Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2412: Return to Jiangling on Jiangshan

Jiangling City, the former governor's mansion, is now the commander's mansion of the Western Army.

Liu Yi was dressed in a robes and a large armor, with a relaxed look, sitting above the handsome position. Several guards were hurriedly moving the "Huan" flag behind him, He Wuji and Liu Daogui laughed and sat down. In the two positions on the left and right, dozens of dejected Huanchu officials, escorted by dozens of Beifu sergeants, passed under the hall. Zhao Yi waved his sword and said in a deep voice: "Come here, give me all these anti-thief Bundle it up and put it into the dungeon!"

Liu Yi frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice, "Da Fei (Zhao Yi's nickname), don't be rude."

Zhao Yi gritted his teeth, turned his head and said to Liu Yi: "Brother Xi Le, these guys are all Huan Chu's best buddies. They are smelly and hard. You don't have to be courteous when dealing with them."

Liu Yi smiled slightly: "To be loyal to one's lord, this is a good character. We shouldn't be attacked. As a subordinate, we should be like this, instead of falling on both sides of the wall. They are scholars in Jingzhou and have managed this place for many years. Officials, as for following the crime of rebelling against the party, the court will deal with it, so why should we be such a villain?"

Zhao Yi sighed: "Then don't drive the king, General Wang and the others will die in vain?"

Liu Yi shook his head: "They sacrificed their lives for the country, and the court should be comforted by them, but it has nothing to do with these officials. Dafei. Now we are the officers who seize the world. The court should look like a general. Otherwise, how can we do it in the future? Let the world's noble families and scholars look up to it."

Zhao Yi grinned: "Brother Xi Le is knowledgeable, come here, and give you a gift to the side hall for dinner, don't neglect."

Amidst the gratitude of these Jingzhou officials, the hall recovered calm. Liu Yi smiled and said to He Wuji: “Wuji, I didn’t expect that we would return to Jiangling so soon. It seems that Huanzhen’s strength has dropped a lot. Ah, even Jiangling has abandoned it."

He Wuji smiled slightly: "This is Huanzhen's desperate counterattack. Staying in Jianchuan will only disperse his subordinates, retake Jiangling, and may call the old ministry again. But this time, the people in Jingzhou can see clearly, the Huan family There is no possibility of a comeback. His Majesty is driving back to Beijing. He wants to take his Majesty. He thinks that the hostage plan has also failed. Now he has more than 20,000 troops, but he has no food and grass. He is sent to the north to withdraw to Xiangyang to connect with the Qin’s. Huanwei's subordinate was also defeated by Lu Zong. It can be said that it is now surrounded by all sides and the situation of catching turtles in the urn, whether it is Qiaoshu or the demon of Lingnan, will not come to rescue him. As for the soldiers, it is already a mortal situation."

Liu Daogui nodded: "Now even the demon thief is honest, listen to the report from Zhu Chaoshi who guards Baling. They captured the Cantonese governor Wu Yinzhi, Siheung Xiang Ruan, and Wang Dan exiled in Guangzhou. People have been sent to Baling to be escorted to our army. They said they were trying to fight for thieves for the country. They captured Huanchu's pseudo-Guangzhou governor and other officials and handed them over to the court."

Liu Yi hooked up his mouth with disdain: "These monsters are just sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight, taking the opportunity to run Guangzhou. I thought I would not know their minds. But now the country has gone through wars, Jingzhou and Wu The land needs to be calmed down. We can't continue fighting here. If Huanzhen is wiped out, let's be the class teacher."

Speaking of this, Liu Yi looked at Liu Daogui: "I heard that recently the slaves intend to immigrate to Jiangbei and operate six counties. I am afraid that they will have conflicts with aristocratic families. That fat man is to provoke our Beijing eight parties and aristocratic families. This time, I’m afraid it’s another ghost made by him. Dao Gui, you have to persuade your eldest brother when you have time. We are brothers who have fought for a lifetime. He is a literati, he is not the same as us. of."

Liu Daogui smiled slightly: "Brother Xi Le, you also know that Fatty is the brother of the older brother since childhood, and he also joined the army. Although he is a civil servant, he is not the kind of family that is separated from us by one floor. There was the idea of ​​operating Jiangbei and entering the northern expedition. I think this is not something that a fat man can control with a word."

Liu Yi frowned: "Fuzzy, the land of Jiangbei has always been a place where the Hu people can go south and plunder at any time. The family has been unable to persist in this place for hundreds of years. This is why they have managed the Wu area with all their strength. Now they are moving to Jiangbei. , You have to get people from the Jiangnan manor of the aristocratic family. It will inevitably conflict with the aristocratic family. Alas, even if sending slaves is a bit idealistic, doesn't the fat man know this? Don't persuade him."

Liu Daogui smiled and said: "Maybe, the eldest brother intends to expedite the Central Plains to the North and regain the lost land. This time he sent Tao Yuanming to the Hou Qin as an envoy and directly asked for the land of Nanyang. If Hou Qin gave it, the goal might turn to the Northern Wei. Or Nan Yan, if Hou Qin doesn't give it, then the next step will definitely be directed at Luoyang."

Liu Yi shook his head: "The country has just gone through the war, and now Xishu and Lingnan are occupied by the anti-thief again. At this time, we don’t rectify the inside and put down the anti-thief, but I want to fight the northern Hulu. The idea of ​​sending slaves is too radical. Yes, after this class teacher, I have to have a good chat with him, Wuji, what do you think."

He Wuji smiled slightly: "I have nothing to say. I just want to eliminate Huanzhen earlier and stabilize Jingzhou. Only when the last soldier of the Huan clan is destroyed, Jingzhou will be completely stable. As for other things, we must After that, whether slaves immigrate to Jiangbei or the Northern Expedition~www.wuxiaspot.com~, it is not a matter of overnight, and it is not too late to plan for the long term."

Liu Yi sighed: "You, you always get along with the mud. Let's get rid of Huanzhen first. Now he still has 20,000 soldiers and horses. The ration is only ten days. The whole army is ordered to stick to Jiangling without fighting. Wei Shunzhi and Zhu Chaoshi from Baling cheered me up, guarded the granary, and avoided the surprise attack by Huanzhen’s surprise soldiers, and let Lu Zongzhi return to his teacher to be the sun, set up a long board, and choke the road of Huanzhen’s north retreat. Huanzhen finally had nowhere to go. We can come back to fight back against Jiangling, huh, we will wait for work at that time and wipe out the city completely!"

He Wuji smiled and said, "Well, that's a good idea, but Jiang Xia has only three thousand soldiers and horses from Shunzhi. If Huanzhen jumps over the wall and presses the whole army, will it be a bit difficult? Or let Liyang's life…………"

Liu Yi's expression changed, and he said solemnly, "Wuji, how can you think like this? During the entire Western Expedition, A Shou stayed behind to guard Jiangzhou. Now let him go out to fight, who is the credit for eliminating Huanzhen? What? You let him do a great job this time, then your..."

Having said this, he closed his mouth and gave Liu Daogui a meaningful look.

He Wuji immediately changed his words and said, "Xile is right. A Shou is the general rear guard of the army and has a heavy responsibility. It is indeed inappropriate for him to send troops at this time. I think..."

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