Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2423: Talk and laugh in the world

Xu Xianzhi was a little surprised, and said in surprise: "What does this mean? Although I am not familiar with Mao Xiuzhi, you and Ji Nu have praised him, saying that he is worthy of being the son of a general, and his strategy of warfare is quite good. Martial arts can also be regarded as high-powered, won the hearts of the military, and the subordinates are happy to die for him. This time he attacked Jiangling, he completed his mission very well. Such a man is a pioneer and should be invincible. How can he not succeed?"

Liu Yi smiled slightly: "Because he is the last survivor of the Mao family, he attacked Xishu this time not to make meritorious deeds, but to avenge his grievances. The enemies of the Mao family are more than just slanderers. Almost everyone participated in the massacre of the Mao clan. Originally, Shu was born with a lazy nature, and the major households only protected the interests of the family and were unwilling to contribute to the state affairs, so a dish of loose sand could be easily settled."

"But last time I wiped out the Mao clan and spread rumors that the Mao family was going to seize the foundations of each family, and they lured the families, saying that the Mao family conquered Liangzhou and grabbed a lot of hidden treasures. This was so threatening and coercive. Hundreds of famous sects in the middle of Sichuan used the opportunity of gathering troops to attack the Mao family in turn. Mao Xiuzhi knew all these things well, so he had already sworn that all the families that participated in the killing of his family would use the same Take revenge, kill them all, and leave none!"

Xu Xianzhi took a breath: "This kid looks very submissive and obedient, why is he so hot?!"

Liu Yi sighed: "Hundreds of people in the whole clan have been killed, and only myself is left alone. After you have changed you and I, I am afraid that I am the same as him. After all, the Mao family has a hundred-year-old general, even if you are obedient and well-behaved children, there are still those kinds of children. The **** nature of Wu Fu. Moreover, the Mao family has been in Bashu for 20 years. On weekdays, these local clans are not weak. Mao Xiuzhi has a good relationship with many local clans who later killed his family. This betrayal made him not Believe in human nature and only believe in the knife in your hand."

Xu Xianzhi nodded: "So, with Mao Xiuzhi as the striker, everyone in Shuzhong must be panicked. In order to save their lives, they will do their best to fight to the end, right?"

Liu Yi smiled and said, "Yes, that's the case, but it is not too easy for the people of Shu to block Mao Xiu's subordinates from the Qian Mao family. Another reason to prevent his success is his immediate superior. , Sima Rongqi."

Xu Xianzhi laughed: "You want to say that our prince does not know how to fight, and he refuses to delegate power. Watching Mao Xiuzhi fight with all his strength in the front, will he be restrained and restrained in the back?"

Liu Yi nodded: "Yes, Sima Rongqi and Sima Chu's father and son do not have the strength themselves. They dared to take command in Shu, relying on the three thousand Yongzhou veterans under Yang Chengzu, the clan brother of the former Yongzhou governor, Yang Quanqi. Yang Chengzu has been gathering in these years. The forest, the grass fell, and he finally had a chance to go down the mountain to make merits. He didn't dare to face the real enemy, Huan Chu, but wanted to take advantage of the low-powered Shu soldiers, so he was willing to use it for Sima Rongqi. If Mao Xiuzhi is the vanguard and fights with all his strength, then there will be nothing wrong with Yang Chengzu."

Xu Xianzhi smiled and said: "So Sima Rongqi will restrain Mao Xiuzhi in order to balance the relationship between the two. As a result, the generals will be distracted, the various ministries will be inconsistent, and they will meet the people of Shu who are united to protect their lives and resist. The reinforcements from the post-Qin side, this time the attack on Shu is bound to be fruitless."

The corner of Liu Yi's mouth was hooked: "Yes, Ji Nu and I have seen this, so we can safely let Sima Rongqi go. Although the combat strength of the Shu soldiers is average, the land of Shu is remote and there are many miasma. , It’s not a good place to fight. It was very difficult for Huan Wen to conquer Shu, not to mention Sima Rongqi. However, neither Yang Chengzu nor Mao Xiuzhi is a fuel-efficient lamp. Sooner or later, something will happen if they are placed here in Jingzhou. , Consumes one's own strength, can be obedient later, use it for me."

Xu Xianzhi nodded: "It seems that you have arranged for the direction of Xishu, the demon thief in Lingnan..."

Liu Yi's expression became solemn: "The monsters are another matter. Their combat power is terrible. We have all seen that it is not me, a slave or Wuji can not deal with it. Of course, Ah Shou should also Yes. Now the demon voluntarily offered Wu Yinzhi and others to return to the court, and we just pacified Jingzhou, we still need time to recover, it is not a good time to send troops to crusade, but as the north exit of Lingnan, Jiangzhou needs a general guard to guard against it. Demon thief attacked. Their movements have always been very fast. Jiangzhou, which was originally an inland area and didn't need too many soldiers and horses, also became important because of guarding against them."

Xu Xianzhi sighed: "I know you don't like to hear A Shou, but at this time, we must put the overall situation first and let A Shou guard Jiangzhou. I am afraid..."

Liu Yi waved his hand: "It won't work this time. It's not that I am going to miss the affairs of the country because of the conflict of mood. It is really the current big Jin. There are public rules of our Beijing eight giants. This is effective for the noble family, and it is necessary for us to actively observe it. Liu Jingxuan did not participate in Jianyi, and this time the West Expedition only stayed behind and flattened a few thieves, and did not make great achievements. In any case, Jiangzhou as a Dazhou, the position of the governor is too much for someone who has not done anything."

Xu Xianzhi smiled and said, "It's not because you stopped him that he didn't make meritorious service, otherwise the slave would have let him come.

Liu Yi gritted his teeth: "This is a matter between me and Ji Nu~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ Don’t say it’s me, it’s Wuji, and I don’t want him to grab the power. After all, Wuji’s subordinates are basically Liu Lao. If Liu Jingxuan succeeds in the old ministry, these people will probably switch to him, and the position of Wuji's giant will have to be replaced. Now Wuji is still neutral between me and Ji Nu, even some Things will still be on my side, but if A Shou changes to Wuji, I'm afraid I will be driven out of the giant and give way to the fat man. This kind of thing must never happen!"

Xu Xianzhi nodded: "So it seems that Wuji can only serve as Jiangzhou governor, in case of monsters?"

Liu Yi said positively: "There is no other choice. The rabbit will occupy Jingzhou, Wuji will occupy Jiangzhou, Jinu will give me power in the court, at least half of my power, and if I sit on an equal footing with him, let Huai Su occupy Yuzhou. , I can accept it. As for the land of Jiangbei, I am going to take over myself."

Xu Xianzhi said in surprise: "Why, did you go to Jiangbei in person for the Northern Expedition?"

Liu Yi laughed and said, "I am a slave. Think about it, in the north of the Yangtze River, the most suitable target for the Northern Expedition is Nanyan. The wife of the slave is there. It is probably inconvenient for him to do this personally. For this kind of thing, let my brother do it for you."

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