Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2417: Emergency return to Jiankang to seize power

Two days later, outside Jiangling City, Beifu Army Camp.

Among the handsome tents of the Chinese army, there were only two sitting opposite each other. Liu Yi was dressed in a large robes and looked calm. What came from his ears was the cheers from the camp outside the tent, in front of him. A bald head, that was the head of a fifty-year-old old monk with white eyebrows. Xu Xianzhi was still dressed in a long history, with a green shirt and a crown. Looking at the head, he sighed softly: Le, killing the monks in vain is a big disappointment. Even if this whole monk sheltered Huan Wei and covered him to escape, he wouldn't be cruel."

Liu Yi said coldly: "I have issued an order to kill the Huan clan. Whether it is a Buddhist or an old official of the Huan clan, as long as anyone dares to hide the remnants of the Huan family, they will all be killed. The monk Daoquan, the abbot, blatantly confronted me, so he had to borrow his head to stand up to this Jingzhou. The slaves could destroy the whole family of Wang Yu in Jiankang. Why should I not kill this monk in Jingzhou? "

Xu Xianzhi shook his head: "Wuniu Temple is a famous temple in Jingzhou. This Taoist monk is a disciple of a generation of eminent monk Shi Daoan. He has served as the presiding officer of the Wuniu Temple for many years and has also received a lot of attention from the Huan family. Now the Huan family is in trouble, Huan Wei After defeating and fleeing, taking refuge in the temple for the time being, whether it is out of the principle of being a human being or the Buddhist law of Buddhism, there is nothing wrong with what he did. If you kill him now, you can't catch up with Huanwei, why bother to do this Where is the wicked?"

Liu Yi smiled slightly: "If I just go back after this battle and never come again, then there is really no need to be this villain, but if I want to sit on Jingzhou and achieve a great cause in the future, I can't stand here. Wei. Xianzhi, can you understand what I mean?"

Xu Xianzhi's brow furrowed: "Why, do you want to take the Huanwen old road and separatize Jingzhou for self-reliance?"

Liu Yi smiled and said: "At least I have to leave a retreat. This time, I eliminated the Huanxuan and Huanzhen emperors of Huanchu, and completely put down Jingzhou, which has never been controlled since the founding of the Great Jin Dynasty. Still can't become the first person in the DPRK, as long as the slave is still in his hands, the initiative is in his hands. I have to prepare myself early, and I can't always be controlled by others forever."

Xu Xianzhi sighed: "Actually, if you don't want to fight with Ji Nu for the status of the big brother in the North, then everything is easy to say. Ji Nu is now immigrating to Jiangbei, collecting grain and collecting grass. Obviously, he is preparing for the Northern Expedition. If you stay here In Jingzhou, replacing a new batch of soldiers and horses, whether you are going to Xishu or pinging Lingnan, is a great achievement. Then you and the slave will each get what you need, and you will each have an army to the north. Everyone is happy, isn't it better?"

Liu Yi's face sank: "Master Suzaku, have you forgotten your identity?"

Xu Xianzhi gritted his teeth: "I have never forgotten, this is also the reason why I am with you Lord Baihu now instead of standing on the side of the slave."

Liu Yi nodded: "It's okay if we haven't forgotten, our organization, but to represent the interests of the family. Although I came from a second-class noble family, I have now become a new family. Even if it is a family, I have to protect my own interests. The things that Ji Nu is doing now, against our emerging families, and our black hands, are diametrically opposed. It is not that I have to fight against him, but that we have to defend our fundamental interests. Do you understand?"

Xu Xianzhi sighed, "Since the slaves did not kill the family, Wang Yu and the others are seeking their own death. Now you are leaving the Jingzhou that you have managed to take away, but you want to return to Jiankang to fight for power with him. Is this really good? ?"

Liu Yi laughed: "Don’t take advantage of this opportunity to go back, is there a better time in the future? I made a new contribution, and I have offended the noble family again, and now I go back, the great family of the Jin Dynasty will definitely It will all fall to me. With the support of the family, I can first defeat Wang Mi, the spokesperson of the slave, in the court, and help Xie Hun as Zaifu. In this way, I will have the final say in the future. You don't need to be controlled by the slaves. Even if it is the Northern Expedition or the counterinsurgency, it is up to me to decide. Then even Wuji will stand on my side."

Xu Xianzhi twitched the corner of his mouth: "Are you really sure you can succeed? I'm afraid that even Xie's family may not be on your side. Don't forget, there is a lady on Xie Hun."

Liu Yi waved his hand disapprovingly: "Immigrating to Jiangbei is an enemy of all the high-ranking families. I know this very well. Even if the wife turns to Liu Yu, she can't commit public anger. I will bring down Wang Mi first, and then help. Going to Xie Hun will be of great benefit to the Xie family. If Madam strongly opposes this matter, she will not be able to pass the Xie family first. Just take this opportunity to let Xie Hun take the lead in Xie’s family. Wouldn’t it kill two birds with one stone?"

Xu Xianzhi shook his head: "The matter of aristocratic families is not as simple as you think. Especially these centuries-old families have internal regulations and cannot be changed by external forces. Xi Le, I still don't recommend that you go back now. Fight against the slaves. This time Liu Huaisu deliberately released Huanzhen and let Tang Xing beheaded. Obviously, he gave you the credit. You can't be too ignorant of good or bad."

Liu Yi's expression changed, and he sternly said: "Good or bad? I need his pity and charity from Liu Yu? As the military commander of the West Expedition, the brothers Liu Huaisu and Wei Yongzhi sent troops secretly, and they did not say hello to me. Taking away the credit for destroying the last army of Huanchu, UU reading www.uukanshu.com finally left Huanzhen to kill me. This is to show me good? Slap you and rub it again. You think this is called Give me face?"

Xu Xianzhi sighed: "Xile, you don't always want to send slaves like this. If he really wants to suppress you, there are ways that he doesn't need to use such methods. I think..."

Liu Yi waved his hand impatiently: "Okay, envy, don't talk about it, Ji Slave is using this method to tell all the Beijing eight brothers, and even tell the world, even if others are in Jiankang, thousands of miles away, they are still in prison. I firmly control the whole army. I, Liu Yi, can only live under him forever. He gave it, no, it should be that he gave alms, so I can take it. Otherwise, he can find someone to take it away at any time, including my handsome This is the reason why I can’t stay in Jingzhou. If this is the case, he can find someone to replace me at any time. All the results of my hard preparations will eventually make a wedding dress for others!"

Xu Xianzhi was silent for a while, and said, "If you have made up your mind, I can't say more. I came to you today to tell you that someone is here and he is in the camp. It might be useful to you."

Liu Yi smiled and stood up and patted Xu Xianzhi on the shoulder: "Tao Yuanming is a nigger, right? Just wait for him, let's go."

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