Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2468: Stabbing Tingyun with shame

After more than an hour, the smoky smoky atmosphere revealed a weird atmosphere in the whole room. Liu Tingyun put on his clothes, and on his left cheek that was torn by the blow, it was already swollen high, and those five fingerprints, But it has turned from red to purple, and her face looks extremely terrible. But she was still kneeling on the carpet, with her hair scattered, not daring to look up at Liu Yi who was sitting in front of her.

Liu Yi has also put on his clothes, just like the sturdy outfit he had when he first entered this room, while stroking the round nailed cuffs on his wrists, he said coldly: "So, Many things in the past few years have been planned by Tao Yuanming? Except for the rescue of Princess Langyan this time, it can be said that Tao Yuanming instructed you to instigate internal fighting between the family and the Beifu army, including provoking the relationship between me and Liu Yu? "

Liu Tingyun murmured: "I really should have committed suicide in the flames when Jiankang City fell that day, and I won't survive such humiliation."

Liu Yi sneered and said, "Humiliated? My wife, you are also a spy queen who has been engaged in intelligence for a lifetime, the eldest sister in Beijing. Are you naive to say this? If your men did these things, you would have killed them long ago. He, still need so many famous halls?!"

Liu Tingyun gritted her teeth, but her tears flowed down. She raised her head and looked at Liu Yi's eyes, full of resentment: "Since I was born, you are the first person to treat me like this, Huan. Although Xuan abandoned me and even wanted to kill me, he still wouldn't treat me like that, Liu Yi, you really are a devil!"

Having said that, she suddenly thought of what had happened just now, and she was afraid and ashamed, so she couldn't help crying bitterly.

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Liu Yi sighed softly: "Actually, you do so many things, in the final analysis, are you still afraid of death? You are not afraid of Liu Yu, but Wang Miaoyin, right?!"

The cry stopped, Liu Tingyun raised his head from his sleeve, and a flash of hatred flashed in his eyes: "Yes, what I hate and fear most is Wang Miaoyin, and the Xie family behind her. I can remember that from the day I received the training, the elders of my Liu family reminded me time and again that I can’t compare to the daughters of the Xie family in any way. If you want the Liu family to continue, you can only be friends with the ladies of the Xie family. ."

"From the very beginning, I was arranged to approach Wang Miaoyin, to be with her classmates, to hang out with her, and to learn with her all the etiquette, culture, female workers, female history proverbs that the noble ladies of the family must learn. I stayed with her. The longer the time, the more ashamed I will be, I hate God, I hate this world, why did she give birth to such a woman, why she has to crush me no matter what, no matter what is better than me, just Even fate is the same, why does she even have a better vision of men than me?!"

At this point, she gritted her teeth and her eyes were red. This stunning woman who is usually so beautiful that people dare not look directly at her, at this time, every muscle on her face is twisting and beating. I am afraid the whole world. I can't find a face more scary and uglier than this, and again, it will make people afraid to look directly.

But Liu Yi looked at her with interest, and smiled slightly: "Tingyun, Tingyun, you finally said your heartfelt voice today. In fact, in this world, you hate Wang Miaoyin the most, and you fear it the most. It is also Wang Miaoyin. Your life is to fight this woman who is pressing you everywhere. You have to prove that you have been inferior to this woman who has always been afraid of. You can also defeat her, just like your Liu family defeated her. The same as the Xie family. In Huan Xuan's hands, you don't know how many suggestions you have given him to destroy the Xie family, right?"

Liu Tingyun gritted his teeth and said: "It's a pity that this dead ghost didn't listen to me, and finally died in the hands of you soldiers who supported the Xie family. Now he is in a different place with his head hanging on the voyage. I don't know that he is under Jiuquan. Will you regret your original benevolence as a woman!"

Liu Yi was silent for a while, and shook his head: "In the end, you took Huanxuan's first-level burial, which is considered to be a love for husband and wife. Tingyun, in fact, your real man is Huanxuan, follow me , Now it's just the kind of collaborator who gets what he needs!"

Liu Tingyun's body trembled slightly, bit her lip tightly, and said nothing.

Liu Yi said coldly: "In the depths of your heart, you look down on us, stinky soldiers. You are not a top-notch. You have been holding a head to Wang Miaoyin. Therefore, in your subconscious, you are actually more I hope you can marry a more noble family than the Xie family and the Wang family. You hope that your husband will be as handsome, talented and tender as Qu Yuan, and you can become the happiest and noblest woman in the world. When Wang Miaoyin chose Liu Yu, you were afraid that you were going crazy. You can’t believe why Wang Miaoyin’s eyes were focused on a stinky hillbilly who didn’t recognize a few big characters. We, Jingkou people, Even being within three feet of you will make you nauseous and nauseous. You think we are the same kind of beasts, right."

Liu Tingyun suddenly yelled: "Yes, this is how I look at you, that's how I disgust you, how about it, no matter how powerful you are, no matter how good you are at killing people, I just look down on it and just don't accept it. , You can force my body, but you can't give in to my soul!"

Liu Yi suddenly laughed: "What a noble lady from a family, UU reading www.uukanshu.com If your soul is really so noble, you really can't give in, just like a dog before me, Who is it? If you are really not afraid of death, you would have taken a bite just now and died with me. You don't even have the determination and cruelty to resist violence and refuse humiliation. You still call it noble? Hahahahahaha..."

Liu Tingyun fell to the ground and closed her eyes. Every word Liu Yi said pierced her heart, making her wish to commit suicide immediately, but her body was shaking slightly, her whole body was chilling, but her tears were Flowed down uncomfortably.

Liu Yi's laughter gradually stopped. He looked at Liu Tingyun and said calmly: "This time, in order to protect you, Liu Yu and I have turned our faces. Next, I will risk losing everything and fight him all-out. , Congratulations, my good lady, you and the Tao Gong who has been manipulating you and controlling you, your wish has come true. The two giants of the Northern Army finally officially opened the pinch, you said, forced me to the point where I am today. , How can I reward you well, my wife?!"



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