. For the needs of these people, they refused to come, and even took the initiative to send spies to Guanzhong and Nanyang to recruit. Of course, Qin and Jingzhou’s Huan family were enemies at that time, and this hostile behavior was normal, but if this time, The king is willing to take the initiative to show his favor and return me to the 12th county of Nanyang. Then we are friends. Since we are friends, we don't need to use such hostile methods."

Yao Shao said solemnly: "Your Majesty, don't believe this person's rhetoric, spend some food and grass, stop recruiting refugees, and ask us to surrender Nanyang. This is too profitable. At most, we withdrew from here to show our so-called sincerity, but Daqin An inch of the territory can’t be less!"

Tao Yuanming smiled and shook his head: "Duke Dongping, Duke Dongping, if the site of Daqin is not less than an inch, what's the matter with Guzang City? Nanliang's violent captives can let you take care of them with only a few cattle and sheep. When Liangzhou gave up, why did the counties in Nanyang become unwilling to give up? In my opinion, Nanyang is more tasteless to Daqin than Liangzhou. This time my Patriarch has shown sincerity. As long as he agrees, then Qin Jin will repair it. After we quell the rebellion, we can even borrow troops and food to help you deal with Helian Bo. Isn’t it much better than the current grievances?"

Yao Shao was about to speak, but Yao Xing waved his hand: "Okay, Mr. Tao, I already understand what you mean. I have to think about it before replying. Please go back to the museum post and rest. Three days later, we Goodbye."

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