Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2408: The fate is not yet

Kumarajiva opened his eyes. Amidst the smell of sandalwood smoke, he stood up, holding the Buddhist bead in his left hand and putting his right hand together, and bowed to Yao Xing: "Your Majesty, Lao Na leads all monks in Caotang Temple. Welcome to you, as well as the civil servants and generals of Daqin, and the ambassador from Jin. May the Buddha bless, Amitabha."

All the monks also saluted: "Buddha bless, Amitabha."

Yao Xing got up to return the gift, and the other Qin civil and martial arts followed their hands folded on their chests, but slightly bowed, and performed a traditional Qiang ceremony, while the Hanchens, like Tao Yuanming, bowed their hands.

Yao Xing finished the ceremony and said: "Guo Shi, in the past few days, you have worked hard, and the monks in the whole temple have worked hard for many years to translate the scriptures. Since the Guo Shi took the initiative to ask for orders, they have to go to Lingbiao Hetao to cross the cruelty. Hu Xia is an evil thief, I fear that the master will be harmed, and that the living Buddha like the master will disappear from the world. For a while, I found some beauties to serve the master, and wanted to leave the Buddha seeds for the master. Equally right, this is because I am not familiar with the Buddhist precepts, and treated me with the method of rewarding soldiers. Now I have been reminded by the virtuous officials that I realize that this method is very inappropriate. So today I am Leading the civil and military officials to come here is to personally apologize to the Great Master and also to all the eminent monks of Caotang Temple. From then on, I will never let the eminent monks approach the female **** again, ruining the cultivation of the eminent monks!"

As soon as these words came out, most monks proclaimed the title of Buddha, and even said: "Amitabha, sin, sin." But there were also a trace of regret and disappointment flashing across the faces of many people. Obviously, many young monks, since After enjoying female sex, I can no longer restrain that impulsive heart.

Kumarajiva said slowly: "Your Majesty’s hospitality is hard to escape, and the old man leads me. Although we are those who go out to live in the world, we must rely on His Majesty’s blessing to act in accordance with the law of the country. Since your Majesty has a purpose, we must I waited for the female benefactor to cross and forge a good relationship. The monks in my monastery had to obey the order. This matter should be a misunderstanding. So far, I also implore your Majesty to respect our monks’ monastic precepts in the future and do not disturb me. Repair things."

A trace of unpleasantness flashed across Yao Xing's face, and he turned to smile and said, "Only this time, let's not take it as an example, Daguo Shi, today you invite me to lead a hundred officials and Jin's ambassador to come, what's the point?"

Kumarajiva looked around and said in a deep voice: "The monks of Caotang Temple, today, in the presence of His Majesty and the ambassador of the Kingdom of Jin, Lao Na, as the abbot of the abbot, asks you and waits. Handed down, this is the great aspiration you made to the Buddha when you entered the temple, and the oath you made, and it is precisely because you have this great aspiration that Lao Na will personally give it to you. Now, I am all over the temple, since Lao Na Everyone breaks the precepts, but this translated scripture is handed down to the world, with one heart dedicated to the Buddha’s original intention, do you still hold it?

Many monks began to recite: "Amitabha Buddha, sins and sins, the poor monk's original intention, always......"

Kumarajiva suddenly interrupted everyone’s response in unison: "Wait a minute, the monks don’t talk, otherwise it will break the precepts, which will only aggravate my karma. My Buddha is compassionate and I come and go freely. If my mind is not strong, I don’t want to Life-long practice. Today, in front of your majesty, Lao Na allows you to return home and become a new citizen. Even if you are not from Daqin, you can go back to where you came from, remarry wives and have children, and live a secular life. Your Majesty, is this request? Can you agree?"

Yao Xing waved his hand: "This Caotang Temple is fully appointed to be managed by the Great National Master. It is only necessary to comply with the regulations and follow the precepts in the temple formulated by the Great National Master. There is no need for the ward. Unless there is an act of rebellion, otherwise, the law of the country is here. Applicable, the monks in the monastery such as Da Guo Shi can decide for themselves, and only need to re-submit the monk's name with the principal of the monk.

Kumarajiva saluted: "Thank you, my Majesty. Disciples, today you can go back to the vulgar as much as you want. If you feel that the fate is over and you don't want to practice hard, then Lao Na will not stop him, and will also send you a entanglement and an affiliation to send you a parting. If a few days ago, if you fell in love with a female donor, and vowed to get married, Lao Na would also use the money for the female donor to regain freedom from the incense money in the temple to help the two get together."

Yao Xing said with a smile: "Da Guo Shi is really extraordinary, then I will also help. If any high monk wants to marry the girl a few days ago, then I will give them a hundred acres of fertile land. Annual tax exemption and exemption, the right to be a gift, in addition, all the expenses of the marriage shall be borne by the government. If children are born within three years, until the child becomes a child or is married, the corresponding parenting expenses will be borne by our internal treasury."

At this moment, many monks rushed out of the crowd excitedly. There were as many as two or three hundred people. They were all heads and they were in close contact with the ground. At this moment, the people are already walking. The emperor’s ritual of worship is no longer a monk’s ritual, and he said in unison: "Long live my emperor, I am waiting to return to the vulgar and marry a wife, and hope that your majesty will complete it."

Kumarajiva looked coldly at these vulgar monks~www.wuxiaspot.com~ took off their monks’ robes, took off the Buddhist beads, bowed to himself and their respective masters, and then in Yao Xing Under the guidance of several officials around him, he walked out of the big tent. Kumarajiva looked like a torch, and slowly said: "Is there anyone who wants to return to the vulgar for the people? Please stand up as soon as possible. Your Majesty will follow the benefactor's Treatment, give everything you want."

Some people were hesitant to come out, but when they heard the word "donor" by Kumarajiva, their expressions changed slightly, because such a name is already called by outsiders. You have to get along with you for many years. Just like the master of your family, the brothers are farewell. Although those two days of joy have made me dream of these two days, it is the same thing, but when the time comes to choose one, many people still bite Grinding his teeth, he took the step he had wanted to take back to life, but even so, the expression of regret and heartbroken was inevitably left on his face.

Kumarajiva sighed softly: "Bhikkhuni, Lao Na has seen the disappointment of many people from your eyes. The love between men and women, and reproducing together, are the basic human relationships of all living beings. If you are the benefactor of the world, I can’t deprive myself of it, but when I wait, I will enter the gate of emptiness and pay homage to the Buddha. I have to cut off the seven emotions and six desires in the world, so that I can become a disciple of the Buddha. This is what you have to pay if you choose this path The price, otherwise, if the Buddha's heart is not firm, it would be a blasphemy against the Buddha. Not only will it fail to complete the merits, but it will also have to go down to eighteen levels of **** and suffer the endless suffering."

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