Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2444: Fight against Wang Mi's control of the court

Yu Yue said unconvincedly: "This is not okay, that’s not okay, so what should we do? Could it be said that Liu Yu’s current power is like an iron fight, can’t it be shaken anymore? In this case, we people are still here. What to discuss, go back to his shogunate, and beg him to reward the bowl of rice and eat it well."

Liu Yi smiled slightly: "Lord Qinglong, don’t worry, I just analyzed Liu Yu’s two sources of power. One is the emperor’s imperial order and the other is the power of the army. But in addition, there is another power. , Is what he really needs to give orders, and it is his weakest link!"

Yu Yue's eyes lit up suddenly: "You mean, Wang Mi, the agent of Chaozhong?"

Liu Yi nodded in satisfaction, while Meng Chang on one side said: "Yes, Liu Yu's current status is just the general of the town army, the governor Yangzhou, Xuzhou, Yanzhou, Yuzhou, Jizhou, Qingzhou, Youzhou, and Bingzhou. The military. Another one is the Xuzhou governor. Although he later manipulated Sima Zun and gave him the power to take over the affairs of a hundred officials, in the eyes of outsiders, Liu Yu led soldiers out for many years, and he was still one of them. General, not a prime minister."

"As for Liu Muzhi, his current status is the commander of the town army general's history, the master, the leader, the prefect monk, and the priest. Although everyone knows that Liu Muzhi is Liu Yu’s think tank, who really controls the government. People, but in terms of official position, he is very low, so low that he even has no qualifications to participate in the court meeting. Therefore, the decree cannot be issued from the general house of the town army, but from the court. The emperor cannot directly order, but the court Hundred officials discuss politics and submit the letter, and then cover the Yuxi to show approval. Therefore, the person who issued the order in the court is Liu Yu's true spokesperson in the court, Wang Mi!

Yu Yue laughed: "Yes, it's Wang Mi. He has been Liu Yu's best friend for many years. When Liu Yu didn't make a fortune, he rescued Liu Yu from Diao Kui's hands, so Liu Yu has always reciprocated. Mi, originally attached to Ni Huan Xuan, was a great offender, and even personally grabbed the jade seal to offer to Liu Yu, but because of his relationship with Liu Yu, not only did he not be convicted or seized, but he even became the prime minister and the chief regent. All the orders of Liu Yu were formulated by Liu Muzhi, and then formally put forward in the court through Wang Mi, and finally given to the emperor, oh no, it should be the edict to the king and queen, and to be sent to various places. "

Xu Xianzhi nodded: "So, as long as Wang Mi can be defeated, it will be an important part of Liu Yu's letter to the court. Wang Mi is timid and fearful. Now he is completely standing by Liu Yu. On Yu's side, it's just because he thinks that Liu Yu can make things happen, not how much he likes to be in power, but after all, he once became the prime minister of Huanchu, especially the matter of robbing Yuxi by himself, he will never turn back."

"In the eyes of aristocratic families, he has no status at all. If there is a heavyweight and a heavy-handed figure openly attacking him and forcing him to resign and resign, then Liu Yu's spokesperson in the court will be gone. Once the position of Shang Shushi is vacant, before a new candidate is selected, it will be Shang Shu Zuo Pu shot, that is, our Master Xuanwu will be in charge of the dynasty on his behalf. Then you can propose that the Wuling King Sima Zun replace Wang Mi and record Shang Shu. In this way, the power of the Central Government is in our hands!"

Yu Yue clapped his hands and said, "Great, Lord Suzaku, isn't the heavyweight general you mentioned is Lord Baihu? I remember Lord Baihu once said before that Wang Mi should be removed and I would be recommended or Xie Hun Be the prime minister."

Liu Yi's eyes flashed coldly: "Blame me for not insisting at that time and making a deal with Liu Yu, because at that time I wanted to take the position of the coach, and one more thing was to let him let go of making things difficult for Liu Tingyun. Now The Western Expedition is over, Liu Tingyun’s affairs have been said separately. Since I turned my face with Liu Yu this time, I don’t have to worry about anything. The Beifu Army will not fight with him for the time being, but this Wang Mi, I must fight. Down!"

Xu Xianzhi nodded: "Then leave this to you. I have gone to Langya Prince's Mansion and became Sima Dewen's long history. It can be seen that he is actually dissatisfied with Liu Yu. Yes, after Sima Zunji was carried out, he became a puppet, because Liu Yu defended the Sima family from seizing power. Now Sima Rongqi is dead and Sima Xiuzhi also resigned. It can be said that Sima wants to counterattack and seize power through this recovery. All the efforts made by Sima have been in vain. As long as I try to provoke a little bit, Sima Dewen will definitely join Sima Zun and settle Wang Mi’s previous affairs at the same time. At that time, let the surname Sima Ding fight with Liu Yu in front. You don’t need to go ahead. Even if the place for recording the book affairs is empty for a long time, UU Reading www.uukānshu.com is also the agent of Lord Xuanwu in the affairs of the government. This means that we have the final say in the court."

Meng Chang's brows wrinkled slightly: "But if Liu Yu simply helped Liu Muzhi directly record the book affairs, what can he do? He can't do this kind of thing."

Liu Yi sneered, "Didn't he want Jiangbei? If Wang Mi is successfully ousted, the first thing you do after you take power is to let Liu Yu go out of Zhenjiangbei personally to protect the new immigrants. At least, you have to go to Guangling. Come, he can't put the military office in Jingkou and directly control the imperial court in Jiankang City like now, and Liu Muzhi has to follow along. As long as they leave, the affairs of this imperial court are yours. "

"Even if he wants to get the fat man back, he still needs to give the fat man more credit and rank. The fat man didn't participate in any warfare after Jianyi. There was no military merit at all. Even if Jiangbei governed well, it would take a year for him to be promoted with political achievements. After half a year, with this time, we can completely turn the court into our own, and it will be even more difficult if the slave wants to return to power."

"At that time, we can also ask Sima Dewen to force the Queen of the Palace, take advantage of the interests, and let the Queen and his wife understand that the time when Liu Yu controlled the court has passed. As a result, Liu Yu controlled the emperor and issued an edict. This road can also be broken for him. Once we can really drive Liu Yu to Jiangbei to guard the border, then the military of Dajin will have the final say, whoever is allowed to fight and who is allowed to perform meritorious service, it is not us who will come. Is it set?"

This time, Liu Yi said so brightly that he laughed triumphantly, while Yu Yue followed with a smile and said, "When this day comes, you have to remember to help me and the other heads of the family. Well, if we regain power, the lady will definitely change our position. By the way, I don’t want the history of Wuling. At this time, I have to stay in Beijing."

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