Eight Hills in the Eastern Jin Dynasty

Vol 4 Chapter 2473: Tingyun finally became a slave of heaven

Liu Tingyun burst into tears, gritted her teeth, and drew out the fish intestine dagger, laying it across her pink neck. Her hand was shaking violently, she bit her lip several times, closed her eyes, and seemed to want to force it. A touch, but the trembling hand made all these movements invisible. Finally, she weakly put down the sword in her hand and murmured: "Why, why don't you stop me from killing myself?!"

Tao Yuanming hugged his arms, looked at Liu Tingyun with interest, smiled and said: "I used to be the same as you. I wanted to commit suicide and avoid this nightmare, but I just can’t get it. Now you. Just like me when I was ten years old, I was afraid that the brain worm would eat my brain, and I couldn’t bear to die. Alas, do you think that the ancestors of this heavenly Tao, like these worms that have become essence, have wisdom from ancient times to the present, You can see your heart at a glance. If it's not for the fear of death and wanting to live in our hearts, how can we swallow these brain pill?"

Liu Tingyun gritted her teeth, stood up, wiped away her tears, and said in a deep voice: "Okay, don't talk nonsense, I have taken it, and I don't want to die, tell me what I need to do to save my life. I have I don’t expect to be able to get this horrible thing out, do I have to give this heavenly Dao an angel for the whole life to do everything instructed by them to survive?!"

Tao Yuanming said calmly: "If you are just looking for some walking corpses who are obliged to obey, why do you need this thing. This brain gu pill is extremely rare, and what I know now is only three to four of this pill. Here, one is given to you. Others want to eat and have not had this chance. The lord wants us to do our own thing and take our own responsibility. Otherwise, asking for instructions will affect their plans. However, we must not be too outrageous. Big things are broken, just like your clever stupidity last time, it is absolutely forbidden. In order to guarantee your loyalty, only this brain gu pill is the only one."

Liu Tingyun said bitterly: "The last thing, I obviously proceeded according to your instructions, provoked Liu Yu and the family's high school, provoked the fight between Liu Yu and Liu Yi, isn't it your word?"

Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "But I also passed a sentence. Maybe you didn't pay attention at the time. Judging from your current reaction, you are not paying attention now. Do you know what it is?"

Liu Tingyun suddenly realized: "You mean, you must protect yourself so that you can't leak the wind?"

A cold light flashed in Tao Yuanming's eyes: "Yes, the first priority of our organization is to protect ourselves and not leave any flaws. I have fought with Liu Yu, Liu Yi, and Huan Xuan for so many years, but none Leaving any evidence that can be traced, I successfully completed my task. But what about you? Anxious for success, went all over the fire, and collected so many desperadoes from the Heavenly Master, but did not cut off the relationship with them. , It’s okay to provoke Yao Ermao to destroy the door and Xie Tingyun, but how did you deal with it?"

"You actually let them fall into Liu Yu's hands. After Liu Yu caught Yao Ermao, you didn't arrange for the other Yao Ermao's party feathers to escape or get rid of them, leaving Liu Muzhi with a chance and even more. After the testimony, if you didn’t consider your relationship with Liu Yi, you would have taken Liu Muzhi a long time ago and suffered the torture that Yao Ermao and the others have suffered. I can tell you responsibly, what happened before your death. Pain and torture will not be much less than the brain addiction of this Gu worm!"

Liu Tingyun gritted his teeth: "I wanted to deal with them, but I slowed down. Yao Ermao escaped from the city overnight. These were orders from Wang Yu. I didn't expect Wang Yu to be so cruel and kill the door overnight. I didn’t expect him to be so stupid that he would let Luo Bing go and kill Yao Ermao. At that time, in my opinion, Xie Tingyun was just a small conflict. The conflict between the family I arranged and Liu Yu, and A dozen or so, but this little conflict has broken a big deal!"

Tao Yuanming sneered: "That's because you don't understand Liu Yu at all. This is even more terrifying than the mistakes caused by your negligence. You still don't understand the mortal enemy who will kill you after decades of fighting. Xie Tingyun is an ordinary little officer, but he is even Xie Tingfeng’s younger brother. Don’t you know Liu Yu’s feelings for this fellow who was the first to kill himself? Repeated mistakes, if you change My lord came to deal with it personally, you have no chance of surviving!"

Liu Tingyun sighed faintly: "I have spent my entire life on intelligence, a spy, but in front of you, there are many loopholes, Tao Yuanming, you have been peeping in the dark, doing tricks in secret, don't you think you are too scary?"

Tao Yuanming shook his head: "If I am not terrible, then it will be of no use value to my lord. Once there is no use value, I will quietly get rid of it. This is the same for you. The lord gives way. We, rather than letting people like Liu Yi swallow the brain gu pill, is that we are essentially greedy for life and fear of death. When we really want to die, we can’t do it, just like you just now, just like back then. I."

Liu Tingyun gritted his teeth: "Stay next to this cruel, moody stinky Qiu Ba. I will never sleep peacefully. I am afraid that my secret relationship with you will be known to him one day. You know, he can drink while laughing. , The butcher who unloaded the people by eight pieces. You don’t know what he did to me just now. Now he will cooperate with your gods, but with his unwilling character, he will definitely become your enemy in the future. You’d better eliminate Liu Yu and Liu Yi together~www.wuxiaspot.com~ forever!"

Tao Yuanming said coldly: "Angel Ding, this is your current code name, understand?"

Liu Tingyun raised her brows: "Ding? So, I still have..."

Tao Yuanming shook his head: "I am the second angel. Since you have entered the realm of heaven, don't make guesses. You should know, you will know. You shouldn't know. Most of the words, be careful to let the gods in your head. Get up and move around."

Liu Tingyun closed her mouth in shock, and nodded repeatedly.

Tao Yuanming said solemnly: "Only the lord and the master can decide the relationship between Heavenly Dao and the Mafia. You and I can only follow suit. The order given to you now is to further divide the conflict between the Beifu army and the family, and the relationship between the Beifu army and the family. Liu Yu will be guarded against the contradiction for a while, but he can attack other people. The task given to you by the lord is, within three days, make Yin Zhongwen offend He Wuji, and within one month, He Wuji will kill him! Do it! Only at this task will there be an antidote, otherwise, hehe, you will brainstorm soon."


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