Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2405: Only this one time cooperation

Dou Pengke suddenly laughed: "Why, now my mind has changed? To change back then, when tens of thousands of people died for you in Quoc, your eyelids would not blink, if I hadn't used it..."

Kumarajiva said coldly: "There is no need to mention the past. Back then, I wanted to become a Buddha and ascended. Now that I have broken the vow and cut this path, many of my thoughts have also changed. My choice back then Now, in retrospect, I have been tortured by my conscience every day. I am not you. I won’t be really confused and do evil things and be at ease.”

The cloak nodded: "Yes, you still have useless things like conscience, which I have already abandoned. However, I can promise you that Jia Fu is just a useless person, even after I get done. Putting him back will not do much harm to me. It’s just that you may be in trouble. So, just as a witness to our many years of friendship, I will take him to Jin Kingdom and let him become a monk like you. This is the most appropriate You have no opinion on how to deal with it."

Kumarajiva nodded: "He is an eunuch. After he arrives in Jin, he has nowhere to go except as a monk. This is my first request. The second one is to release me and the monks in the whole temple. The crowd, and taking back these prostitutes will no longer affect our book translation career."

The Dou Pengke frowned: "This is a bit troublesome. According to Yao Xing, these women are meant to be given to you for a long time. They can also ruin your reputation and prevent the people from admiring you who are also passionate. False monk."

Kumarajiva said coldly: "I can accept the ten female benefactors here, just to ruin my reputation, but in the Caotang Temple, my disciples and grandchildren are still young men with strong blood. Let them linger. In the gentle village, I’m afraid I’ll never be devoted to the Buddha anymore and do these sutra translation tasks. These women must be withdrawn, and you have to find a way to make them resolute in their spirituality."

Dou Pengke's face changed: "You are too forced to me, even if I can find a way to get Yao Xing to evacuate these women, but these disciples who have tried fresh, how can they stop thinking about this ecstasy, then Can I control it? Is it possible to castrate them all as eunuchs?"

Kumarajiva sneered: "My place is a Buddhist temple, not a harem. Although the Buddha never discriminates against sentient beings, there are limitations in our Buddhist definition, which is also to prevent suicide and self-harm. It’s just like those disabled soldiers in Lingbei. It’s not the first time they came to me. They wanted to become a monk, but I refused on the grounds that the disabled cannot enter the sand gate. You want to use the method of purification and castration to prevent my disciples from sticking to their hearts, so we don’t have to talk about our transaction."

The cloaker gritted his teeth: "If you want people who have touched women to stop touching them in this life, your requirements are too high, and I can't do it."

Kumarajiva said calmly: "Although you are a very evil person, you are also extremely clever. For example, the way I worked hard to deal with you can also give you the use of the jealousy that instigated Yao Xing. Now It’s your turn to pay off your debts for these crooked doors. You have done so many messes in the Jin country, causing the country to ruin and your family, and you also end up with the end of this kind of people, ghosts and ghosts, you can only say yes. Make your own feelings. I also give you a chance to let you know that the troubles you have caused must be dealt with by yourself. Don’t always expect to use one conspiracy to solve another conspiracy, and finally sacrifice others to solve your own evil deeds.”

The Cloaker gritted his teeth: "In other words, if I solve your problem, you will help me. If it doesn't solve it, you would rather die than cooperate with me?"

Kumarajiva smiled slightly: "That's right. In this case, you will come to Guanzhong in person this time. It can be seen that the Nanyang Basin is very important to you. Maybe in the eyes of outsiders, it is just a place you can give up at any time. , But I know that this is related to your next series of conspiracies. Liu Yu is an upright hero, and your conspiracy methods may not work well in front of him. Therefore, you have to lay out a huge conspiracy, without this You have to set up a new situation. With your current conditions, I am afraid that it will not be possible to achieve. Your ten thousand years of peace plan, I am afraid that in another ten thousand years, it will be a dream!"

Speaking of this, Kumarajiva only felt refreshed and refreshed. This was the kind of raised eyebrows that had never happened in the past few days, or even in the past few decades, which made him laugh and shook his voice.

The captain looked at the laughing Kumarajiva coldly. After a long time, he sighed softly: "Monk, don't you think about my proposal two years ago? We can work together to complete this ten thousand years. With the Taiping Project, at that time, maybe you can really ascend to Buddha."

Kumarajiva shook his head: "I don’t need any benefits that I have gained by sacrificing the lives of others. I was driven by obsessions to make a big mistake in my next life, which has tortured me all my life. If I really help you again for evil, then even if I really become a Buddha, I will only live forever in pain and self-blame. It is better to go to the **** earlier, burn my body in the fire, and redeem me You can be a good person again in the next life."

The cloaker gritted his teeth: "No one knows about the things after death~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Why do you believe these nonsense? Living is better than anything else, at least reality, you have a longer life span. , You can do more things, such as transforming more people according to your ideas, is this not good?"

Kumarajiva said coldly: "Walk more people, let them give up resistance, and be willing to be driven by people like you like cattle and sheep, so that you can absorb the blood and sweat of them and their descendants forever and forever. Provide for you, the living god, right?"

The cloak guest smiled slightly: "All things are born in nature, and there are kings behind. This is what I believe in. If there really is such a peaceful world for thousands of years, then we will become living gods and Buddhas and enjoy the incense of the world. Isn’t it happy that even the history books of the future generations will record us as three emperors and five emperors. Gods like Tathagata Buddha are not much better than mere mortal emperors and generals?"

Kumarajiva shook his head: "I don't want to be the second Sun Tai. He believed your nonsense and recruited the congregation in the south of the Yangtze River in the name of Heavenly Master Tao. In the end, it was not for you Kill the donkey and instigate the father and son of Sima Daozi to get rid of. Our cooperation is only this time, you do everything I said, I will give Yao Xingjin for you to leave the Nanyang Basin, remember, you have two days left ."

As soon as the captain turned around, his mask disappeared. Jia Fu's white and fat face appeared again, accompanied by the eunuch's sissy: "Wait for my good news."

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